Chapter 324 Tanjiro Breathes on the Day of the Horse Meeting?!!

Liang Bing: “In short, if I want to confess my mistake with Kesha’s Bichi, it is absolutely impossible!” 】

The cool ice here is also decided.

It is absolutely impossible for me to admit my mistake.

And she didn’t think she would end up losing to Kesha’s Bichi.

Since in the original book, he can win Keisha once.

Then this time, Liang Bing felt that he could definitely continue to win once.

Just so confident!

Look at the chat history inside the chat skirt.

The butterfly couldn’t help but laugh a little.

I didn’t expect that in the end, Liang Bing would actually say this.

But think about it, it seems that this is also in line with the character of Yi Yubing.

“What are you laughing at?!”

Butterfly Kanae looked at Butterfly Shinobi with a strange look, starting from before.

It felt like my sister was a little strange.

Nor can it be said to have started before.

It seems to be from a long time ago.

My sister has a kind of smirk.

It’s not every time, but every once in a while.

This also makes Butterfly Kanae a little strange.

As a doctor in the Ghost Squad.

It seemed necessary to check his sister’s brain.

Otherwise, this ghost would know if his sister’s brain was broken!

“Didn’t laugh at anything…”

The butterfly shook her head repeatedly, but she had forgotten that there were still people on the side.

Looking at his sister’s suspicious eyes, the butterfly endured the bottom of her heart: a little helpless.

It was as if in his sister’s eyes, it was as if he had some serious illness.

However, this misunderstanding, she believes that it will not be long before her sister will definitely change her feelings about herself.

“Let’s go, we’re ready.”


Because of the relationship that was previously suspected by his sister.

So at this time, Butterfly Ninja didn’t dare to say anything more.

She honestly followed her sister.

After it came out.

Butterfly Kanae looked at her and asked, “Where are we going?” ”


The butterfly endured an exclamation.

I didn’t expect my sister to ask me questions.

Looking up at the butterfly Kanae, she saw some helplessness in her eyes, “Ah what, you didn’t say it to solicit people, where are you going, don’t you even have a direction, we are looking for people in the whole world?” Find a needle in a haystack? ”

She didn’t expect that her sister was so unreliable.

Say what to come out and find someone to replenish the ghost squad.

But what I didn’t expect was that.

She’s also too unreliable.

I didn’t even think about where to go and came out.

Can’t you take her for a wandering?

“Just thought about things to go, sister, you follow me, I’ll take you!”

She had already investigated clearly.

Moreover, the current plot is about to begin.

Once you pass by late.

The Tanjiro family is likely to return to the west.

To avoid this situation.

Butterfly couldn’t help but feel that he still needed to hurry up.

The two of them rushed to the side of Tanjiro’s village with great speed.

As the distance gets closer.

Butterfly endured some nervousness in his heart.

But don’t have an accident, it happens in the plot.

If that’s the case, then the points on your side are really gone.

She didn’t want to watch her points slip out of her hands.

Butterfly Shinobi: “It’s coming, nervous, I hope there is no misery at this time!” 】

She’s over there.

Now, Butterfly Ninja has only one thought.

That is, no misery must not arrive, or that it has arrived, but it has not yet begun to shoot.

Otherwise, his side would not have come in vain.

Thinking of this, her heart is also a bump.

Qiu Zixi: [Open the live broadcast! 】

What are you thinking about not live at this time!

Just look at the cute You Beans.

Butterfly Shinobi: [Do you still want to see this live?” 】


I thought this was boring enough, and no one should like to see this.

But now it seems as if I was thinking wrong.

This group of people seems to be even more boring than they imagined.

Yakumo Purple: [Anyway, there is nothing to do, just watch the live broadcast!” 】

Tony: [Look, I’m exercising, I’m exercising as I watch, if nothing happens to turn off the live broadcast!] 】

Whitebeard: [Also having a banquet!] 】

Uchiha Ban: “Oh, you guys are really dashing!” 】

Blue Dye: [A little flavoring agent in boring life.] 】

If you think about it at this time, there is nothing to do anyway, so you might as well watch the live broadcast.

Qiu Zixi: “Yo, the blue dye captain has come out, and I haven’t seen you in the last few days: I have seen you!” 】

The blue dye actually came out, which is really strange.

Speaking of which, I haven’t seen blue dye for a while.

Blue Dye: [I am not the only one who is missing, everyone will have a little thing! 】

Speaking of which, he is not the only missing person.

It’s not that there are still many people who haven’t appeared.

Some people naturally like water, but some people like to peep at the screen and don’t like to come out to chat.

Come out once in a while.

Recently, I have mainly looked for undercover.

Not undercover either.

He was actually because of the last time the black hand behind the curtain came.

Find some people to work with.

He wanted to find out.

It’s also some of the fun of boring life.

Qiu Zixi: [It seems that this is also true, I haven’t seen the killing pill for a while!” 】

Killing pills: […]

Uncle Nine: [Haha, people are peeping at the screen! 】

The Killing Pill has recently been looking for his own origins.

Nature rarely comes out.

There was a result in his heart that he did not dare to think.

You have to find your mother.

He had to ask what was going on with him!

Yakumo Zi: [The missing people are all peeping at the screen, Xiao Nin’s still not open the live broadcast? 】

Butterfly Shinobi: [Okay, live broadcast!] 】

Listen to them, Butterfly Ninja also knows.

There is no way to hide.

It’s boring, but since they want to watch it, let’s watch it live.

Open the live stream.

In the picture, it is already night.

It was getting closer and closer to Tanjiro’s house.

There was always an ominous feeling of foreboding in her heart.

Butterfly Shinobi: “It’s coming, but I always have an ominous premonition!” 】

It feels very strange here.

Then, when he came to the vicinity of Tanjiro’s house, looking at the situation of Tanjiro’s house, the butterfly looked at everything in front of him with wide eyes in disbelief and murmured, “I must be dreaming, isn’t this stepping horse the breath of the day?” Beg! ”

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