Chapter 329: The Killing Pill is the son of the black man behind the scenes?!!

Killing Pills: “I lived with my mother when I was a child, and I also have that feeling of blood connection, so don’t guess like that!] 】

The reason he was able to be so sure.

The main reason is because of when I was a child and when I grew up.

These two feelings, in fact, if you think about it, you can know.

If only Ling Yue Xian Ji wasn’t her own mother.

A long time ago, I actually said that I could see it.

Why wait until now?

So basically none of this is true.

Akiko-xi: [And this special ability?” 】

Unexpectedly, even the blood vein induction came out.

It was the first time she had heard of this ability.

Uncle Nine: [It seems that there can indeed be between youkai, just like animals, in fact, they can distinguish the breath of their parents. 】

And that’s true.

Uncle Nine as a man of the monastic world.

Still have a lot of say.

The monsters of this world are either zombies or zombies.

In fact, for their own bloodline, there will be a kind of induction.

Uncle Nine: [It’s like a zombie, Old Lady Ren just came out to find Old Master Ren, in fact, it is caused by the induction between the bloodlines.] 】

This directly followed the blood to find their loved ones.

Wait a minute!

Uncle Nine suddenly reacted.

He seemed to have overlooked a point.

Since you can find each other in this way.

So why didn’t the killing pill use this method?

Uncle Nine: [By the way, zombies can find their relatives by blood induction, can you find their mother by blood induction? 】

Qiu Zixi: “I go, Uncle Nine, can this also come up for you?” 】

Yakumo Purple: [Bloodline induction is a very mysterious ability, and although it is possible to rely on the power of bloodline induction to find someone, this ability is not something that anyone can have. 】

In the world of monsters.

This ability naturally also exists.

But Yakumo Zi is also right.

Such a mysterious ability.

Not everyone can use it.

Killing Pill: [I vaguely feel a little, but I always feel as if she is hiding from me.] 】

Obviously, every time I felt as if I was about to find it.

But it seems to have suddenly changed places.

Seems to be hiding from yourself.

What the hell was she thinking?

The killing pill was also very strange in his heart.

I have no idea what is going on here.

Ash Yuan: “Then this is completely unreasonable, why does the mother hide from her son, if there is nothing in it, this is not clear explanation!” 】

Just hide.

If there is nothing in it, who will believe it?

What is the reason, most likely will be curious.

Uchiha Ban: “I still stick to the previous theory!” 】

Whitebeard: “I went, brother please be said, don’t people say that they can demonize dogs, doesn’t this prove this?” 】

Uchiha Ban: “Isn’t it true that the Inuyasha clan is only one Inuyasha of Ling Yue Xianji?” Maybe the dog general cheated on him! 】

Qiu Zixi: [Inuyasha cheated on the general, and then the child born was thrown to Ling Yue Xian Ji to raise, obedient, this kind of dog blood plot I feel can be made into a TV series of one hundred and twenty episodes! 】

Killing Pill: [It is also possible, I can feel that Ling Yue Xianji is my mother!] 】

Just kidding!

Can’t her own mother tell the difference?

There is even one thing that can be determined.

That is, the dog general can never be his father.

Ash Yuan: “Putting aside all the impossible, then even if you don’t want to believe it, there is only one possibility, and there is only one truth, that is, you must be born of Ling Yue Xian Ji and other men!” 】

Akiko-xi: 【…】

What about stealing Conan’s lines here?

That’s ridiculous, isn’t it?

You mean Ling Yue Xian Ji splitting legs other men.

And then gave birth to the Killing Pill?

Isn’t that funny.

This kind of plot is even more bloody than before!

Uchiha Ban: “I agree with this, but he can demonize the dog, that is, it must be a youkai, not a half-demon, I remember that the half-demon can’t be demonized, is it because he cheated on the other youkai of the Inuyasha?” 】

Blue Dye: [You overlooked a point. 】

Akiko-xi: [Captain Blue Dye please say! 】

What everyone else says is nonsense.

It feels like every time the blue dye comes out, it can say a big point.

Blue Dye: Have you ever thought about what Killing Pill said before? 】

Killing Pills: [What?] 】

What did he say?

He was a little confused.

In his mind, he carefully recalled what he had said before.

Although not a lot of things to say in the chat skirt.

But before that, I forgot a lot.

Whitebeard: “Don’t sell Guanzi, just say it!” 】

Be obedient.

Isn’t that a guy mentality?

Blue Dye: [Before, he said that Ling Yue Xianji was caught by the black hand behind the scenes for a period of time, then after that period of time, the Killing Pill appeared, plus it was later lost to Ling Yue Xianji’s father, and the grandfather of the Killing Pill had always been silent about his father.

I’m sure you asked your grandfather about it, and he didn’t tell you.

I haven’t even said before that Inuyasha is your father.

If Admiral Inuyasha were your father, he certainly wouldn’t hide it.

Then after you are born, the father disappears, and the combined black hand will leave every time after the selection of the person.

Is there a thing that can be thought of.

In this matter, the killing pill is estimated that you have also thought about it yourself, but there is only one thing you are not sure of.

That is, you can be yokai and be in canine form.

That is to say, you think that only the black hand behind the scenes is also a canine demon.

But I have also seen it on Saitama side before, and it seems that the black hands behind the scenes are not yokai, that is, unless they are an organization, there are many people, yokai, etc. that form a similar existence to the Space-Time Administration. 】

That’s right!

After seeing the news of the big article of Blue Dye.

Everyone was shocked!

Is the killer pill the child behind the scenes?

No way!

However, this is really possible in the sea.

After all, Ling Yue Xianji had been caught by the black hand behind the scenes before.

It is possible that something happens to these two people.

Then, at this moment, it is also clear that there must be a connection between the two.

Killing Pill: “Yes, I have imagined it, and it is indeed because of this reason that you said that I was suspicious!” 】

The reason why it was imagined is because of this identity of the past.

He’s a monster!

It can be demonized, but the black hand behind the scenes before should not be a monster.

So what the hell is going on with you?

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