I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 478: lake

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"If there is no power, three thousand years is really too long for ordinary people. Counting one generation in twenty years, three thousand years is one hundred and fifty generations. It is difficult to find things before the earthquake. But Leo, Wei De Nina records are small mountain peaks by the village. Even if the peaks crack or even sink in an earthquake, they will not disappear completely. Moreover, waterfalls always have water sources. The water either becomes groundwater or flows out into rivers or lakes. There should always be some Clues." Katis reminded.

Leo pondered for a moment, and flew into the air to have a panoramic view of Baili's landscape.

In the south of Sterling City, there is a small natural lake. Interestingly, there is a small island in the center of the lake.

"His Royal Highness, is it possible?" Leo asked after thinking.

"It's very likely." Katis's opinion is the same as Leo. Leo smiled softly, and his figure appeared by the lake in a flash.

The small lake at this time has been enclosed by a wall and has become the private garden of the lord of Stirling. It didn't take long for Leo to appear by the lake before someone found him.

The person who saw Leo was two men and two women. One was a man in his forties. The woman beside him looked like his wife. And beside them, there is a pair of young men and women.

Seeing Leo's weird appearance, the middle-aged man frowned and walked over slowly, with a faint war energy flowing through his body, and said in a deep voice, "My friend, this is the private garden of the Sterling family. I am Sterling. Baron. If you want to visit the Sterling family, you can go to the main entrance. The Sterling family is very hospitable."

Leo is now in the lake with all his attention. Where is he interested in paying attention to a nobleman? He waved his hand and said: "Hospitality is the best, I have something to deal with here, you don't care about me."

Baron Sterling burst into anger, and said indifferently: "Friends pay attention to your identity, no matter how strong you are, this is the Glory Empire. I am the nobleman of the Glory Empire. This is a thief, a robber, and I You can kill you at will, you know?"

Leo didn't reply to the man's aggressiveness, but shook his head and walked towards the lake. At the same time, an extremely magnificent picture scroll slowly unfolded, wrapping himself and the entire lake in it.

"What kind of weird spell is this? Damn bastard, do you think the Sterling family is easy to bully!" The middle-aged man looked angry and drew his sword into the expanding field.

The sword blade touched the edge of the domain lightly, and his whole person was like being crushed by a mountain, and he flew out in an instant. When he landed, his internal organs had been shattered, his seven orifices were bleeding, and he was dead.

"Master!" and "Father!" Three shouts of shock and sadness, the woman and the young men and women pounced on Sterling's body at the same time, unable to believe their eyes.

After confirming that Sterling was dead, the young man drew out the long sword angrily, his first level battle energy surged wildly and rushed into the field.

"Goer, don't!!!" The woman was so frightened that she stopped loudly, but the young man was so angry that she couldn't hear her mother's cry, and rushed to the field with a sword.

It's like an ant hitting the wall with a fierce punch. The wall didn't notice it, but with the amount of force the young man used, the field was shocked back ten times. The blood spurted from his mouth, flying high, and the person had already cut off his breath while still in the air.

"No!" Within a few seconds, the husband and son were killed at the same time, and the woman passed out without saying a word.

"Oh my god, father, mother, brother!!!" The only remaining girl gritted her teeth, but she didn't rashly ran to the yard without a word, and quickly found the mirror in the family and got in touch. The upper noble of the Sterling family.

"Damn bastard, I want you to compensate with blood!" the girl said bitterly.

But Leo didn’t notice how much damage the domain’s counter-shock had caused at this time. He walked step by step to the island in the lake, surrounded by a strange breeze. No matter how strong the boulder in front of him was, it was under the breeze. Slowly disintegrated.

The small islands in the lake were quickly shattered layer by layer, but Leo carefully controlled the wind for fear of ruining the contents.

"Several people died in that family." Katis reminded with a light sigh.

"I know, but that Baron Sterling is disrespectful to me. I didn't deliberately constrain the field's counter-shock power. Let them die for a while and teach them a lesson." Leo Gujing Wubo finished speaking, and didn't bother to go. Thinking about this, I kept walking towards the depths of the island under the control of the wind.

In order not to damage things, Leo pushed forward very slowly, with no results for half an hour, but reinforcements from the Stirling family arrived.

A four-tier champion knight.

"Master O'Neill, Master and Gore died in the hands of a vicious guy. He went to the lake. Only this kind of weird spell enveloped the lake. Please help us take revenge." The girl sobbed.

The champion knight glanced at the Demigod Realm, shocked in his heart. Although he has never seen the Demigod Realm in his entire life~www.readwn.com~ nor heard of it, he is not as arrogant and slow as the two nobles of the Sterling family. The throbbing infinite power gave a serious look on his face, then took out the mirror and started contacting someone.

A few minutes later, the mirror was activated, and an old man standing leisurely in the farmland appeared on the opposite side.

"Teacher, there is something abnormal in the Sterling family, do you know this kind of spell?" The knight said solemnly, turning the opposite mirror to the surface of the lake.

The old man who was like a farmer on the other side looked a little careless at first, but soon his eyes widened. He looked at the shadow mirror for a while and trembled: "This, this is the realm of the demigod. I have seen Pro Master De Moore casts it. But Master Proudmoore’s demigod realm is completely different from this picture scroll. Oni, be careful, you must be a demigod in front of you. I don’t need to say what should I do?"

O'Neill's heart was already shaking slightly. After receiving the teacher's instruction, he quickly put away the mirror, shook his head to the girl, and said regretfully: "Miss Sterling, it's not that I don't help you, but that my strength is there. There is no difference between a bird and a bird in front of you. But don't worry, I will report to the emperor now, and you will wait a moment."

The girl showed a look of despair, and she didn't blame him when she watched the knight leave quickly.

Because she knows demigods! Soon after Proudmoore was promoted to a demigod, I don't know if the Calamity Council acquiesced, and the news slowly spread, and bards from all over the world were extolling Proudmoore's great achievements. Everyone is excited about the appearance of the first demigod of mankind, and by the way, even many civilians also know what a demigod means.

"Oh my God, what should I do?" The girl completely lost her belief in revenge, and she croaked in mourning and weeping.

At this time Leo finally discovered the anomaly in front of him.

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