I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 461: reward

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"Very well, with this kind of power, your split is perfect. No longer afraid of losing each split, the strength will also be lost." Katis commented.

Leo nodded solemnly.

The previous two losses of the split body caused the Leo's magic power to fall sharply. He also used a lot of brains. He found that although the split of the split body is uncontrollable, if the split body is separated, the magic energy can be reinfused back into the main body. . However, without the support of demigod-level power, the talent of the mysterious little tree can only be in the main body. If the split body does not display the talent for a few times, the physical strength will be exhausted, and it is of little use.

But if you have the power of stealing your body, it's completely different. That is a real demigod peak power, and it is not afraid of loss. It is strong enough in itself, and it is a perfect match with the three-body talent.

At this time footsteps sounded outside the door, and Mrs. Lane hurried in and looked at Leo and asked sadly: "What happened to Frey? Why did he die suddenly?"

Leo sighed and said: "It's me. Frey is only implicated. There is a demigod who wants to murder me. His ability is very rare to take other people's bodies. He chose Frey to get close. I. Frey’s soul actually died a few years ago. It was the guy who had been pretending to get close to me today. But he lost in the subsequent duel and was killed by me, but it was a pity that Frey would never come back. ."

The soul is dead, even if the resurrection talent of Guangming Shenfeng is amazing, even if Leo's resurrection talent is improved by the Bowl of Creation, he is no less inferior to Guangming Shenfeng, and he can no longer resurrect Frey.

Mrs. Lane was taken aback, stood quietly and recalled, and said sadly: "If you don't say that I don't care, but if you say that, I think of one thing. About eleven years ago, Frey was seriously ill. After one episode, I spoke with my voice and had some subtle changes in my attitude towards me. I thought it was the cause of my illness and didn't pay much attention to it. Now it seems that Frey was already eleven years ago..."

"It should be that time. Madam, let Frey be buried. He has served our family all his life. His funeral must be grand. I will temporarily stop going to Innerland and wait for him to be buried before leaving." Leo sighed. He said with a sigh of relief.

"... Frey has a child." Mrs. Lane groaned for a while, and burst out a shocking news.

"Oh? What's the situation?" Leo was surprised.

"It's your reason. The Gresch family is getting stronger and stronger. Frey, as the famous first steward, has a lot of power. He is naturally dedicated to the family, but others will be tempted, especially when the kind of woman with stunning beauty It is impossible for him to resist the temptation." Mrs. Lane said.

Leo saw that Mrs. Lane's expression was not cold, and he knew that Frey had not betrayed the Gresch family. He relaxed and asked enthusiastically: "Oh, what happened afterwards?"

"Frei couldn't resist, he was frank with me about these things and asked not to control too much power. I thought about it and thought that this is not the answer, so I entrusted the secret spies of the Blood Moon Kingdom to screen those women. Although they are all I had ulterior motives, but the purpose was different. I selected a little nobleman who wanted to protect our Gresch family through the family girl because of the decline of the family and the enemy’s pursuit. I personally presided over the wedding between Frey and that woman. The family of women took shelter. About seven years ago, Frey's child was born." Mrs. Lane whispered.

"Yes, very good. Frey is loyal to our Gresch family, and his legacy will be inherited by his children. Madam, I mean, take good care of his children, and he will be the first steward of the family in the future. The child inherited." Leo thought for a while and said.

Mrs. Lane shook her head and said, "No, my opinion is to let Frey's child become the first lower-level noble of our Gresch family to reward Frey's dedication throughout his life."

Leo froze for a moment and clapped his hands in praise: "Madam, it's better for you. Outstanding meritorious service really deserves such a reward. Well, if his women and children do not object, we will send out invitations widely. Let the nobles come to see off Frey, and announce this in public. It is also considered as paving the way for Frey’s children to enter the noble class. And then I will preside over the funeral personally, and by the way, I will meet the high-ranking officials, nobles and Some old friends."

Mrs. Lane nodded, but said with a worried look: "The arrangement is good, but even Frey has children. Do you think you were missing someone by your side when you presided over the funeral? Leo, the Gresch family is huge. The territory is enough, but there is still a lack of an heir!"

Leo couldn't understand Mrs. Ryan's thinking at all. He said that he could get the topic around here, froze for a moment and quickly got up and walked out, while saying: "If you can accept the half-elf, turn back to me and Al Go to the underground world to bring people back."

"It's better to be a pure human boy~www.readwn.com~Hey, don't go, go and see Winnie. Also, I have prepared a dinner party tonight, and all the ladies are the ladies, don’t you want to Meet the new generation of the kingdom?"

"No, ma'am, I'm very busy. I'll leave for a few days, and I will be back when Frey's funeral is ready." Leo's voice came, and people had already escaped.

Mrs. Lane stunned for a moment, and suddenly patted her head, as if thinking of something, hurriedly ran in a certain direction.

By this time Leo was already standing in front of Altinis.

"What? Are you going to Moonlight Dragon City to find them to settle accounts?" Altinis revealed his concern in shock and blurted out in exclamation.

"Well, for Frey's death, I have to pay for Moonlight Dragon City anyway. Of course, there are also the old grudges from the past." A cold light flashed in Leo's eyes.

"Then, I'll go with you." Altinis squeezed the Elf King's scepter tightly and gritted his teeth.

Leo froze for a moment, and Jialan Shikou flashed across his mind, how could she let her follow? A dark blue guardian deity appeared on his body, and he said solemnly: "No, you don’t need to go, you have to stay to protect the family. I have a magical armor body, and there is no problem with self-protection. On the contrary, the one who is worried is with the Lord of Liuli. During the fierce battle, other dragons crossed thousands of miles to the Gresh family, and that was the big problem."

The incubation talent can turn the conceived artifact into nothingness and collect it in the body, and it can appear at any time without taking it out of the space equipment, which is very magical. So Leo sometimes wondered how Farrell was calculated.

Altinis felt the majestic power of the deep blue guardian **** armor, a smile slowly appeared on his face, and he nodded and said: "Okay, then I will stay in the family."

"Well, then I'm leaving." Leo secretly breathed a sigh of relief, fearing that Altinis would change his mind and leave to leave.

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