Chapter 339 Poor Weak Qi Prepared for Long Charcoal!!

“Ha Qiu!”

Overworld, White Night touched his nose, and there was something strange in his eyes.

Is it true that anyone thinks that they can’t do it?

Suddenly, I sneezed a few times.

Shook his head and threw the idea away.

He walked out of the room and then looked at the evil god sauce that had been restored.

After seeing the white night come out, the evil god sauce couldn’t help but shake and subconsciously shrink.

Before, in order to sneak up on White Night, and cause a little obstacle to White Night.

Directly pollute the water here.

Originally, I wanted to spend the whole night white, and then use this special ink of the demon world to make the white night lose sight, and then I would sneak attack.

But the most night.

Her plan is not just seen through by the white night.

After that, it was also cut into countless petals by the white night.

However, even so, the ink-contaminated water has not been cleaned up even now.

All around was polluted by the evil god sauce.

“Oh, you’re still alive.”

White Night smiled and squinted at the evil god sauce.

This cargo is getting stronger and stronger.

It seems that I have to do something else so that the evil god sauce can improve some memory.

“What, I’m going to fix the water pipe!”

The evil god sauce really couldn’t stand the gaze of the white night.

It always felt as if the white night was going to cut itself off in the next second.

She simply hurried away.

“Forget it, I’ve already gone to someone to make an announcement, and someone should come to clean up later.”

White Night didn’t want to get it.

It’s better to leave it to someone else.

Listen to the introducer said that the people who come here are professional except for this.

Therefore, the white night also gave up.

I don’t know where the evil god sauce came from.

In short, White Night was almost about to destroy everything here.

But think about it, in the end, forget it.

After all, I’ve lived here for a long time.

What’s more, the most important thing is that you try other methods first, it really can’t work, and you can take it slowly.

You can’t always think of destructive things in your head.

White Night swore that after going to the next world, he had to cultivate himself, otherwise, like the Dragon Ball world, his brain felt like all muscles.

“Eh!? Lord White Night, don’t you believe I can handle it well? ”


Thor quickly stood up, looking at the white night with disbelief on his face, and his heart was full of grievances.

Obviously, this is what you should do as a maid.

As a result, White Night finally thought of finding someone else to help.

Isn’t that saying that you can’t do it yourself and need someone else to help you?

How could this make Thor endure?

“This kind of thing is no longer something that a normal maid can do, and you can rest assured that the person I found is definitely professional!”

Although White Night did not know who the person who came.

But before the white night, he got the assurance of the other party.

The person who came was absolutely very powerful, and he was able to get everything that had been destroyed by the evil god sauce before he gave money.

If not, he will let this person know why the flowers are so red.

“I’m also very professional!”

Thor was still a little unconvinced.

A whispered mutter.

She felt that she was actually a professional.

But alas, White Night has already found someone else.

She would like to take a good look at who actually dared to rob her business.

Grumpy eyes.

White Night took his eyes off Thor, and muttered in his heart that Thor had been really hard to serve lately.

Ding dong.

“It should be Lai, right?”

When the white night got up, his heart was still muttering, this man actually came so fast.

But the next second, Thor immediately rushed in front of White Night and said, “Lord White Night, I will open the door.” ”

She was going to see who it was.

Open the door.

Outside the door.

Sakura and Chisei were startled.

“That… Isn’t it the right time for us? ”

Thor’s gloomy little eyes, their hearts were also a little chilly.

Being looked at by Thor with this look, they always felt that something was not quite right.

“Are you the professional people that the White Night King said?”

No way!

Ask two elementary school students to do this.

Although the other party is a magical girl, isn’t he more powerful?

“Huh? Sister Thor, what are you talking about? ”

Sakura asked curiously.

It always felt like I couldn’t understand what Thor was saying.

“It’s not them, maybe they came to play with Connor.”

Bai Ye patted his forehead and explained with some helplessness.

It seems that everyone knows that if you bring something you usually play, don’t you come to find Connor?

“That’s right, we came to play with Connor, and there is Chocoli and Vanilla!”

Pointed to the body.

All four of Connor’s friends came.

“Here you are, Lord Thor, you are very impolite like this!”

Connor hurriedly pulled Lator behind Thor.

At this time, I also invite guests to come in, which is very impolite.

When Connor said this, Thor also reacted, hurriedly letting them in, and then apologized: “I’m sorry Ha, I didn’t react before.” ”

Hurriedly let the four people in.

They didn’t think much of it, after Qiao Keli and Vanilla came, their eyes also fell on White Night.

Is this the White Night Home?

This time be sure to seize the opportunity!

The two of them shouldered the test of the witch.

They are bound to win this test, and the key to this test is the white night.

“Are you going to play in the room?”

White Night pointed to Connor’s room.


Connor nodded and came to the room with her little friend.

In her room, there were small toys she wanted to show them.

Besides, it is not good for them to play in the living room.

After returning to the room, in the living room, Thor also went to prepare juice for them because of the previous events.

Ding dong.

The doorbell rang again.

This time, Bai Ye got up and opened the door, came to the door, looked outside, and was a little strange: “No one?! ”

The doorbell is broken.

It actually rang on its own.

Just as he was about to close the door.

Beneath him, a weak voice hurriedly stopped, “Wait! Please wait!

Please look down, I’m here! ”

The voice is weak.

Following the sound, Bai Ye lowered his head, and after seeing the comer, his heart could not help but be a little surprised.

It’s actually her!?

The most professional thing that the introducer told him before turned out to be Bichang Charcoal!

This poor little girl four.

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