I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 492: potential

"... The paintbrush can be given to you, but I must wait for my fusion to complete." Leo held the paintbrush, feeling that most of the soul has turned golden, the power of the body is surging, and even the body has changed slightly, and the conditions are set.

   God of Crocodile just sneered at Leo, not in a hurry. Hundreds of millions of years of experience told him that unless the godhead is destroyed, the deadlock cannot be resolved. And the way to destroy the godhead, although every **** can understand it after enshrining the gods, but it is definitely not something that can be done in a short while.

"Hey, you were conspired by him to completely turn into a golden soul. You must destroy or disconnect the godhead as soon as possible to avoid being detected by the mirror of dominance." In the spiritual space, Katis sighed, the supernatural power left by the goddess of ice and snow. At the same time as it was exhausted, the knack of how to disconnect the godhead flowed into Leo's heart.

   It is difficult to destroy the Godhead, but it is not difficult to disconnect from the Godhead, similar to what the God of Crocodile did just now.

   At the same time, as the ice and snow divine power disappeared, the light of judgment fell on Leo's heart, and Leo instinctively resisted the light of judgment with blood divine power.

   The godhead is dazzling, constantly elevating Leo's soul, changing Leo's body, and surging his energy, giving him the illusion that he can move mountains and seas.

  Perhaps, this is not an illusion.

"Don't you want to disconnect it? That crocodile **** is now seduced by a special artifact, and you don't know that you have mastered the trick to disconnect the godhead, otherwise he will definitely not wait for a second, break the barrier of the kingdom of God, and let it dominate. The mirror destroys you." Katis said anxiously.

Leo felt it silently again, realizing that it would take at least a few hundred years for the body to become a divine body, and that the divine power had long been obtained, only the soul, which has turned 90% into gold, and only 10% remained. He immediately said: "His Royal Highness , Will the soul turn to gold attract the mirror of dominance? Will it degenerate after losing the godhead?"

Katis was silent for a moment and said: "That's not true. Everything about the gods depends on the gods, and the mirror of dominance should also be aimed at the gods. And the spirits, which are almost similar to the spiritual power of the warlock, will not cause the loss of the gods after transformation. Divine Soul degenerates, but Divine Soul does not have much influence on strength."

"... Your Majesty the goddess, wait a minute, maybe it will be useful." Leo silently waited for the infinite power of the godhead to completely turn the soul into gold, and felt the law of the river in the secret, and felt that some people were talking about him, and felt it. Thousands of vanity rays connected him, but they were blocked by the kingdom of God, and everything was chaotic and blurred.

   "It's okay." Katis reminded me a little frightened.

   Leo smiled, looked at the light of judgment on his chest, and suddenly another figure walked out of his body, exuding infinite power, attracting the light of judgment to follow him closely.

   "What the **** is this? Is it a puppet?" God Crocodile was taken aback. That is, in this short time, there is a figure of infinite power stretched out and pressed against Leo's body?   Infused the ice wind demon energy back into the body?   Then took the paintbrush?   sneered at the crocodile god.

At the same time?  As the Godhead turns into Leo's hands?  The bug soldiers who had been entangled by the blood and light have long awakened?  One of the seventh-level bug soldiers is holding the unconscious Leo body?   rushed out of the kingdom of God?   disappeared. It's gone.

  The crocodile **** did not pay attention to these insect soldiers, watching the figure walking out of Leo with bewildered eyes?  It was obvious that the godhead had been transferred to this person?   And the light of judgment was also on him. More importantly, the special artifact is also in his hands.

"What happened just now? Are you twins?" Even the crocodile **** is an old antique who survived the age of the gods?   But there are not many such strange talents as the three-body?   I can only guess with some kind of talent I have seen before. .

   "Almost. Okay, it's time to end." The split smiled indifferently, and the paintbrush quickly drew another crocodile god. . . Then?   He touched the portrait directly with the light of judgment from his chest.

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   Crocodile God screamed, and without hesitation, he broke the barrier somewhere in the kingdom of God with one claw?   wanted to escape.

   "The kingdom of God is controlled by me now." A sneer appeared on Leo's face, as he exhausted all his divine power to reinforce the strength of the kingdom of God, stopping the crocodile **** for a moment. At the same time, he waved his hand and threw the paintbrush out of the kingdom of God, and then tried his best to seal the kingdom of God through the godhead to prevent the crocodile **** from escaping.

The crocodile **** loses control of the kingdom of God and cannot see the outside world, but Leo Split has long discovered that the sky outside has changed drastically, and the entire Yarete Plateau changes from day to night within a second, a cloud brighter than the sun. The white light fell from the sky and flocked to the kingdom of God. At this moment, Leo broke the connection with the godhead using the method taught by Katis, and at the same time, the spirit left the split.

   In the next instant, the boundless white light fell on the kingdom of God, as if the sun had fallen on an igloo, dissolving the whole kingdom of God in the blink of an eye, purifying everything inside.

   includes the crocodile **** and the split body who cannot escape.

   Amidst the stern curse of the crocodile **** before his death, Leo's body opened his eyes in the distance, watching the crocodile temple completely reduced to a sea of ​​white light, but he was extremely nervous.

   The split body is still in the kingdom of God, he is not sure whether the three-body talent can hide from the mirror of dominance. This matter has been out of his control since it was conspired by the crocodile **** ~www.readwn.com~, and now it is just trying to adapt.

   The trial lasted for an hour, then the white light returned to the clouds, the night disappeared, and the sky returned to normal. Only a huge pit up to 100 meters deep remained in the Huang Crocodile Temple.

  The crocodile **** and everything about him disappeared in the light of judgment, including the godhead and the orb of descending. This is only secondary. The light of the key judgment is indeed as expected by Katis. It is only aimed at the godhead and will not have a special reaction to the **** soul. Leo finally got out of the crisis.

  Although the godhead has not been obtained, and the plan of the demi-dragon puppet has been ruined, the survival of the puppet is already the biggest gain, so why bother?

   "Now you can tell me, why did you take the risk just now to wait for the soul to completely turn golden?" Katis asked suspiciously.

  Leo did not answer directly, but turned to look at the worms around him, and solemnly asked: "Do you feel stronger potential?"

The insect nodded: "Yes, master, in a short period of time, I feel that countless mysteries about blood have poured into my heart, my body's limit potential has greatly increased, and I have realized a realm of blood. Although That feeling quickly ebbs, but the improved potential and the realm of comprehension don't seem to disappear. It's just that I still need to devour flesh and blood to improve my strength before I can play it out."

   Insect General talked and stretched out his hand to try his best to show the newly acquired domain, but the Scarlet Phantom collapsed in a flash. Obviously his power was not enough to support the consumption of the domain.

   But only with this fleeting phantom, Leo and Katis recognized at a glance that this was a sign of the domain's activation, and they were surprised and delighted.

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