Chapter 323 The old lady punched a sister treasure girl!!

“Mm-hmm, of course you go, sister, you’re too slow!”

The butterfly was still talking in her heart before she endured.

Then, after Butterfly Kanae says she’s ready.

Immediately, his face changed.


It’s best to go out with your sister.

You don’t need to shoot yourself, and you can pick up points in vain.

In the end, he was able to go out with his sister.

That’s not too good.

“Let’s go, really, I don’t know what it’s all about, what I’ve been urging to do.”

It’s weird.

Even Butterfly Kanae was a little confused.

Why did his sister keep urging her to go out.

Isn’t it to recruit members of the Ghost Squad?

Someone else was in charge.

And this is not deliberately going out to solicit.

It depends on the situation, if you encounter a good one, or see a good seedling in some competitions.

That is naturally to be contacted.

Like butterflies.

Directly take people out to look for it.

This is the first time I have seen it.

“Sister, of course you have to go out quickly, or you think!”

Of course she had her own little ideas.

Butterfly Shinobi knows the plot.

She knew very well that it would not be long before Tanjiro’s family was to be wiped out.

That’s a good point to get points.

Of course, you can’t miss it.

Qiu Zixi: [Speaking of which, how can the timeline of your world pass so fast?” 】


When Butterfly Kanae was killed, it was some time before the plot.

But this side actually went straight ahead in the end.

It’s not too early, it’s the timeline over there, starting to change wildly.

Yakumo Zi: [Inexplicable things, cough, I guess, probably because when it is not the plot, our jet lag is not the same, after entering the plot, it seems that their respective timelines have returned to normal. 】

That seems to be true.

Before, I couldn’t say exactly what was going on.

The timeline is a mess anyway.

However, after entering the plot, the timeline seems to be back to normal.

It was not clear to her herself what had become such a thing.

Butterfly Shinobi: “No matter, I’m going out with my sister to find Tanjiro’s family, but there is no need to tangle this timeline, anyway, it’s normal now!” 】

There is really no need to dwell on it.

Although the butterfly can’t help herself.

But as long as it’s normal now.

Liang Bing: [Oh, sister and daughter! 】

Open mouth and shut up sister.


The old lady hates her sister the most!

Ash Yuan: “Sister what’s very good!” 】

Another one!

She punched a sister treasure girl really dressed.

One by one, isn’t it great to have a sister?

Liang Bing was eager to slaughter Keisha that Bichi now.

But think about it, she still counted.

The main thing is that the current power gap between the two is too huge.

Liang Bing also knew very well in his heart that if he found Keisha at this time.

That is a high probability of being killed by a second.

Therefore, for her own good, she decided to bear the burden of humiliation for the time being.

Qiu Zixi: “Haha, Liang Bing, do you want to admit a mistake with Kesha, and then go back to count, anyway, according to Kesha’s character, although it will definitely punish you, but at least it will not let you die!” 】

Look at the cool ice like this.

Qiu Zixi couldn’t help but quip about it too.

Keisha is stodgy and rules as such.

But just cool ice to admit a mistake.

Maybe it will actually be forgiven.

Punishments, of course, will be.

But it’s better than the current situation, right?

Besides, Kesha’s character at this time is definitely better than the original.

After all, the original work was scourged, but this time it was saved by the black hand behind the scenes, and the contract was signed.

If the situation allows, or even if it means that Keisha has to kill Liang Bing on her side.

In the end, it is certainly not going to do anything to Liang Bing, there is no doubt about it.

Esther: [This guy won’t admit mistakes, let her admit mistakes, do you think it’s possible?] 】

Just kidding!

Will Cool Ice confess to Kesha?

Even if the sky fell, she wouldn’t think that Liang Bing would confess to Kesha.

Who believes in this kind of thing is stupid!

Uchiha Ban: “This product will certainly not admit mistakes, and it is not her who admits mistakes!” 】

Whitebeard: “Gollum, I think this proposal is very good, if you admit it, then you can also be a sister and daughter!” 】

Elusa: [Admit that you miscalculated, anyway, there is no loss, verbally admit that you lost, then think about it, I feel that the advantages and disadvantages can be clear, this benefit is a lot! 】

Surely there are more benefits than disadvantages.

Of course, the main thing about all this is to see whether Liang Bing will be willing to admit his mistake in the end.

If only she were not mistaken.

In fact, they don’t seem to feel that there is much way to do it.

The key is still to see herself.

Liang Bing: [Oh, and Kesha’s Bichi confessed mistakes?” What a mistake I had! Keisha is wrong! 】


What is called confessing to Kesha, she can be a sister and a precious girl.

Is it rare that I can’t do this?

Let her confess her mistake to Kesha, it is better to kill herself with a sword!

Anyway, today she Liang Bing just put the words here.

Even if you die, jump from here, die outside, and she will definitely not go to Keisha that Bichi to admit her mistake! 】

Gilgamesh: [Then you can’t win the fight, admit your mistakes or admit them, aren’t you at an impasse?” 】

Strength is not Kesha’s opponent.

But that’s not wrong.

It seems that this seems to be a little bit of preparation to carry it to the end.

But in Gilgamesh’s view.

This kind of senseless insistence seems completely unnecessary.

Tony: [Thanos snapped his fingers, and all the people in the universe died, and only the mouth of the cold ice was left to say this is it?] 】

Hard mouth still depends on the cool ice.

After all, this kind of thing has to be done by Tony.

He had already confessed his mistake.

Went with his sister to mix.

Anyway, if you can’t win the fight, it’s better to mess up.

A hard mouth is completely unnecessary.

This only embarrasses you more.

The current situation cannot be won in the first place, and it may not be possible to win a war in the future.

Rena, who could have been used, could not win the battle.

At this time, what is the use of the so-called persistence?

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