Chapter 335 Hanging! This is definitely hanging on!!

“If you don’t work later, you can call me, and I’m barely a witch.”

Govi was not at ease.

So he quickly emphasized that he was also a witch.

Although a modern witch.

But she was able to help in battle.

Kirito didn’t say a word and tapped his head.

Although she didn’t think she needed the other person’s help.

But Govi’s kindness, she understood.

“Witch, are you now trying to seal the location where I escaped with the Demonic Arrow, and then attack my left side to kill me?”

The enlightened ghost pointed pointedly to her brain.

There is also a hint of coconut in the tone.

He could see through everyone’s thoughts, including the witch in front of him.

All the tricks were invisible in front of him.

“Can he guess what I’m thinking?”

“Yes, I can guess every thought of yours, including what you are going to say next and what you are going to do next, and there is nothing to hide from me!”

The enlightened ghost said triumphantly.

In his opinion, with this ability, he is simply an invincible being.

No one can hide their thoughts in front of themselves.

“Huh, so what if you know what other people think?”

“Started to stiffen your mouth, didn’t you?”


Knowing the other person’s thoughts, it is natural to be invincible.

“The gap in strength is like a gutter, but it is not something that can be made up by such capabilities.”

With that, Kirito took a bow and aimed it at the Enlightened Ghost.

There were distracting thoughts in her heart.

At the other end, the Goshin Ghost stared wide-eyed, looked at the orange terrier in front of him in disbelief, and murmured, “Impossible, how can this be so, this guy’s mind, how can I not hear it at all!” ”

The Goshin Ghost had been proud that he could hear the witch’s voice and that he would be able to crush it in the ensuing battle.

But who would have thought.

After only a second, he seemed to be unable to hear the other person’s thoughts.

And the look in her eyes, without any emotion in them, looked at him like a dead thing.

“Demonic Arrow!”

An arrow filled with spiritual power instantly shot out from above the bow.

Then he flew towards the Enlightened Ghost.

“Move! How not to move! ”

He cried out from the bottom of his heart.

I watched as the bow and arrow got closer and closer to me.

At that distance, he knew very well that if he didn’t move, he would really be dead, but under this demon-breaking arrow, his heart was trembling and fearful.

But the instinct to survive instantly made him jump out of place.

Just when he was overjoyed, the bow and arrow made a turn and flew directly towards him.

Too late to think about it.

He immediately continued to jump away.

But no matter how he hid.

The bow and arrow seemed to lock on him.

It flew straight towards him.

At the same time, he felt that the speed of the bow and arrow was getting faster and faster.

Until later, his speed could not hide from the speed of the bow and arrow, and then he flashed and was preparing to fight with Kirito completely.

The arrow penetrated his body in an instant.

The power of purification directly purified his entire body.

“Good horror…”

In the rear, Ge Wei, who was still ready to help at any time, couldn’t help but feel sudden in her heart after seeing this scene.

I had previously said that I was a witch in front of others.

Compared with the other party, I don’t seem to be a witch at all.

Like a funny one.

The difference in strength between the two is also too big.

Could this be the witch of the Warring States?

“So strong!”

Ling looked at Kirito with adoration on her face.

This witch’s bow and arrow actually came with a tracking function.

“It’s over!”

It’s different from what other people think.

Evil Vision’s brain door crossed a cold sweat.

At this time, his heart was also secretly sighing.

Because he also knows very well that the other party is a witch, they are monsters.

As a witch, the mission is to destroy the youkai.

Will you do something to him later?

Moreover, at this time, the young master of the killing pill was fighting another youkai.

Thinking like this, he suddenly found that the situation seemed to be a little difficult.

Qiu Zixi: [I go, the horse also has an automatic tracking function, who is not afraid of this demonic arrow?” 】

Tony: “Although the ability of that enlightened ghost is not bad, you can’t hide from it even if you see through what she is thinking inside, right?” 】

Whitebeard: [Gollum la la, this is not the heart of the program, but this is also really powerful, comes with tracking function! 】

Gray Plains: “The people behind the scenes are so powerful, even the apprentices cultivated by the black hands behind the scenes are so powerful?” 】

Thinking of this…

Ash Yuan’s mournful thoughts suddenly came alive.

Or compromise yourself and go to Wakasa to stay beautiful.

Maybe if you are trained by the other party, you will become the ceiling of the world’s combat effectiveness?

No more fear.

Butterfly Shinobi: [Cough, I’ll go to my sister for special training later!” 】

The original strength of the Kirito is indeed very strong.

But that’s not the time to have a tracking function of the Demon Breaking Arrow, right?

If only the original Kirito had this ability.

Don’t say Nairo, ten Nairobi are going to die.

And at present, the other party has also used a trick.

None of the other tricks were used.

Yakumo Purple: “I went, this can actually radiate to other characters, it is really powerful!” 】

Uncle Nine: [Do you think I want to go directly to Master Ren Tingting?” 】


I don’t want face anymore.

Just go to Master Ren Tingting.

In this way, you may be able to become stronger.

But that’s just a thought.

For Uncle Nine, who is stronger in his life.

It was obviously impossible for him to worship a junior.

His face will definitely be gone, how will he face the brothers after that, how will he face Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai?

“It’s just dead, it seems that your reinforcement is nothing.”

Nai Luo felt a strange feeling in his heart.

It was dropped by a trick given by a second.

“This demonic arrow has a tracking function, what I strengthened before was only his ability to listen to his heart and fight, and I didn’t strengthen anything else!”

Qingming’s heart was now as uncomfortable as if he had eaten.

Who would have thought that this witch would be hanging up.

Direct self-aiming with a hard lock.

Not to mention the strengthening, he estimated, if you don’t give a space ability, I’m afraid you can’t hide or hide!

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