Chapter 327 Behind the Scenes The Black Hand is as terrifying as it gets!!

“Xiao Nin, you must explain it to me clearly today!”

It seems to be to avoid butterflies from thinking of a reason to fool around.

Butterfly Kanae thought very clearly.

You have to ask clearly.

Why does Butterfly Ninja care so much and know this thing well.

She was suspicious.

After the last time I saw the bluebird mark on my body.

It was as if she had changed into a person.

Even to say, for the white night, she has always wanted to find out some news from her mouth.

Before doing it, Butterfly Ninja would never have been able to do this.

As a sister control.

Shouldn’t she care most about herself?


The butterfly shied off a cold sweat from the door of his head.

She’s so stupid!

I also overlooked a point at this time.

No one is an idiot.

I care so much about one thing.

There must be something in it, otherwise it couldn’t have been unprovoked concern.

Qiu Zixi: [Cough, find a reason! 】

Yakumo Purple: Just say you want to know! 】

Uchiha Ban: “Oh, you guys are all pediatrics, you can’t just beat a rake upside down, this is a woman’s masterpiece!” 】

Akiko-xi: “I’ll go!” Ban Ye knows women so well? Speaking of you’ve ever been in contact with women? 】

Be obedient!

These words actually came out of Uchiha’s mouth.

They almost thought they had heard wrong.

Uchiha Ban can say such things.

But one thing is curious.

Why can Uchiha say this?

He probably hasn’t been in contact with a woman in his life.

In his mind, only his good friend Senju Pillar was.

Uchiha Ban: “Who said I hadn’t touched a woman!” 】


Isn’t this just discrimination?

I have also been in contact with my own good villains.

Although he has always felt that women are annoying!

Tony: [Who?] Is it a woman called the Thousand Hands Pillar? 】

Uchiha Ban: “I’m special! My mother is not a woman? Vortex Mito is also a woman, and I have also touched it! 】

Qiu Zixi: [Old sister-in-law, are you still worried? 】

Uchiha Spot: 【…】

Dive away!

Destroy it, send a filthy world.

What is the mind of this group of people thinking.

Uchiha just wanted to prove that he had been in contact with women.

It does not mean that contact must have a relationship.

Butterfly Shinobi: [Please, don’t talk about this anymore, I urgently need a reason now, help! 】

Although I know, the people in the chat skirt are joking.

But at this time, the butterfly can’t bear to see it so much.

She just wanted to come up with a way to help solve the dilemma in front of her quickly.

Blue Dye: [It’s better that you just have a showdown.] 】

Butterfly Shinobi: “Isn’t that killing me?” 】

Blue Dye: [Sometimes the truth is better than the lie, not to mention that this is your sister, she is just asking, and it is not an insignificant thing, and your sister does not know that you have a chat dress.” 】

This kind of thing is just a matter of confessing it directly.

After all, his sister didn’t know she had a chat dress.

Isn’t that all right?

Butterfly Shinobi: [It seems to be the same, so how do I explain that I know things over here?” 】

The pressure is getting stronger.

Butterfly Kanae’s eyes were more and more sarcastic, and the corners of her mouth had a little more smile.

It seems that today is just waiting for the butterfly to give her a good explanation, what is going on at present.

Yakumo Zi: [In this way, you say that you have seen Tanjiro before, but you have seen the other party’s training from a distance, and you feel very strong, and you want to invite him in, but you are afraid that he is not here, so you should come and see it earlier.”

As for the miserable things, you simply don’t know.

Isn’t that a clear explanation? 】

Is it hard?

Isn’t it just a casual explanation?

After listening to what they said.

Butterfly ninja Mao Sai suddenly opened.

It is really the authorities who are confused by the bystanders.

Butterfly Shinobi: [Thank you! 】

I repeated the words I had learned from them before.

Then Butterfly looked at Butterfly Kanae cautiously.

“Well, it looks like I’m wrong to suspect it?” ”

Butterfly Kanae nodded thoughtfully.

Maybe she was thinking too much.

However, this imprint, she always felt that her sister cared a lot.

It’s worth pondering what the hell is going on.

Thinking about it, she wasn’t ready to continue talking about this kind of thing at this time.

Turning his head to Tanjiro, he asked, “Do you want to join the Ghost Squad?” Before I saw that you are very powerful, but I don’t know how to fight, the words over there are all ghost killers, if you join, you can train your skills! ”

Instead, she sent an invitation to Tanjiro.

First of all, they are all their own people, and they all have the mark of the white night on their bodies.

In addition, the strength of Tanjiro who looked at Tanjiro before is also very strong.

And fighting with the Ghost King can easily suppress the other party.

She felt that she could invite Tanjiro into the Ghost Squad.

The other side has strength, but lacks skill and combat experience, and in the ghost squad, this is naturally a place that can be compensated.

“My family is all here.”

Tanjiro pondered for a moment, then said slowly.

He wanted to go along.

After all, it is possible to train over there, so naturally he also wants to train strength.

When we see no misery later, we will directly cut it off.

But his family is here.

Tanjiro was also very clear in his heart.

If only this time had passed.

Then there will be no misery in the future.

Something will happen to his family.

“You can bring it along, there will be security over there, and there are like-minded people over there!”

If all three of them left, of course, it would be dangerous.

After all, this place is also remembered by no misery.

Butterfly Kanae naturally also has some considerations.

If that’s the case, it is better to take your family with you.

When the time comes to go over there you can also have a care.

“What about you?”

Tanjiro did not immediately decide, but looked at You Douzi and Hanako and asked.

“I can!”

You Douzi and others have no objections.

“Well, let’s go and have a look!”

Tanjiro nodded, and then agreed to leave with Butterfly Kanae, but Butterfly Shinobi, after listening to her sister’s words, she immediately had a shock in her heart.

Butterfly Shinobi: “I lean on!” Is there anyone in the Ghost Squad who is behind it? This guy is hiding too deeply! 】

The curtain is as terrifying as the Black Hand!

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