Chapter 328 The Killing Pill is not Ling Yue Xianji’s child?!!

“Sister, do you mean there are people like you in our ghost squad?”


Only then did the butterfly react.

I don’t seem to even know this.

Who the hell is that?

“Don’t you know?”

Before watching the butterfly ninja still very concerned about this matter.

But what Butterfly Kanae didn’t expect was that Butterfly Shinobi didn’t even know this?

There is one more in the ghost squad.

She had thought that Butterfly Ninja already knew.

“Of course I don’t know, how do I know this?”

The bluebird mark is in different locations.

On the arms and feet, they are still good-looking, but if there are some hidden words, they will not be able to find it.

If the other party does not show it, how can he possibly know?

“Sister, tell me who it is!”

I don’t know, but I can ask.

My sister knew.

“No, since she didn’t tell you, go back and find out for yourself.”

Butterfly Kanae smiled and squinted at Butterfly Shinobi, then continued, “You seem to be quite concerned, how?” Do you want me to keep asking? ”

This sentence directly disrupted Butterfly’s thoughts.

There was nothing she could explain herself.

Naturally, he had to smile sadly and stop asking about it.

But she couldn’t help but swear secretly.

Be sure to look for it after you go back.

Who is it, and there are people behind the scenes in the ghost squad.

Akiko-xi: “I didn’t expect that there was still one over there, but I was already surprised after seeing Tanjiro.” 】

Whitebeard: [Gollum la la, if people choose people, it seems that they will choose a lot, for example, if you look at other worlds, you will know!” 】

Ash Plains: “I’ve been used to it for a long time! 】

For Taya Street, in fact, they are already used to it.

Every time.

The black hand behind it only needs to go to other worlds.

It is absolutely impossible to choose one or two.

There were a lot of people coming.

Therefore, at this point, there seems to be no problem.

Butterfly Shinobi: [But fortunately, one thing is good, that is, Wu Misery does not seem to be the person behind the scenes, otherwise I don’t seem to have a chance to get points in this world!” 】

I thought about it at first.

I feel that my fate after that may really be doomed.

But later, she suddenly found that it seemed that she didn’t have too much of a problem anyway, as long as she wasn’t miserable about the other person.

Then send it away.

Although it is said that for the time being, at present, his sister and Tanjiro’s family have three, plus the ghost killing team.

But these people are all with themselves for the time being.

Therefore, from a standpoint, it is obvious that he is invincible.

Even better than Uncle Nine.

Qiu Zixi: “Rest assured, although it is a ghost killing team, I feel as if the problem is really not big!” 】

Butterfly Ninja: “Damn, I just don’t know if it’s a man or a woman, if the woman is okay, the ghost squad itself can still see, but if it’s a man, I can’t go to see it!” 】

She wished it was a woman.

After all, the woman’s own convenience is convenient to see.

But if not women.

Isn’t your plan shattered?

Estes: It doesn’t matter, it’s all your own people anyway, just mix with your sister!” 】

Liang Bing: [Oh, we want to create our own piece of the sky, and follow my sister to figure out what! 】

Ash Yuan: “Alas, Liang Bing is really too painful, his sister is actually his enemy, and after signing a contract with the black hand behind the scenes, the strength is much stronger, and the sister and daughter can’t do it!” 】

Speaking of which, Liang Bing’s current situation is really miserable.

Even the sister and daughter can’t do it.

Liang Bing: [Oh, the old lady doesn’t need it! 】

Qiu Zixi: [Cough, what, this is not necessary to entangle, there is a need to rely on it, go to find a dependence, if not, you will strengthen yourself, and say that you will kill the temple?” Didn’t you say you had something to talk about before? 】

For the killing pill thing.

She has always maintained a melon-eating attitude.

Because the original book is too fast.

It was as if Killing Pill’s mother was hiding something from him.

Hiding without the slightest thought of meeting the other side.

This also made Qiu Zixi a little curious.

What is the reason why the mother of the killing pill chooses to avoid the killing pill and not meet?

Ash Plains Lament: [@ Kill Pills! 】

Alyssa: [What is there to talk about here, there must be something to do, can’t you find Ling Yue Xianji?” 】

Qiu Zixi: [Hey hey, just gossip! 】

They also knew, of course, that there was nothing to talk about.

But isn’t gossip allowed?

If you think about it, there is nothing to say in this, and no one will believe it.

Uchiha Ban: “This is also too gossipy, it seems that there is nothing on the side of the killing pill, after all, it is just his own mother hiding from not meeting, is it not true…]

Whitebeard: [An ominous premonition appeared!] 】

Saitama: [Definitely not a good word!] 】

Gilgamesh: [This guy definitely thought of something else bad!] 】

Uchiha Ban: “Could it be that the Killing Pill is actually not the son of Ling Yue Senji, but was brought back by the family?” 】

Uncle Nine: [The brain hole is really too big, I would like to call you the strongest!” 】

FOYEGO: [Pain! It hurts! I didn’t expect that I was not my own child! 】

Moon Worship Sect Leader: “I don’t think it’s possible, Bi Jing’s blood relationship is something he should be able to feel!” 】

Meowth: That’s right! 】

Gray Wolf: [Wait for me to mail you a new technology detection test!] 】

Dark Battle Tyrannosaurus Beast: […]

Tony: [Things are getting outrageous!] 】

Big Snake: I almost believe what you said! 】

Seeing that the wind direction of the chat dress is changing more and more problematic.

The killing pill knew very well in his heart that if he did not appear, the probability would be pulled farther.

There is no way to continue diving.

Killing Pill: [I think it should not be, otherwise, how can I explain my canine demonization?] 】

And the feeling of blood connection in his body, as a youkai, he felt very clearly.

Saying that he was not the son of Ling Yue Xianji, he was the first to disagree.

When he was a child, he had always followed Ling Yue Xianji, didn’t he know if he was not?

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