I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 477: Sterling City

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Leo touched his chin, feeling a little depressed. If Layla can't find it, it means that he has to carpet the entire yellow leaf hills, which can be exhausting.

After Leo put away the mirror, Di Lisa rushed over and hugged his head and said jealously: "You and Layla are actually connected? Back in the Glory Knight Academy, she took the initiative for a few small difficulties. Help to solve it, I know the reason now. Tsk tsk, imperial princess, you guys..."

"My adventurous friend, she is the princess of the Glory Empire. I asked her to check something. Why are you jealous?" Leo explained briefly, and smiled.

"Not at all. But this princess is also pretty good. She was very famous when she was in the academy." Di Lisa said with a smile.

"She is an imperial princess, and she is very talented, of course she is very famous. But my Di Lisa is already a nightmare knight, and of course she is far better than her in every aspect. By the way, since you followed Lord Proudmoore, Jay How is Rui and the others?" Leo finally remembered his friends.

"All of them are transformed into dragon blood and can't die. But their talents are too bad, and now they have different choices. Well, one has lost the confidence to continue to make progress and chooses to live the life of ordinary people. One is not surprised. , Stayed at the Glory Knight Academy to continue studying. There was another one who fought a few fights, and now she rarely stays in the academy. It’s the main thing to go out to seek breakthroughs.” Delissa said while looking at Leo with a smile, obviously making him guess.

Leo touched his chin, thought for a while and said, "A man has lived the life of an ordinary person...Well, Ackerman married that Doron?"

"Ackerman fell in love with him, so I didn't stop it." Delissa sighed.

Duolun had ulterior motives, and Leo naturally secretly informed Di Lisa of this. Since she didn't stop Ackerman, she naturally has her own measure.

"Well, honor and disgrace. It must be Jerry who stayed at the Honor Knight Academy to continue studying. The one who fought a few times and went out to seek a breakthrough was Dreyus. However, their talent potential is there, why. ..." Leo guessed the answer, but soon had questions again.

"You don’t know? The Glory Knight Academy has a very special potion, which is not many, can forcibly increase the potential, but since then the potential is fixed, and it will also greatly damage the body and life. This kind of potion is extremely painful, but the more Can tolerate pain, and the more life you lose, the greater the potential you get."

Leo was taken aback. He didn't expect that the Honor Knight Academy would still have such a thing.

"Not everyone has the qualifications, and to be honest, after all, it is at the cost of life, and many children of the nobles will not compete. So under your aura, the few of us can easily obtain this medicine. But I No need, Ackerman gave up by himself. In the end, only Jerry and Dreyus accepted the medicine. The result was unexpected. Jerry's endurance was actually not as good as Dreyus, and it was much worse. Drey’s talent is stronger than Jerry. After this time, he has gained a trace of the potential for promotion to level 7 at the cost of a life span of more than one hundred decades. And Jerry... can only reach level 5 at most. "Dilisha sighed a little.

The original Dragon Girl group, the gap between their respective strengths has grown wider and wider, and it is no longer possible to act together.

"When I finish my recent work, I can meet them when I have time." Leo also sighed. He got up and put on his clothes, took out a set of top-level seven-level armor and weapons, and gave Di Lisa a piece of it. Great facelift.

"This... Didn't you say that the gift was the dark golden hammer?" Di Lisa was secretly surprised.

"Haha, it’s just some level seven items. I have so many items here. In addition, the dark golden hammer is a special artifact. Although I am tentatively planning to give it to you in the future, you are used to using an axe. I will find a way to help you make one again. Come over with the axe. If you get the axe, leave this hammer to your teacher. Thank her for teaching you all these years." Leo laughed.

"Thank you." Di Lisha's eyes were greatly moved. After all, she is also a seventh-level powerhouse, and naturally knows how valuable an artifact is, let alone a special artifact that a demigod can use.

"Let's go." Leo smiled slightly, picked up Di Lisa and sent her back to the Eternal Fortress, and then walked to the Yellow Leaf Hills alone.

Layla was looking for information, but Leo didn’t intend to give all his hopes to Layla. He started to use the dumbest way to find one by one waterfall, determined to find all the waterfalls in the Yellow Leaf Hill. Everywhere.

The premise is that tens of thousands of years have passed, and the waterfall is still there.

The Yellow Leaf Hill is a hill on the east side of the Glory Empire. It spans three provinces. The area is very large. It can be searched everywhere with clumsy methods, and it may not be possible to search it in a few years.

About three days later, Leo began to consider whether to mobilize family soldiers to look for Huangye Hill together ~ www.readwn.com ~ Leila finally got news over there.

"Leo, I found the descendants of the little nobleman who bought Vidnina. I was surprised that they still kept a diary of that year. The owner of the diary recalled that Vidnina was becoming a great warlock. After that, I threatened the patriarch of the family at that time not to tell her about her being a servant, so this incident was just a note in the diary. I got the diary, which said that I purchased Wei from Baiyan Village. About De Nina. Then I checked the map of the year and compared it to the current map, and I was pretty sure that the Baiyan Village was the current Yellow Leaf Hill Stirling City."

"Are you sure?" Leo was shocked. If the small mountain village became a city, the secret behind the waterfall may not be preserved after the flow of people.

"If there are no errors in the family's notes, I'm pretty sure." Layla replied solemnly.

Leo groaned, thanked Layla, and immediately checked the map after disconnecting the camera lens, and found Sterling City.

In less than a few minutes, Leo had arrived in Sterling City.

"Twenty thousand years, the original waterfall really disappeared." Leo didn't spend much time confirming that there was no waterfall near the city of Sterling.

"Leo, please check if there have been major disasters in this area in the past 20,000 years, such as earthquakes. If so, you should be able to find the waterfall ruins after finding the map of the year..." Katis suggested.

Leo pondered for a moment, opened the way with gold coins, and asked people in the city, only to know that there was indeed an astonishing earthquake in the area about three thousand years ago. However, the history is too long, and it was just a village at the beginning. Too many people died due to the earthquake, and there are few records left.

Naturally, there will not be any maps of the year.

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