I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 491: Change owner

"...Is it? You said that ten achievements are ten%." Leo smiled, selected a few in the collection, found out a very special small knife-shaped semi-artifact, and shook it at the crocodile god. , Stab at the head of the portrait with full force.

   The crocodile god's head seemed to be stabbed by a sharp blade, and the defensive blood light burst almost instantly, and the white light suddenly expanded to the crocodile god's head.

   A semi-artifact with energy breaking effect.

"Look, I only moved my hand twice, and you almost can't hold it. Although you are a god, most of your power needs to resist the white light, and even the power weakened by the magic pen cannot resist. Accept your fate, surrender your godhead, and you will still be a demigod after you degenerate. In this era of the fall of the gods, you are still the strongest level in the world and you can live very well." Leo stopped temporarily and bewitched again. .

   The enchantment before the hands-on is fundamentally different from the enchantment after the strength is now displayed.

   "You, dream! Since abandoning the godhead can escape the light of judgment, I can do it myself, so why give it to you?" God Crocodile said indifferently.

Leo grinned, shook the artifact in his hand and said, "After you become a god, you haven't had time to build the artifact? So, you must recognize the reality and don't be reckless. In the age of the gods, it is not uncommon for demigods to slaughter gods. Do you want to cooperate with me to perform another show?"

   Facing the threat of Rio Chiguoguo, the crocodile **** was completely silent.

   The white light is more intense, and Crocodile's face is gloomy, and after thinking about it for a long time, he said unwillingly; "I will give you the Godhead, how can you guarantee that you won't do anything to me?"

"Gambling, crocodile god, this is a gambling, one side of the bet is your life, the other side is the godhead. You have no choice but to believe in me. In fact, no matter what guarantee I make, you will not believe me. , In the final analysis, it's up to you." Leo answered confidently.

The crocodile **** remained silent, and suddenly said after a while: "I am not used to handing my destiny to other people's hands. Then, trade. I will exchange the godhead for your special artifact. If you agree, you can get the godhead. If you don't Agree, then come on, I would rather destroy the godhead?  I won't let you succeed."

Leo squinted his eyes and thought about it?   coldly said: "You also know that the special artifact is rare and precious. The transaction can be carried out, but after the transaction, we will clear the two of us?  I will regain the artifact?   If you missed and killed you in the process, don’t you? resentment."

   God Crocodile examined Leo a few times, out of confidence in his own strength?  Confidence in the artifact paintbrush?   nodded and agreed.

  The transaction is officially opened?  The crocodile **** has been trapped for countless years. In fact, he has long guessed that if he completely disconnects himself from the godhead, Bai Guang will leave?  It's just that I'm not sure? Under Leo's intimidation at this moment?   He threw up his claws in pain and thrust into his mind all of a sudden?   dug out an indeterminate blood-colored crystal?   It looks 90% similar to a virtual god.

   "Then?   Take it!" The crocodile **** looked up to the sky and roared?  The whole kingdom of God shook?  There were countless cracks that began to spread.

   The ground shook, the zenith collapsed, and when the boulder fell, the crocodile **** waved his blood red godhead to the center of Leo's eyebrows.

  At the same time, as the godhead flew to Leo, the light of judgment rose from the crocodile **** body like a tide, chasing the godhead bee pupae.

   "God of crocodile!" Leo's face changed drastically, and he had to use his strength to avoid him when he stepped on the ground, but suddenly the entire space of the kingdom of God turned into an invisible cage, imprisoning him for a moment.

"God of crocodile!" Leo's eyes were as sharp as electricity, but he greeted the crazy laugh of God of Crocodile: "Ant, you dare to threaten me, forcing me to give up the godhead, and I have been reduced to a demigod for hundreds of millions of years. His efforts were ruined. If this is the case, then you will bear the light of judgment for me!"

   At the moment of being imprisoned, the godhead fell on Leo's eyebrows, like water melted into the river, disappeared in the blink of an eye.

   White light is about to come, but Leo's power, spirit, and even soul began to undergo earth-shattering changes. The soul that originally exuded silver light slowly transformed into a golden color. At the same time, the **** power in the godhead came into contact with the three powers in the body, and immediately selected the weakest combat ability, forcibly expelled it, and replaced it with the three-pole power. Kind of.

   White light descended after an instant, Katys sighed leisurely, and nearly half of the huge divine power obtained from the ice goddess divine body was left, unreservedly excited, and resisted the white light of judgment.

   The Godhead quickly merged with Leo's soul, and the **** power became stronger and stronger, completely overshadowing the ice wind mana and stealing evil power, and became the core. At the same time, the rapidly collapsing Kingdom of God also gradually stabilized, and control was transferred to Leo through the Godhead.

   "Leo, I won't be able to hold on for long, just think of a way." Katis shouted.

At this time, the crocodile **** stopped laughing wildly, staring at the paintbrush in Leo's hand, imitating Leo's previous tone and said: "Give me that special artifact, I can consider letting you go. Otherwise, I just need to break the gods. The national barrier, let your breath leak a little, then...haha."

The reversal of the situation made the crocodile **** laugh happily again~www.readwn.com~The gods merged, Leo felt that his consciousness was elevated above the demigod again, and the endless **** powers gradually took shape and slowly changed His body. At the same time, the ice wind demon energy and the body stealing evil force were forced to retreat step by step by the divine power, and even the virtual godhead was forced into two little toes, lingering.

   The huge gap in the essence of power makes them unable to fight the blood divine power. Although fighting with a divine tool, you may not be afraid of the blood divine power, but in the same body, the lofty of the divine power is irresistible.

   "Do you want this brush? Then answer one of my questions." Leo made the offer.

   "Say." God Crocodile said coldly with blood-red eyes.

   "Why didn't I want to merge the godhead, but this godhead actively merged with me?"

The crocodile **** looked up to the sky and laughed. After a long laugh, he stopped laughing and replied: "Do you think I have never thought of abandoning the Godhead? For hundreds of millions of years, I have budgeted everything possible, and I have already done tricks in the Godhead. . If it’s the last moment when I can’t hold on, I will call a crocodile clan and throw the godhead on him. The godhead that I have touched will immediately merge with him, and I will be able to get out of the white light. I didn’t expect it. Ah, before the last moment came, I was forced by you to use the last resort, and persisted in paying all the money for hundreds of millions of years. And you, naturally, replaced me as Bai Guang’s trial target."

   Rio thought for a while, and sneered: "You are not willing to completely destroy the godhead. After preparing this method, you still want to get back the godhead, right?"

   Crocodile God smiled but did not answer.

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