Chapter 336 Isn’t the InuYasha a Half-Demon? How could he demonize?!!

“This ability to lock, yes, that guy!”

This day.

Qingming thought again of the fear of being dominated by the white night.

That guy, using this ability, killed him directly with one move.

There was not even a chance to resist.

Once, the trick I was most proud of was like a family in front of the white night.

The other party did not look at it at all.

“Then it seems that we will have to formulate a plan to face this ability later!”

Nero looked deeply at the situation in the picture.

He also had an idea in his heart, perhaps, after this time, he really had to be careful.

Before, he thought that as long as he ran fast enough, the other party would not be able to take himself.

But now, even the ability to lock has appeared, and it can obviously be seen after that it is useless to run fast.

This thing is afraid that it will follow itself if it is not the end of the world.

“There’s no need to look at it, that guy is dead!”

Qingming looked at the instant pill in the picture, and instantly lost the idea of watching.

This guy’s fate is already predestined.

“Are you sure you send it?”


The opening is so sure.

But think about it too.

Now this situation seems to be indeed dead.

The Enlightened Mind Ghost was killed by the other side.

Although for the time being, he has the upper hand in the face of InuYasha and the Killing Pill, but here there is a Kirito who restrains himself.

The power of the witch itself restrained him.

Plus this witch is still very strong.

“These guys should be able to kill Nero.”

Kagura behind Naruto seemed to think of something at the moment, and his eyes couldn’t help but flicker.

For her part, she also wanted Nairo to be killed.

She is the wind of freedom, and naturally does not want to be controlled, even if the person is creating himself.

“If you want to see it, I don’t see it.”

Already knowing the result, Qingming was naturally not in the mood to look at it.

He was going to create a stronger being.

This time he planted it, and the next time, he was going to count the witch into it.

Originally, this time he felt that he was going to succeed.

Unfortunately, it was because of this witch’s intrusion.

Let your plans all be ruined.

And once it was just the witch.

Next time it’s something else.

Or did the man who killed himself appear?

“It seems that I was really careless before, and I still need to continue to arrange and become stronger!”

Qingming felt that he had to do something.

Otherwise continue like this.

Obviously it’s not just that you don’t want to take revenge.

Maybe he will be completely killed by the other party later.

The other end.

In solving the problem of the enlightened ghost.

Kirito set his sights on Instant Makura.

Now just kill this guy.

Then it’s all over.

“I don’t need your help, I can do it myself!”

The Killing Pill’s eyes were a little gloomy.

Looking at the bow and arrow raised by Kirito Terrier, he immediately rebuked Kirito and reprimanded him.

The Killing Pill has its own pride.

Since this battle was found by the other side from the beginning, he would definitely not allow anyone else to interfere in this matter.

Inuyasha was on the side, and that was also because the other side attacked the two of them together.

Therefore, InuYasha must have been dissuaded.

But the platycodon is different.

She took the initiative to join the fight.

If you let her join the battle, how will you let go of your face?

Hearing the delivery, Kirito pondered for a moment, and finally put down his bow and arrow.

It seems that there is no intention of preparing to shoot.

Akiko-xi: “A life-long strong killing pill!”

Yakumo Zi: [Definitely can’t let Kirito shoot, if she does, the power of purification may directly purify the instant pill, and the killing pill is estimated to have something to ask the other party!” 】

Tony: Didn’t you just say it before, he knew something. 】

Although not explicitly stated.

But the Instant Maru side obviously knew something.

“You can’t procrastinate any longer, you have to use that power!”

Put down the weapon in your hand, and the killing pill directly transforms.

After the Tengu was transformed, the strength of the killing pill increased exponentially.

On the side, Inuyasha also found that there seemed to be a power in his body that was summoning him.

At the beginning, when I fought with the Killing Pill, I had this feeling in my heart.

But all along, this feeling has not appeared, which also makes Inuyasha have some palpitations.

What the hell is going on.

What is the reason, the power hidden in the depths of their own body, if they are calling to themselves, why not come out!

Inuyasha was irritable in his heart.

But in the next second.

Under everyone’s astonished gaze.

InuYasha instantly began to tenu.

This change directly made the killing pills on the side look confused.

Akiko-xi: [Sleeper!] Am I not mistaken? The second dog was actually demonized? 】

Tony: [The worldview has collapsed directly, doesn’t that mean that half-demons can’t be demonized?] 】

Uncle Nine: Is it possible that this is not demonization? 】

Blue Dye: [It is certain that the two of them should have a direct relationship with the post-510 black hand! 】

This is already a stone hammer.

In this situation at the moment, it doesn’t matter if you want to say it, this is definitely not right.

After all, Inuyasha did not have the ability to demonize in the original book.

“Such a strong power, is this the power that the killing pill has?” Why would I! ”

Obviously he is a half-demon.

However, he was able to turn into a demonized form similar to the Killing Pill.

Although he couldn’t understand it, this constant stream of power in his body, now he finally knew why he had been beaten by the killing pill before.

This power is simply not too strong.

Without much time to think about it, he set his eyes on the Instant Pill.

Now, with great power, he had to test it with a person, and the Instant Pill was obviously a good candidate.

“So strong…”

Ge Wei looked at the scene in front of her and murmured.

The two people who had just been beaten by the pressure instantly turned the situation around.

“Isn’t he a half-demon?” How could this be! ”

Evil views were full of disbelief.

This is the demonization of the young master of the killing pill, how can it come to the Inuyasha body also has ah!

Isn’t her mother human?

When can the half-demon transform?

“Evil Grandpa, they seem to be almost the same!”

Ling’s eyes widened, and her eyes were full of curiosity.

It’s amazing!

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