I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 460: Stealing power

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"Swallow? No, I'm just determined to avenge Frey and completely dissipate your soul. Of course, I will laugh at some useful memories, but not too many. You will eventually die out, just like Frey's. It's the same experience." Leo replied indifferently without concealing the slightest while driving the leaves and starting to encircle and suppress the body demon in turn.

Let him be annihilated in fear and despair, which in itself is part of revenge.

The black cloud formed by the soul of the thief was rolling and vigorous, becoming thinner and thinner under the purification of the leaves. More importantly, he found that every leaf was powerful and terrifying, enough to consume a hundred times his soul power before it dissipated.

"It's just a housekeeper, why bother. Let me go out, and I will give you enough compensation to make your strength even further!" As the black cloud withered, the thief knew that the possibility was unlikely, but still hugged it. Just in case, I hope the conditions are set.

"Compensation? You are too stupid, maybe it is because the battle of the soul has never failed, causing you to be a little stupid. The winner gets everything, this is the reward of the battle of the soul, I will come to take the compensation I want, including yours. The soul, power, the valuable things in memory, and all the collections, don't need you to give it to me." Leo answered with a sneer.

"No, that's just in most cases, not all the time. My talent has the ability to clear all the memories in the soul. If you don't agree, you will get nothing." Stealer said sharply.

Leo froze for a moment, and the hardest time flashed in his heart. Frey accompanied him to the east, his heart firm, urging the leaves to annihilate the consciousness of stealing his body with all his strength.

"Well, since you did this, don't blame me..." Just halfway through the words of the thief, a drop of crystal tears appeared in Leo's mental space, and a blow hit the whole black cloud of the thief. In the center, a lofty aura radiated, the black clouds were instantly exploded into hundreds of millions of small pieces, and the romantic clouds dispersed.

And this time most of the dark clouds are a bit different, as if they were shaken by teardrops and lost something. Leo seized the opportunity for the first time, quickly purifying the scattered black clouds, and a stream of memory fragments poured into his heart like a tide.

"No, what is this?" An unwilling cry from the thief came from the withered black cloud.

"Of course it's tears, idiot, my housekeeper was killed by you, don't you allow me to shed a tear?" Leo sneered, at this time the withered black cloud once again showed signs of cohesion.

The second tear flew out, and the black clouds that were about to reunite once again shattered. Then Leo tried his best to purify the black cloud to prevent the thief from reuniting with the black cloud and erase the memory.

Three times later, the body stealer had already understood that the end is coming. He laughed wildly in despair and said loudly: "I used to think that the body stealing talent I had was the most powerful soul war talent in the world. Strong, die unjustly. Before I die, can you tell me what talent this is?"

"Of course it can." Leo looked calm and paused and said: "It's called the Mysterious Little Tree Talent."

The thief was stunned for a moment, waiting for Leo to continue to explain. But he didn't expect that he was almost completely purified, and Leo had no more information.

"Ah! Are you kidding me?" The Body Thief was thoroughly purified in unwillingness.

Leo didn't carefully put away the mysterious tree talent until he confirmed that the body-thief's consciousness completely disappeared, and whispered in the spiritual space: "I didn't play you, this is all I know."

Although he had a little guess about the origin of the mysterious little tree, he was really not sure, and he wouldn't mention it to the thief, even if he was dying.

Most of the memory of the thief began to flicker in the mental space in the form of memory fragments. If you leave it alone, it will slowly merge into Leo's memory.

But Leo naturally didn't care about it. He probably had a life experience of stealing the body, and then all these memory fragments were thrown out of the spiritual space, leaving only the memory of power and cultivation methods, and then he chose to merge.

But the strange thing is that the memories related to the thief’s lair and the treasure have disappeared. It seems that before Katis chooses to do it, he has cleared the most important part.

After the memory of power was fused, Leo began to fully absorb the huge power that the thief had poured into his body, and merged it into his own three-pole system.

Even at the level of Leo, gaining the power of a demigod pinnacle out of thin air is not a small gain, which can give him an extra fighting method. What's more, this is a fundamental power, completely different from the power brought by talents.

"Stealing evil power, such a weird power, can actually fuse most of the power in the world, and plunder into its own power. This is the fundamental reason why the stealing demons unscrupulously seize the bodies of other creatures, but their power will not decline.

Just after Leo was shocked, he suddenly saw some memory fragments of the thief, and exclaimed again: "How can this be the case?"

It turns out that in the process of stealing the body, not everyone is as cooperative as Leo. Many times his previous body will be destroyed for the first time~www.readwn.com~ The power in it is naturally lost. In extreme cases, when the battle of the soul is about to be lost, the opponent directly dissipates all of his power. This causes the body stealer to succeed in seizing the body and talent, but most of its power is lost, and the power of the new body is lost. , The strength dropped very badly.

But the weirdness of stealing evil power is here. It can ignore the rules, devour most of the power into itself, remove impurities and absorb useful parts, causing this guy to use some unconventional means to swallow some energy crystals and quickly return to its peak state.

A large amount of energy crystals are stored in the personal space equipment of the thief, ranging from low-level to high-level, but there are no rare chaotic fragments.

Because he doesn't need it at all.

"... What a weird body stealing power, it is a perfect match for the battle of the soul." Leo began to use the body stealing power training method he had in his memory to slowly divert the body stealing power into the three bodies. However, after two splits, he fell from the peak of the demigod to the elementary demigod.

"Leo, try this evil power. If it is so weird, I am afraid it means more to you than magic." Katis sighed.

"Yeah." Leo had actually thought about it, and sadly picked up Frey's body, called the servant, and restrained the body. After doing this, he went to Frey’s room and got the space equipment hidden by the thief. From it, he took out a large pile of energy crystals that are not rare and full of impurities, and tried to hold it in his hand and wrap it with the evil force of the thief. Live the crystal and absorb the energy in it.

As the energy in the crystal was absorbed, Leo’s hand dripped with viscous liquid, and the smelly black smoke rose. At the same time, the thievery force sucked a stream of pure power madly. This removed The impurity process belongs to the unique ability of stealing the evil force, and it does not need Leo to control.

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