Chapter 331 My Orange Terrier Goddess has finally arrived!!

After the evil view finished speaking, he ran like a crawler and ran to the back of the killing pill.

The situation behind him really frightened him.

The killing pill looked in the direction that the evil view had said.

There were already dark clouds over there at the moment, and forces that seemed to have something to do with demon qi existed here.


Is that dead air?

Although the difference between Demon Qi and Death Qi is not very big.

But in essence, there are some differences.

This is the case today.

He didn’t think much of it in his heart.

After all, in this world, it seems to be a normal thing.

“Young Master Killing Pill, shall we still go?”

Evil views think that more is better than less.

Anyway, it has nothing to do with them.

It’s better to just go straight.

“This black cloud seems to be coming towards us.”

Compare to evil opinions.

Ling is more careful than watching.

She noticed that this black cloud seemed to be flying towards them.

It’s fast.

It’s as if they’re targets.

The direction of the killing pill’s gaze, looking over there, he stood still and did not move.

Instead, he wanted to see what was going on.

Qiu Zixi: “Speaking of which, it seems that in the world of killing the temple, these are relatively normal, but this demon is really timid when you see it!” 】

Whitebeard: “It’s a little better than Meditation, and it seems understandable to be timid if you’re weak and powerless!” 】

There seems to be nothing to think about.

After all, his strength is relatively weak.

Isn’t it normal to be timid?

To say that you are not timid, this is the most problematic bar.

Uchiha Ban: [Points, although it may not have anything to do with the plot, but if it is related, it will definitely not run when it encounters problems!” 】


Isn’t it appropriate to send points?

When there is a problem, it is obvious that you should not think about running.

Rather, it is necessary to see if you have the ability to solve the problem.

If there is, it would be great.

But if not.

He still chose to run.

After all, Uchiha had run a few times before.

Anyway, I’m used to it.

Mainly because they cheat.

This black hand behind the scenes directly made a mess of the whole world.

It also makes it very difficult for him to do things.

Yakumo Purple: [Speaking of which, maybe there are points?] 】

Running is definitely not a run.

Even if you want to run, look first.

Facing the approaching black clouds.

At this moment, the evil view was already extremely frightened in the bottom of his heart.

But looking at the killing pill, it seems that there is no intention of going at all.

At this moment, he was also very clear in his heart, and it was estimated that the probability would be gone.

If he continued to say that he was running, maybe he would really give himself a punch when he would kill the pill.

Thinking of this, the evil view couldn’t help but silently comfort himself in his heart.

Maybe this time the Killing Pill Young Master could solve it again?

You should believe that the Killing Pill Young Master is!

At this thought, the evil view instantly put down the heart, and it felt as if it really shouldn’t think much about what was not there.

The black cloud enveloped them in a moment.

After he was about to devour the Killing Pill and others into it.

A demon-breaking arrow behind him instantly broke the black fog.

But the next second, the black mist instantly expanded, absorbing it along with the witch behind him.

The killing pill turned his head and looked at it, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

I didn’t think it was her.

Akiko-xi: “My Kirito goddess has finally appeared!! 】

Yakumo Zi: [This plot can really be changed, even Kirito has lived to this era, but speaking of it, living to this point, the age has not changed at all, which is really strange! 】

Liang Bing: [It’s only been a few decades, isn’t that normal?] 】

Ash Yuan: “Don’t forget, although they are witches, they are still human beings in the end, and they have not broken through the restrictions at all. 】

Uncle Nine: “I’m afraid you didn’t forget the witch named Cuizi, didn’t you say that Cuizi was still alive before.] 】

Blue Dye: [The black hand behind the scenes has the ability of time, the last time he came to our world, the other party showed the ability of time, if an organization will live to say a person’s words, does that mean that in fact, the black hand behind the InuYasha world is a person in our world? 】

Both have the ability to time.

Last time, the other party showed the future in front of him.

That time, being able to make the other person have a longer life and maintain youth is also the power of time.

Killing Pills: [Sure! 】

Not sure yet, anyway.

In short, before you find your mother and ask what the hell is going on.

The Killing Pill would never admit this.

Listening to the killing pill say this, Blue Dye shrugged his shoulders in disbelief.

It seems that the killing pill seems to be thinking of deceiving himself at this time.

However, this time also seems to be completely unnecessary.

At least in his opinion, the truth has already surfaced.

However, this is really not expected.

The identity of the killing pill is actually this.

Qiu Zixi: “I went, why did you talk about this again, the goddess of the orange terrier, finally appeared!” 】

She loves the orange terrier the most.

At first, after the chat dress invited the killing pill, she was secretly sorry.

There was no invitation to come to the orange terrier.

But now, after seeing the orange stem, the mood is very excited!

Yakumo Purple: “You like Kirito so much, so it’s better that you marry Kirito in the past!” 】

Qiu Zixi: “Cough, you said that!” 】


She is like men!

Definitely like men!

It’s like I like a woman.

Uchiha Ban: “Yo, not only are there Kirito Terrier, but also the killing pill, your stupid brother Inuyasha, all here, it seems to be aimed at you two?” 】

In the midst of the black fog.

After devouring the Killing Pill and others.

In an instant, the situation inside, they had already seen it very clearly.

Inside this one, not only is there a mistaken Kirito terrier, but also the InuYasha Fork.

All three are looking at each other.

“Another youkai.”

It’s all platycodon.

There was something strange in my heart, the reason why I shot it before was because there was a human little girl here in the killing pill.

She couldn’t bear to watch the other person being devoured.

But after coming in, it is a little strange, Inuyasha Gagovi, is it now popular to combine monsters and humans?

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