Chapter 338: Two Unfilial Sons Want to Beat Their Father?!!

“I’m gone.”

The black fog cleared.

Kirito turned straight away.

The two people in front of them did not have an evil aura on their bodies.

It wasn’t the monster she was going to kill.

As a witch, although she wants to be the enemy of youkai, Kirito does not kill all yokai, and she knows very well that there are good yokai in this world, and there will be bad yokai.

I just need to find out those monsters and people who are the evil people in the world.

This greeting is like giving to Ge Wei and also like Heling.

Although she had just made contact, she still said goodbye as a courtesy.

“Mm-hmm, goodbye big sister.”

Ling waved.


The same is true of Govi.

Wait until the orange stem leaves.

Leave the two here.

At this moment, Ge Wei’s eyes kept whirling on the faces of the two people.

Neither of them seemed to have accepted their identity.

“The two of us fathers are just as human?”

Inuyasha felt like his worldview had collapsed.

“No, Inuyasha, if you were human, how could you have lived so many years?”

The evil view suddenly reacted.

No wonder before he always felt as if something was wrong and thought about it, and the evil view finally reacted.

It seems that the InuYasha canine can’t be a human at all.

A human being could never have lived that long.

“Yes, if I were human, how could I be demonized, how could I live so long?”

InuYasha was also very confused at the time.

He did not refute this.

Now, he wondered what his identity really was.

“Hey, aren’t you a half-demon?”

Inuyasha looked at the killing pill unceremoniously.

This guy should know something, right?

Then, he pointed to the location of the body of the original Instant Maru and then said, “I could have asked him, but now you have killed him!” ”

If only he hadn’t killed the Instant Pill.

I can also ask myself what the hell is going on with this guy.

“I don’t know.”

Killing Pill said coldly.

He was in a very irritable mood now.

There was no thought at all to answer the idea of Inuyasha.

“Calm and cool!”

Seeing Inuyasha’s appearance, Ge Wei rushed forward to stop Dao.

If only this were to be the case.

Obviously, calmness can solve the problem.

Her mind was constantly brainstorming, thinking about what had happened before.

“Before he said, you two are brothers, but the mother is different, the mother of the killing pill is a youkai, so he is a half-demon, but the living dog night fork your mother is a human, so you are a human.”

Your father seems to be human and is the same person.

There’s no problem with that.

And it seems that this demonization ability is inherited from your father.

That is to say, this is not demonization, but another ability.

Maybe it’s the same as the witch’s spiritual power?

Isn’t your father human?

What else is there to ask? ”

As Ge Wei spoke, she instantly felt as if she was getting right.

Closer and closer to the truth.

Maybe it was really as she thought.

Just find their father, isn’t it?

“Then why did he live so long as a human being?”

Evil Opinion asked hurriedly.

“Evil Grandfather, the father of the young master who killed the pill is definitely not a simple person, otherwise how could he inherit this ability to them, so Inuyasha may also inherit it from his father’s side!”

Ling’s words instantly made everyone present stop speaking.

Inuyasha finally understood at this time.

Why do you look like a human?

However, it can use abilities similar to monsters.

That is to say, his father used to be a terrible character.

“Yes, Inuyasha, and before the monkey did you forget the keel spirit we saw, what he said before, I thought it was inexplicable at first, but now in connection with the situation here.”

It seems that the keel spirit should have known your father.

Maybe your mother knew him, and likewise, your father was able to keep you alive as a human being until now.

Maybe your parents are still alive too? ”

Govi said hurriedly.

“How can it be, if you are alive, how can you hide from me?”

“The weapon that fell from the thunder last time and the killing pill didn’t fall down inexplicably, right?”

Other words.

In fact, they have been watching his growth.

Qiu Zixi: [I go, Ge Wei is worthy of the IQ ceiling of the whole drama, think about it all?” 】

Tony: [As I thought, they just need to find their mother now to know what the truth is.] 】

Uchiha Ban: “As I said before, this weapon is really too weird, it seems that there are indeed people who have been paying attention to it!” 】

It seems that the situation is already very clear.

However, as far as the current situation is concerned, everything still needs to find the parties.

“Gone, Ling.”

The killing pill also thought clearly at this moment.

He didn’t need to be the same as before, he was already able to be sure.

His father was behind it.

But before he could do that, he had to find his mother first.

“That bastard!”

Killing Pill clenched his fists and hid that final thought in his heart so that he wouldn’t let him find that bastard!

Bastards who abandon their wives and children!

“Lean, this stinky fart guy, just go!”

After Govi’s analysis.

InuYasha will not force the killing pill to continue to stay.

He already knew what he wanted.

“InuYasha, what are you going to do now?”

Govi asked curiously.

“While looking for the Four Soul Jade, I also went to find out if my mother was still alive, and that bastard father, if I found it, see if I don’t beat him to death!”

Inuyasha grinned.

After learning the news that his mother might still be alive.

He was also in a good mood.

But there is also the need to find the man who abandoned their mother and son.

Be sure to make him look good.

Of course, the premise is that the man is still alive.

If you die, there’s no way.

“If I had found Inuyasha’s mother, wouldn’t I?”

Ge Wei suddenly seemed to think of something, and her face turned red.

But the next second it was back to normal.

At the same time, she also had some curiosity in her heart, and she had heard Inuyasha say that his mother was a princess of a kingdom, which should be very beautiful, right?

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