Chapter 319 Didn’t I Expect Me to Be His Man Too?!!

“Lukee, I’ll leave it to you after that!”

In the darkness.

Out of the seven.

It is a CP9 organization that originally belonged to the world government.

This time, for the sake of insurance, they naturally thought of letting CP come.

But the CP organization, above which is CP0.

That one belonged only to the Draco.

In general, they simply cannot be mobilized.

Also only CP9.

It is essentially a world government.

And there are some things that are convenient for them to do.

So, this time, they thought of having CP9 monitor.

As long as it is found to be an adulterer, then it will be reported directly.

“By the way, there are words about Pluto that can be traced further, and this time you must catch Nicole Robin, the son of the devil!”

Everyone else can leave it unprocessed.

Even if it is said that even the encirclement and suppression of Aniru and others, they can be put aside for the time being.

But only Nicole Robin.

Today, in this age of rampage, that is absolutely all the more important.

Not to mention Nicole Robin’s current situation.

Definitely raising the priority is also about it.

But let the Navy to catch it, they are not at ease.

So I thought of CP.

“We’ll organize a big fight, and in the middle of the dogfight, you just have to target Nicole Robin.”

“That’s right, as long as she is captured, even if the mission of that great war fails, it doesn’t matter!”


Only Nicole Robin is the only person in the whole world who can read the body of history.

She is especially important.

“If you can’t get it back, you can kill it on the spot!”

In short, Nicole Robin must not be allowed to live in this world.

This biggest hidden danger must be eliminated.

As long as there is no Nicole Robin, then it is impossible for anyone to reach the final island after that.

Then the world government will exist forever.

There is a big secret there that can overthrow the world government.

“I see.”

Lu Qi’s eyes flickered for a moment, and then he didn’t say anything more, and he directly agreed.

Maybe it’s because of my CP relationship here.

In addition, since childhood, I have been nurtured by the world government.

Naturally, they think that they are only loyal to the world government in their minds.

“In addition, remember to monitor the good vine tiger and the green cow, these two guys have just joined in, and it is not so trustworthy.”


Two things, both against them.

However, Luke was also ready to find an opportunity to talk to them about it.

“By the way, and Luffy must catch it!”

“Remember to catch! Don’t kill! ”

That fruit is the fruit of the dream of the world government.

If only I could get it back.

They were part of the plan.

“Isn’t it just a rubber fruit, it is necessary to grasp this thing.”

Kaku was speechless.

What they said before, in fact, Kaku heard it.

After all, it was arranged in the back.

It was also deliberately let them hear it by the five old stars.

This is what makes Kaku feel a little speechless.

Isn’t it just a rubber fruit?

Catch back what to do.

“Shouldn’t it be identity? Are you an idiot? ”

Gabra was speechless.

This is only if normal people can think of it, it must be identity.

“But his grandfather is Karp, do he really want to get him back?”

Kalifa murmured.

If only Luffy had been caught.

This is equivalent to saying that the grandson of this cargo has been captured twice, once Ace and once Luffy.

The old man said he had accepted it.

But whether it is really accepted in the end is unknown.

“Oh, that’s a good fruit.”

The goatee murmured.

Then, let them go.

This time, it’s all ready to end.

After reporting to Im, they will be able to start their plan.

Everything has to be taken down!

In order for the world government to survive, all threats must be eliminated.

“Hey, Luke, where are you going?”

Snuggled up and looked at Luke, who had left the line.

Wouldn’t we go together?

“I’m going to go, I haven’t prepared a boat yet.”

They came over once to listen to orders.

When you’re done, you’ll have to go back to Justice Island.

Seeing Lu Qi like this, although they had doubts in their hearts, they didn’t think much about it.

It is true that the ship has not yet arrived.

It wasn’t until the ship arrived that Luke was able to get to this side.

Several people left the Holy Land by boat together.

Then, on the side of Fuji Hu, he originally told Nicole Robin and the others about it.

After getting the news from Lu Qi, I was also a little surprised in my heart.

Unexpectedly, there was actually fake news.

“It seems that the old fox of the world government really didn’t believe me!”

A bitter smile flashed on Fujihu’s face.

Then I didn’t say anything more.

After all, this information just needs to be told to that side.

They are naturally able to handle.

The other end.

Nicole Robin and the others received two pieces of information.

One copy is from Fuji Tiger.

The other copy was Robluch’s.

“Haha, it is really worthy of the world government, at this time it actually did this kind of thing, even their own people do not believe it!”

The virtues of the world government, of course, are very clear to them.

Especially Wald.

Once it was pit by the world government.

This time, they actually thought of using a divisive meter.

“Speaking of which, it may be necessary to protect Robin later, otherwise they may not just let the CP9 people come over!”

CP9 was fine.

After all, it’s your own people inside.

But if you use the hidden power of the world government or the strong in CP0.

This is certainly not impossible.

“Speaking of which, Robin is the only one in the world who can read the text of history?”

Aniru asked curiously.

Although he had been in Qinghai for a while, he had never thought of inquiring about Shi Gong at first.

Although this kind of thing has been seen on an empty island, the history text has been seen before.

And also followed the white night and Robin to interpret.

But he only thought that he couldn’t understand the words, and the people in Qinghai might have a lot to understand.

But now, he found that the original text, the whole world can only be read by Nicole Robin.

No wonder he had to be given the title of Son of the Devil.

“I don’t know, maybe.”

Robin’s eyes flickered, maybe… Small table.

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