Chapter 322 Sister What a Thing Is Too Annoying!!

Times have flown by.

Now this situation, Whitebeard can see it clearly.

The world government is good.

Or pirates and revolutionary armies.

And the recent appearance of Aniru and others.

It can be said that it has now fallen into the torrent of the times.

In itself, the world should begin to gradually go wild after its own death.

Qiu Zixi: “Speaking of you going to find Luffy, you can unite for the time being, after all, it is the Nika fruit!” 】

This fruit although for the time being.

It doesn’t seem to be very strong either.

But then, after awakening, he directly beat up the existence of Teacher Kaido himself, he was an esper species.

In the world of One Piece.

The Demon Fruit of the Esper Species was even rarer than the Natural Being.

Moreover, esper species are not only rare, but also powerful, and all the esper species that appear at present.

Basically, as long as it is a user, it is a top one deposit.

Whitebeard: “I have this idea, but for the time being, it seems that there is still a little problem here.” 】

Although I said that I had this idea.

But at the moment, it is impossible for me to leave.

Not to mention Luffy, who has not experienced special training.

If only my side had gone to look for him.

In fact, it is possible that it will not reach the height of the original book.

It’s awkward at this point in time.

Wait a minute!

Reilly can train.

Can’t you train him for a wave?

Whitebeard suddenly thought of something.

Although it is said that because of the change in the original plot, Luffy did not get the guidance of Reilly.

Now we have entered a new world.

Most likely, this side is going to be folded here.

After all, there is a world of difference between the New World and the first half of the Great Passage.

Therefore, Whitebeard is also well aware of this situation.

But think about it.

His life is clear.

You can do it yourself.

In essence, Reilly can train, and he can even be stronger than Reilly.

Besides, when I first trained with Reilly, I didn’t know anything.

Domineering though learned.

But the armed color is learned from Kaido, and the sight and smell color is learned from Ka Er.

This is Luffy’s real teacher.

Whitebeard: “I have decided that I can let Marco and them go to the New World to find a way to fly over.] 】


I’ll look for it later.

Qiu Zixi: [Changed your mind so quickly?] What a fickle man! 】

Speaking of which, this side really didn’t expect that Whitebeard could change his mind so quickly.

He is really worthy of being a fickle man.

Whitebeard: “No, how did this come to me again, I just thought that I could bring Luffy the Straw Hat and his pirate regiment to come and train me, and besides, this Nika fruit must have been noticed by the world government as well.”

At this time, Luffy had no way to block the other party.

If he had been caught, he would not have allowed the world government to succeed.

Most importantly, if the black hand behind the scenes knows this, wouldn’t it be better for me to shoot it in advance? 】

After many considerations.

Whitebeard finally decides to take Luffy in his hands.

Once out of control.

Next, the situation that is not optimistic about itself is estimated to be even worse in the end.

Yakumo Zi: “It seems that what you said is also true, and indeed you need to hold him firmly in your hands at this time!” 】

Think of it that way.

Suddenly, it also felt that Whitebeard’s decision did not seem to have any problems.

After all, Luffy is important.

People here are also clear.

Whitebeard: “But before you act, you need to let Luffy be defeated once, otherwise he should not come.] 】

Let the other party suffer a setback first.

Let him know that the new world is definitely not so simple.

After that, I will honestly cooperate with my own training.

Ash Plains: “Cunning Whitebeard! 】

Butterfly Shinobi: [Hey hey, I’m going to get points too!” 】

Qiu Zixi: [Xiao Ren is also going to shoot?” Are you ready to kill ghosts? 】

At this time, the strength of the butterfly ninja should not be very strong.

If you go straight out, I’m afraid you’ll be more murderous.

Not ready and so on?

Soon the chat skirt will be joined by a new person.

Just keep going and so on.

It’s time to wait until the new people join.

With points, buy some scratch music.

As long as you can smoke something to make yourself stronger.

After that, of course, Butterfly Shinobi can snowball.

Butterfly Shino: “No, I’m out to recruit people, because the Ghost Squad needs to expand the recruitment recently, and I thought that some people can be recruited!” 】

If you look at it in the current situation.

At this time, I went out and recruited the people who were supposed to be recruited.

In addition, find the protagonist Tanjiro in the original book.

Then bring back all of Tanjiro’s family.

At that time, if the tragedy is changed, then the fate of Tanjiro’s family will be changed, and he will be able to get points.

Qiu Zixi: “By the way, when is your timeline over there?” Has Tanjiro’s family been wiped out? 】

Butterfly Shinobi: [Not yet, but it’s probably going to be fast, so I’m going to hurry up and go first!” 】

Although not yet.

But the butterfly ninja side probably estimated the time.

Probably also to see it, it should be fast.

You have to hurry up.

Qiu Zixi: “Then you have to hurry up, this is a lot of points!” 】

If only he could save Tanjiro’s family.

This points are definitely a lot.

After all, it is the plot of the original book.

Tanjiro’s fate is changed, and then You Douzi does not need to turn into a ghost.

Butterfly Shinobi: “Of course, I also want to pass, but my sister has to go with me, saying that if I pass alone, it would be too dangerous!” 】

She would have liked to sneak out alone.

However, Butterfly Kanae was too dangerous outside of her to stop her.

Let her wait for herself to go out together.

This also disrupts the progress of Butterfly Ninja.

If only she hadn’t been urging.

Most likely, his sister will have to wait until Tanjiro’s family is wiped out, then she will go out.

So how can you save the other party to get points when the time comes?

Sister what’s so annoying!

“Oh, I’m all right, let’s go.'”

Butterfly Kanae stepped out of the door to Zero.

After looking at the butterfly ninja, there was something strange in my heart.

It felt like something wasn’t quite right with her!

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