I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 490: maze

Leo smiled, clenched his fist and punched at the drawn illusory portrait. The fist was smashed, and the illusory portrait seemed to shook with texture. At the same time, the crocodile **** felt that he was hit by an infinite force, and instinctively raised his hands to block his chest. But power seemed to appear in his chest out of thin air, blasting his defensive blood into his chest with a single blow.

The five internal organs were blasted instantly.

"Impossible, what kind of artifact is this!" The Crocodile God descending body shouted in shock.

Leo shook his head disdainfully and said: "It's too bad, the brush can only transmit half of my power, but even so, your descendant can't bear it, just barely reach the demigod level. Give you another chance to hand over the godhead and Come to the orb, I can let your body go."

The crocodile **** descended into a gloomy face, his body was surging with blood, and his injury was slowly repairing.

"It seems that you are still not reconciled. That's okay, then I'll take it myself." Leo smiled coldly, and suddenly put away the paintbrush, imitating someone's signature movement in the previous life, while making the sound of "Ada Ada" in his mouth. Punched the portrait like a storm.

"You!" The crocodile **** descending body just spit out a word, Leo has already punched hundreds of punches, even if only half of the power is transmitted, the crocodile **** descending body can't bear it, and it bursts with the portrait.

"Very bad." Leo sneered, stepping on the plasma formed by the explosion of the crocodile god's descendant body, walked to the temple gate, paused and asked Katis: "His Royal Highness, is it feasible to enter the kingdom of God with a split body? ?"

"His Kingdom of God is not strong. You can break the barrier and leave at any time with your strength. I don't think there is any need to be so careful. Moreover, although the split body is powerful, without my guidance, the Kingdom of God has the ability similar to a maze. Maybe you The split body will never see the body of the crocodile, wasting time in vain." Katis whispered.

Leo understood, and slammed his fist on the temple gate, taking advantage of the moment when the blood was shattered, he slammed into the kingdom of God.

It was the same passage as before, but there were many more corpses of insect soldiers on the ground. The crocodile **** looked down on the sixth-level Leo at the beginning? So let them come in front of him. But today's Leo is powerful? The crocodile **** has already activated the maze ability of the kingdom of God, and countless channels crisscross, seeming to be endless? It is impossible to detect where the crocodile god's body is.

"It's interesting. It's a pity that this time is not enough? Didn't prepare the equipment? Otherwise, I can use the Secret Technique of Deciphering the Kingdom of God from Bingxue." Leo smiled, and the five-color thunder skyrocketed? He tried to smash the passage around him.

But the blood is surging on the channel? The five-color divine thunder was blocked.

"Oh? Then try this." Leo's eyes flashed sharply? A dark whirlpool appeared in his hand.

"No, if the Void Black Source swallows the kingdom of God by a large margin, it may cause his kingdom to be ruined, and the aura leaks to attract the mirror of dominance? At that time, let alone obtain the godhead and orb, even you yourself will be in danger." Katis immediately stopped.

Leo moved his eyes and put away the Void Black Source talent? He muttered and took out the coffin artifact.

But the green smoke is very unreasonable and extremely large-scale corrosive and poisonous? The mystery of Moonlight Dragon City was also corroded quickly and dissipated? The crocodile god's kingdom of God may not be able to sustain it.

"You really like to be stubborn. Let me come. You can follow my guidance and you can walk in front of him. First to the left..." Katis shook her head helplessly and began to give directions.

Leo put away the coffin artifact and walked to the depths of the kingdom of God step by step following Katis's guidance.

"Left, right? He changed the channel again, go to the right!" Katis pointed at every step, as if two chess masters were playing against each other, and the standard bearers were naturally Katis and the crocodile god. But after the crocodile **** was promoted, he was entangled by the light of trial, and the study of the kingdom of God was far inferior to Katis. Even if it occupied the home court advantage, Katis was still easy to see through, pointing Leo to move forward.

"It's almost here!" Katis was a little overjoyed, but as soon as her voice fell, a brilliant crocodile clan appeared again in front of her.

The second advent.

"The Crocodile God, I said, the demigod's primary strength is so small, there is no need to use it." Leo sneered, but this time the descendant didn't wait for Leo to take out his paintbrush and swooped over.

"Stupid." Leo's eyes flashed and he held his chin and let out a breath.

Glacier sigh!

The extreme cold wind brought with it the cold of freezing everything, and cracked the blood of the descending body, and the whole body was frozen in the ice.

A fist blasted past, and the ice sculpture formed by the descending body broke apart and rolled to the ground.

Leo stepped on the frozen head of the descendant with one foot, and the head was crushed with great power, and ice scum was everywhere.

"God Crocodile, take out as many descendants as you have, I can perfect you and smash them all."

The whole blood light channel was silent.

Leo waited for a while and saw no movement. Under Katis's guidance, he moved forward again, passing through the layers of blood and light that seemed to be endless, and his eyes finally brightened.

In the square of the year, the crocodile **** lay on the square, staring at Leo with his huge eyes~www.readwn.com~most of his body has been eroded by white light. Not far from him, there were more than a dozen glorious crocodile tribes entangled in the blood band. It seemed that after the descendants were continuously killed by Leo, the crocodile **** also understood that it was completely useless, and did not use the remaining descendants. .

Mimi Reading]()

In addition, some insect soldiers were captured alive and wrapped in blood. It seems that the crocodile **** intends to use them to supplement the descending body.

"Tell me, how did you find the correct path? The kingdom of God is my realm. You shouldn't and can't come in front of me!" God Crocodile's face was full of shock and confusion.

Although he has been a **** for hundreds of millions of years, his energy is all entangled with the light of judgment, and he is still a new development in the management and building of the kingdom of God.

"You can help me! Okay, I believe you are also a guy who refuses to enter the tomb and refuses to lower his head. Then don't talk nonsense. Let me see if you can catch my attack under the entanglement of the light of judgment!" Leo Naturally it is impossible to tell the existence of Katis, smiled and took out the paintbrush, and drew a simple crocodile **** with a few strokes.

If the four-legged snake floating in front of you is a crocodile god.

Crocodile God's face became solemn, he already knew the strangeness of this artifact from the encounter with the descendant, and he was fully on guard.

"Ah! Da da da da da da da da da!" Leo put away his paintbrush, suddenly punched out like lightning, and punched the four-legged snake.

The illusion of the four-legged snake fluctuated violently, and the defensive blood light on the body of the crocodile **** shook violently, and the white light took the opportunity to move forward.

"Impossible, half of the power, how could it be possible to shake my blood? Could it be that you lied just now, the power transmitted by this artifact is 80%? No, 90%? Or 100%!" God Crocodile roared in shock.

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