Chapter 321 Inner torment, is justice really the justice that I uphold?!!

“It’s a pity that Lord White Night is not here, if Lord White Night is here, you can give her a contract first!”

Although it is said that the peach rabbit may not have really surrendered.

But as long as the white night is here.

Then it doesn’t matter if the peach rabbit is sincere or not.

As long as this contract is printed.

In the end, they all have to become sincere.

After all, no one can break away from this contract.

Although the white night will give freedom, it will not interfere with what they do.

However, he would never allow anyone to commit a betrayal.

“Then do you want to release her first?”

Yesterday Peach Rabbit said that he was going to defect, saying that he had seen through the darkness of the navy and decided to defect to them.

But yesterday when I heard the news, it depended.

They didn’t immediately decide to accept Peach Rabbit at first.

Who knows if Peach Rabbit is a fraudulent descendant.

When the Navy came out, the heart and eyes were very bad.

“How strong is she?”

Whether it can pose a threat.

If not, there is not much of a threat.

Yes can be released.

Let’s test it first.

After all, on the boat, or on the island, just around, it is impossible for her to run.

This is 10,000 meters above the sky.

Jumping from here, even if she didn’t die, she definitely couldn’t run away.

After all, the Golden Lion and Aniruko were both watching here.

If only the peach rabbit had run.

Then they should not mix in this sea.

“If the strength is good, I feel OK, not very strong, not very weak, can only say that it is decent.”

Originally, it was Nami who fought Peach Rabbit.

Naturally, she has the most say.

In terms of strength, it may be that there is a general-level combat effectiveness.

But it always feels a little bit less interesting.

Moreover, here, the lowest combat effectiveness is at the level of a general.

Of course, the younger brother level is not counted among them.

Not to mention that before White Night had upgraded a collaborator contract.

Their combat effectiveness has once again soared.

The probability is much stronger than before.

“Then let it out, if you really surrender, then you can also fight together after that, if you are an inner ghost, we can guard first, and then Lord White Night comes, we let Lord White Night decide!”

Thought about it.

She decided to let the peach rabbit out.

First of all, the peach rabbit’s combat power does not threaten them.

Secondly, they can also take the opportunity to see if Peach Rabbit really chooses to defect.

Homeopathic observation and observation again.

At that time, if she really chooses to defect, then this is naturally the best, and everyone is happy.

But if not.

They just need to keep the peach rabbit out of the secrets.

Plus just wait for the white night to come.

The so-called threat is not great.

Go to the room where Peach Rabbit is being held.

“Okay, we’re letting you out.”

“Do you believe me?”

Peach Rabbit looked at several of them in surprise.

I thought they were going to hesitate for a while.

I was in the Navy after all.

And they are completely under a road number, plus still being caught, is not sincere.

As a result, my own psychological drama is also a bit much, and I actually came over a day to prepare to let myself out.

“We believe you are sincere, so I let you go!”

Nicole Robin smiled and squinted at the peach rabbit.

Although it was laughing.

But Peach Rabbit always had an ominous premonition in his heart.

This woman, to a certain extent, also has some bad intentions.

What to say is to believe in yourself.

I’m afraid it’s not that simple, right?

“That’s it?”

“What else do you want?”

Zefa smiled.

Seeing Zefa like this, Peach Rabbit began to doubt it in his heart.

Is it because I thought it was wrong?

Impression theory.

Your own teacher would never lie.

At the beginning, after training with Zefa, she naturally understood what kind of person Zefa was.

Now, even Zefa has already said it.

Do they really believe in themselves?

“Rest assured, you have seen so many things, and along the way you have also known the darkness of the Draco, and this time of course you have to believe you!”

Nami patted her shoulder.

Face the attitude of the crowd.

Peach Rabbit was even less firm in his previous thoughts at this moment.

Maybe I really thought it was wrong.

The other side really believes that they have chosen to surrender.

“Well, let’s go and rest first, it’s very late, and I’ll talk about it tomorrow.”

With that, the crowd left.

Arranged a room for Peach Rabbit.

Let her go to rest.

In the room.

Peach Rabbit held the phone in his hand and the worm also fell into hesitation.

Do you want to inform them?

It’s a secret phone bug.

I can contact the crane.

If you want to contact yourself…


The evil you have seen before.

It is true that they are not lying.

It was made by the Draco.

Is it still necessary to guard this kind of justice?

The Navy is called justice.

I’m afraid it’s not justice, but guarding the divine power of the Draco’s people without being provoked by anyone.


Just as Peach Rabbit was thinking, there was a knock on the door, and she quickly put away the phone worm and asked, “Who?” ”

“It’s my sister Peach Rabbit.”

It’s Ain!

Peach Rabbit did not think that she had actually come.

“Come in.”

After sorting out her mind, she let Ain in.

After coming in, Ain looked at her and then said, “Sister Peach Rabbit is thinking about things?” ”

“It’s just a little bit of emotion, Ain, do you have anything to do with me?”

Peach Rabbit also has some feelings in his heart.

However, at this time, if you think about it, she is actually very clear.

Just think for yourself.

If you really want to look at it like this.

I still need to observe it on my side.

Moreover, recently, his own justice seems to have shaken a lot.

She also had to calm herself down.

Before you think about what you’re going to do.

She felt that she didn’t have to make any decisions.

“I was looking for Sister Peach Rabbit to chat!”

Ain hadn’t come to Peach Rabbit to avoid suspicion.

Nowadays, the peach rabbit has been released, and naturally it has come to look for it.

Seeing her like this, Peach Rabbit also smiled a little in his heart.

For the time being, I put that idea aside.

The other end.

Whitebeard Pirate Regiment, Whitebeard looked at the starry sky, and his thoughts also had some drifting.

Whitebeard: “My world has begun to run wild, it seems that something must be done, otherwise, it will still be very passive later]


I thought I could control everything.

It’s a pity that the black hand behind the scenes has appeared!

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