I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 483: resurrection

Leo gave him a surprised look.

The underground space where the City of Miracles is located belongs to the first floor closer to the surface, and it is very small, and it is estimated that it is larger than the human race area. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Of course, it refers to the original Terran region. More importantly, the demigod here has been extinct for many years. This Ulysses actually recognized the demigod realm at a glance, which naturally surprised Leo.

"That's right, but there is no prize." Leo smiled indifferently, turned his head and looked at An Lisi, with a smile on his face, and asked softly: "An Lisi, can the bonfire party begin? "

"Yeah!" An Lisi nodded firmly.

A faint color flashed in Leo's eyes, but he didn't hesitate, nor did he deliberately make An Lisi avoid it. Borrowing the imported wood, he ignited the flame with thunder bombardment, and then the five-color **** thunder turned into a few thunder needles. The lightning fast stabbed, destroying the power node of Ulysses and others, temporarily abolishing their ability to use power.

Under the demigod realm, everything is up to Leo's mind. The seventh-level strong said that if you can't move, you can't move, but An Lisi and Aselina have no effect at all, and even the fire ignites without any effect. Following Leo's mind, the Ulysses and the four were moved to the top of the fire, losing their power protection. They were burned in the fire like ordinary people, and screamed screamingly.

Leo quietly cast his gaze on An Lisi, and found that she and Aselina clenched their fists together, gritted their teeth and watched the cruel scene, did not turn their heads, and showed no signs of intolerance.

It seems that during the period of being captured, their changes can be called earth-shaking.

The screams and curses lasted for three full hours. When the four lost their lives in the flames and turned to charcoal, An Lisi suddenly knelt and cried, and said sadly: "Damn bastard, I was finally caught. Punishment. Father, you don’t know how we spent these days. They would often bring the living elves captives, and while discussing the way to deal with the city of miracles in front of us, they would take the elves alive like this. . hum, ooo, ooo. "Speaking of the end, An Lisi and Arthur Lina crying at the same time.

Leo sighed, and then they understood why they could watch the four guys indifferently turning into coke in the flames. Compared with the cruelty of the elven captive being eaten alive in front of his eyes, this scene is no longer a popular scene. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

"Okay, okay, everything is over. I'm back, and your mother is back too, no one can bully you anymore." Leo shook his head, touching An Lisi's hair and sighed secretly.

An Lisi nodded, and slowly put away her crying. But soon she saw Afreila's body again? Weeping again: "Auntie Afreila, it's my fault? I shouldn't listen to my mother and sneak to Moon Lake. In order to save me? You? You..." She cried louder.

Leo rolled his eyes helplessly, thanking the Lord of Glazed Glass for the first time for their help in choosing the talent of the God of Light. But he didn't do it right away, but a doubt emerged in his heart, and he used the Soul Orb to read Ulysses's soul.

"Actually..." Leo's face changed slightly? After thinking about it, he put away the soul reading beads calmly? Walked over to pat An Lisi's back and smiled: "Don't cry? Or wait for Afu. Layla woke up and saw you with red eyes? How ugly is that."

An Lisi was taken aback for a moment? She rushed to Aphra's corpse quickly, checked it carefully, and burst into tears again.

Not only did Aphraim have no clothes, but the Golem Chef had already used ingredients to dispose of the corpse, such as removing some excrement. Naturally, An Lisi knew that she was absolutely dead.

"An Lisi, or I will make a bet with you. If I can get Aphra back, you will come back to the surface with me, okay?" Leo said with a grin.

Alice paused sobbing, and once again inspected Aphraera's body suspiciously, raising her head to stare at Leo and nodding her head.

Leo laughed and motioned for the two women to leave the corpses temporarily, and then a strong holy light surged through his body, which directly broke through the clouds in the sky, and the holy beam of light spread for dozens of kilometers. There seemed to be countless angels singing in it. Zhuan came to the world.

"No, Leo, you have to act with your own daughter?" Katis looked a little bit dizzy.

"Your Majesty, you don't know..." Leo said, looking at An Lisi from the corner of her eyes, and found that she was completely shocked by her earth-shaking spell scene, and the unbelief in her eyes had turned into hope, so she continued. He said in his heart: "The bigger the scene, the more effort I have put in. After the resurrection of Aphraim, Alice became more embarrassed to refuse to follow me to the ground."

Katis rolled her eyes, completely speechless.

The magnificent glorious scene also shocked the entire coalition of stone monsters, werewolves, gluttons, and quagmire giants ~ www.readwn.com~ However, Leo wouldn't care about these guys at all, and they couldn't get close under the repulsion of the power of brilliance.

"In my name, come back from the underworld, Aphria!" As Leo shouted, the light that filled the world seemed to converge suddenly, turning into a holy and bright sun, slowly blending into Afu Layla's body.

After using the Bowl of Creation to strengthen the talent of the Bright Phoenix, Leo's resurrection is no longer inferior to the real Bright Phoenix, and anyone who died within a day can be resurrected.

The wound on Aphra's body healed quickly, she coughed, slowly opened her eyes, and looked around in confusion.

"It's resurrected, Aunt Afreila is really resurrected! Father, that's great, Aunt Afreila is really resurrected!" An Lisi ecstatically shook Leo's arm crazily.

Leo leaned down, propped his knees with his hands, squeezed the beads of sweat out of his head, and nodded breathlessly. In this way, it was almost as if he was about to get down.

An Lisi immediately noticed Leo's abnormality and asked with concern: "My father, you, are you tired? You must have paid a great price for such a earth-shattering spell, and I blame me... But, Adu Aunt Leila’s return is really good, me, let me help you sit down, right?"

"No, it's okay, I just need to take a breath. By the way, Afraila doesn't have any clothes yet. You and Aselina take off a coat for her each, right?" Leo reminded.

"Yes." An Lisi was taken aback, and quickly took off her coat.

At this time, Aphraera had already recovered, she covered her body inexplicably with a layer of blood, and she shook her head and said: "No, I will do it like this. By the way, I remember that I was attacked by the werewolf. Claw kill, how..."

"It's your father who resurrected you and killed Ulysses and the others." Anris rushed proudly.

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