Chapter 330: Is He the Most Related?!!

He hadn’t been unsuspecting before.

After all, Ling Yue Xianji had been taken away by the black hand behind the scenes for a while.

After he returned, he didn’t even know about his grandfather.

However, one thing is known.

Since then, I have never seen anyone behind the scenes.

But from childhood to adulthood, I still grew up like this.

Or even say, except for the plot of his own mother being taken away before.

Nothing seems to have changed much.

Of course, in addition to the mother, there are also dog generals.

Originally, he was supposed to seal the Dragon Bone Spirit and capture the Death God Ghost Underworld.

In the end, he died under the joint efforts of the two.

After that, the Inuyasha clan also regained the control of their own grandfather.

Then, he was thrown into the Inuyasha clan by Ling Yue Xianji.

At the beginning, after seeing the video uploaded by Akiko Xi, Killing Maru also had a strange feeling in his heart.

That’s so unlike.

Qiu Zixi: “No, the biggest related household on our side is actually the Killing Temple?” 】


I really didn’t expect that.

The traitor is actually a killing pill.

He is the son of the man behind it.

As a result, they were still talking about the black hands behind the scenes in the chat skirt before.


In an instant, Qiu Zixi didn’t know what to say.

It just feels weird.

Uncle Nine: [People didn’t say it, they can’t be sure, after all, this side canine demonization is not it, that is to say, it should be a pure-bred youkai!” 】

According to the world of InuYasha.

Only purebred yokai can demonize.

Obviously, the killing pill can be demonized.

Isn’t that telling, it seems that their guess is wrong?

Uchiha Ban: “Not necessarily, if this ability is not necessary, it is also possible that the inheritance comes from the father, and the power cannot be only the mother’s, and there are cases in our world, and the bloodline theory applies to every world.”

And who can guarantee that the person behind the curtain is a person, not an organization?

Perhaps, the people behind our world before may be different people.

You can’t draw conclusions just because of the last description of Ash Hara and Saitama! 】

Speaking of which.

Although before the two had provided some intelligence.

But this is absolutely impossible to believe in all.

After all, who knows if the other party has other preparations?

Akiko-xi: [That is to say, in fact, the killing pill is really possible?” 】

Blue Dye: [Is it possible, and didn’t you find that the demonization of the killing pill is different from the original?] 】

That’s for sure!

However, no one had yet seen Ling Yue Xianji.

So it’s not 100 percent sure.

Blue Dye: [Of course, there is also a possibility, that is, Ling Yue Xianji and the black hand behind the scenes have cooperated and gained new powers, only these two possibilities! 】

Whitebeard: [It seems to be the same as this, after all, after all, people who cooperate with the black hand behind the scenes will either get great power or new abilities!” 】

Whitebeard is very impressed with this.

I have suffered losses on this before.

Now that I think about it, I feel a little scary in my heart.

Uchiha Bane: “So, go find your mother and say hello first, anyway, your current situation should be at least the same as Butterfly Shinobi!” 】

Butterfly Shinobi: “Cough, my sister is the person behind the scenes, and then your mother is the person behind the scenes, so if you look at it, it doesn’t seem to be too much of a problem, and you don’t have to think about it.”

It’s like one between two possibilities mentioned before Blue Dye.

I asked my sister before.

She had said that the man behind it had only saved her.

I also asked, and there is absolutely no relationship between the two of them between men and women.

So, you don’t have to worry, maybe not! 】

Listen to the butterfly ninja.

The killing pill complained in his heart.

He wasn’t worried about this.

It’s just that he actually wants to know about his own life.

Whose child is he, and what is the relationship between the mother and the black hand behind it.

He wanted to know it all.

Now, he didn’t know anything, and he was naturally a little unhappy in his heart.

If you look at it for the time being, some words must be clarified by yourself.

Qiu Zixi: “I went, I feel how this is a skirt full of adultery, and each of them is actually related to the black hand behind the scenes, which I really did not expect!” 】

The killing pill is either the child of the black hand behind the scenes, or the mother has a relationship with the black hand behind the scenes…


If you look at it like this, there are so many things involved, which is really a bit of a surprise.

Uchiha Ban: “Who knows about this kind of thing, speaking of which, if you are really the child behind the scenes, what are you going to do?” 】

The heart of gossip ignited at once.

Even Blue Dye couldn’t help but want to care about it at this time.

Although there are currently two explanations regarding the origin of the killing pill.

But this side does not seem to be wrong before.

If he is the child behind the scenes, what is the next killing pill to do?

Accept this identity?

It seems that I can only accept it.

Killing Pills: [I know.] 】

The killing pill looked into the distance.

The thoughts in my heart also drifted away with me.

He didn’t really know what he was thinking.

It’s like what Uchiha asked.

If you say that your father is behind it, then what do you do?

He didn’t really know.

Accept or not accept?

Connected in series, it is certain that after Ling Yue Xianji was abducted by the black hand of the curtain.

Something must have happened in it.

He could be sure that he would never be the son of the Inuyasha.

“Young Master Killing Pill, for you!”

Just when the killing pill was full of thoughts.

Ling came here holding the flowers she had just picked, and then handed the flowers in her hand to the killing pill.

Looking at Ling, the Killing Pill’s eyes couldn’t help but soften a little.

“What happened to the young master who killed the pill?”

Ling looked at Ling with wide and curious eyes.

She had recently discovered that the Killing Pill seemed to have been worried all along, and it seemed that something had been bothering her all along.

Didn’t think much about it.

She also hopes that her flowers are able to heal the killing pill.


The killing pill shook his head, hiding his thoughts in his heart.

Although Ling was worried and wanted to ask, seeing him say this, it was not easy to say anything for a while.

However, behind it, the evil view seemed to see something, and quickly shouted, “Young Master Killing Pill, look over there!” ”

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