I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 482: The death of Aphraim

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The court guards looked at each other, cold sweat dripped, and they trembled: "Your Majesty, Princess Alice took advantage of the gap where Chief Guard Teresa left and gave us a drug..."

Altinis was stunned, Leo almost laughed. Altinis mentioned Alice's character on the road before. He still didn't care about it, but it seemed at the moment. . . Altinis obviously retained a few points.

After a few seconds, Altinis slowly turned his head to Leo and stared at him, meaning it was self-evident.

"No, you are the Queen, you can handle it enough by yourself, do you still need me to take action?" Leo blinked. Regarding the rescue of Alice, he wanted Altinis to do it himself to show the queen's current strength.

"Your father is not worthless, right? Besides, I have no ability to sneak into the stone monster to rescue Alice and Aselina. If they are stimulated to kill them, wouldn't I regret it to death?" Altinis explained to Leo.

It seems to make sense? Leo sighed, knowing that he could only do it by himself, and his figure disappeared in the City of Miracles.

The elf court guards onlookers exclaimed together.


Ulysses was triumphantly negotiating with a dark-haired werewolf, an ugly glutton, and a few quagmire giants drinking wine, with two young elves **** next to him.

"This time I lurked in the elves for two years, and finally lived up to expectations. I caught these two special elves. One is the first generation elves and the other is the daughter of the elves queen. This time I finally forced the turtles to shrink their heads. I walked out of the city and successfully defeated a few strong men.” Ulysses said as he raised his glass to toast to the werewolves, gluttons, and quagmire giants.

The werewolf drank in one gulp and laughed loudly: "Yes, how many of us killed by that Weeping Blood Rose, Aphraim? This time, the miracle tree was forced out, and after a **** battle, he finally died in my hands."

"Didn’t I help you? Besides, Ulysses alone contained the Elf’s high priest Landis and the city officer Evelyn, and at the same time had to deal with the deadly hollow Jessica’s sharp arrows, and they could actually hit them. Seriously injured, it's really amazing." The gluttony boss on one side said flatteringly.

The werewolf's face turned gloomy, and the quagmire giant on one side buzzed: "The credit is one thing, but after the elves are broken, the loot and the territory have to be agreed upon."

A cold color flashed on Ulysses’s face, but he quickly faded, and smiled: “Of course, when the City of Miracles is captured, we will divide the fairy treasure and the site into five according to the agreement. You have one each, we stone giant Blame it twice."

The quagmire giant nodded in satisfaction, but did not see the murderous eyes covered by the Ulysses glass.

"Speaking of which, these two elves are very fresh and tender. When they are useless, let me eat them?" The gluttony boss swallowed and looked at the tied Anris and Aselina.

The two women were both frightened and afraid at the moment, and their hearts were full of regret. Ulysses and their conversation did not avoid them at all, they naturally listened to them, knowing that the elves paid a heavy price for them, and they wanted to smash them to death.

But Ulysses would definitely not let them die, tied tightly.

"Your request can be met. Those elves have been seriously injured, plus the dead Aphra, the end of the underground elves is about to come." Ulysses laughed.

"Then, can the body of Aphraim be carried in? You promised that the main course of the dinner will be hers. Although it has been dead for most of the day, the flesh and blood of the seventh-level powerhouse must taste good." The quagmire giant Some can't wait to say on the side.

Ulysses laughed and patted his hands a few times. Several golems came in carrying a naked female elf corpse.

"No, Aunt Afreila!" An Lisi and Aselina struggled wildly, crying out in mourning.

It is one thing to hear the death, but another to see the corpse with your own eyes.

A peculiar smell permeated the barracks. Ulysses smiled and said: "Even if you kill all the underground elves, there will only be a few such corpses. I ordered someone to deal with them and apply the best spices. Wait a minute. It will be roasted over a fire, and it will be charred on the outside and tender on the inside. It must have a delicious taste.

The gluttony ghost cried out impatiently: "Where is the fire? What about the fire?"

Naturally, boulders started to light fires.

While waiting, the werewolf looked back at An Lisi and Aselina, exposing a mouthful of white teeth, and said with a low smile: "If these two elves are smeared with spices, they will be put on the fire alive. , I don’t think the taste will be worse than that of Aphra’s body."

An Lisi and Aselina trembled at the same time, and their faces instantly lost their blood.

Because, they didn't say that she had seen them eat elven captives with her own eyes, and she still ate them alive.

Just as the hearts of the two women were getting deeper and deeper, a breeze blew by, and a strange figure appeared beside them.

"Who is it?" Everyone in the field was shocked ~www.readwn.com~ but Leo turned a deaf ear. He looked at the two elves carefully, and quickly recognized who was mixed.

"Are you An Lisi?" Leo asked with a smile.

Unexpectedly, the elf stared at Leo blankly, suddenly burst into tears, and cried out sadly: "You, are you a father? It can't be wrong, although I have never seen you, but I secretly look at your portrait After so many times, I will never admit my mistake."

Leo sighed and reached out to touch her head. When he looked back at Ulysses and others, his eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Think about how you died? No, I was wrong. How can you die? My dear daughter, do you think about how they should die?" Leo said halfway, turning around and looking at Anris again. While inquiring, the ropes binding the two women turned to ashes silently.

"Wow!" An Lisi was free and burst into tears, pointing to Aphra’s corpse and crying: "Father, they killed Aunt Aphra, and they even grilled her to eat. They still Said, and said that he would roast me alive and eat. I, I want them to be roasted to death!"

Leo took a surprised look at the corpse and saw the scars all over his body, and finally recognized Aphraim.

At this moment, several bosses couldn't help it. They were the leaders of all races, not inferior to the seventh-level powerhouse of Altinis back then, let alone Ulysses, a powerhouse that has been rare in the stone monster clan for thousands of years. Hearing Leo's tone like dealing with ants, the irritable gluttony leader gave a strange cry for the first time and pounced on him.

A magnificent picture scroll slowly unfolded, and the gluttonous ghost leader, including several other leaders, was like a bug falling into the viscous and flowing resin, suddenly unable to move, and his face was full of shock.

"Demi-God Realm!" The others were a little confused, but Ulysses recognized what it was and exclaimed in despair.

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