I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 502: Deepest hatred

Leo was overjoyed. Originally, she planned to let Stephanie go to test it, but she couldn't use it now.

   The Demigod Domain has clearly informed Leo that Trafolte, who has become a dragon puppet, has maintained the Demigod level as he wished, and has not dropped two levels. I don't know whether it is the reason for the virtual godhead, or Trafolte's incomparable nature, or the reason for the bone temple?

   Maybe, the effect of the three together?

   But an accident happened. Trafolte looked at Leo, a trace of hatred surged in his eyes, and he snarled frantically at him.

   If it wasn't the restriction of the sequence soul crystal, maybe it had already rushed over.

   "This is impossible. It was made into a dragon puppet, which is equivalent to a recast of consciousness. How can it still remember the previous events?" Leo was surprised.

Katis couldn't answer, but Stani on one side was surprised and said: "It's amazing, Master, this is because Trafte's body is so well preserved, even the remnants of his consciousness are preserved. Lian. When making dragon puppets, it is natural to introduce some remaining consciousness in the body. Generally speaking, unless the will is particularly strong, such as the magic mud, or there are special circumstances, it will be difficult to cross the consciousness. Life and death!"

Leo understood, frowning at the soul fire in Trafolte’s eyes, vaguely guessing that it was because of the powerful power of the endless glacier scepter, or the special power of some of the main artifacts, which caused Trafol to even Was seckilled, but the remnants of consciousness were preserved intact.

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   This also caused the current dragon puppets to hate Leo.

   "How to solve it?" Leo held the sequence soul crystal and asked Steine.

"Master, it's very troublesome. Although he is like a baby now, blank, but his hatred for you is deep in the deepest part of the soul. Even if you control the soul crystal in your hands, it cannot be erased. However, you are not trying to transfer it. Is it for others to use? Then give it to others as soon as possible, and then don't meet with it, then it's okay." Steine ​​said with a smile.

   Leo sighed, used the control soul crystal to force Trafolte to fall asleep, then took out the other dragon corpses and the corresponding materials prepared in the Holy Prison, and put it in it.

"These dragon corpses are for you to refine the dragon puppets. The materials should be enough. Remember, these are not so demanding. Level 8 is enough, and level 9 is naturally the best. They are all controlled by the control soul crystal. These dragon puppets will be controlled in the future. They must also be transferred to others for use." After Leo gave the task, he took out the Styx boat and left the Death Star Region.

   This time the journey to the void finally achieved its goal.


   An amazing upheaval is taking place in the Kingdom of Blood Moon.

   There is a land equivalent to two-thirds of the blood moon kingdom today, and it was donated to the blood moon kingdom by the mystery empire, which suddenly expanded the blood moon kingdom by two thirds. And these lands are all wild lands occupied in previous wars and have not been developed?   Rich in resources, some places are no less than the Jade Province.

   Blood Moon Kingdom ushered in sweet troubles-the population was too small, and only a small number of troops could be sent to station at various borders after the handover of the Mysterious Empire Army.

   On a newly-developed land, the slightly old Mira had an unusually heavy look, staring at a luminous python in front of him?   her fingers tensely grasped the staff.

   "Mila?  What should I do?" A middle-aged man with a naked back beside her bit his lip and asked in a low voice.

   "The situation is not too bad, the Luminous Python is Level 5?   All five of us are Level 4?  It is impossible to defeat by five to one. It shouldn't be difficult to retreat slowly." Mila said in a deep voice.

  The middle-aged man frowned and said, "It can only be so. Strange?  Didn't the Legion of the Blood Moon Kingdom have roughly cleared the territory?  How can there be such a powerful guy as the Luminous Python?"

Mila hasn't answered yet?  The white-haired man holding a bow and arrow already said: "I know that. After the army of the Mystery Empire left, because of the manpower relationship?  Our army did not carry out a large-scale cleanup of the occupied area?   So Luminous Python Such alien beasts can survive. And my friends in the army told me that after the alien war, according to the demigod, the **** legion that the Gresh family served in the kingdom has returned to the family, and the Crimson Queen carried the crimson. The legion left at the same time. In this way, the army is naturally tense, and there is no time to clean up the alien beasts, so we have the opportunity for adventurers, right?"

  Mila heard the words "that demigod", a complicated expression flashed across her face, but she was quickly covered up. While they were talking, the luminous python stared at the five people, and seemed to feel that they were not easy to mess with.

"Pirin is right. Although in the past decades of war, our blood moon has also seen official level seven powerhouses such as Olivia, Stephanie, Gulagas, and Bruce, as well as a large number of level five and six. General, but in the final analysis, the **** legion with at least double digits in the seventh level is still irreplaceable. Now that they leave, the Principality will release the task of cleaning up the new occupation to the people, and we have us. Chance." Another Great Shield Knight agreed.

   The five people nodded together, and stalemate with the Luminous Python for a while, Mira suddenly changed her face and trembled: "It will neither attack ~www.readwn.com~ nor leave, what does it want to do?"

The other four were stunned. Suddenly the middle-aged man with red back and double axe, who looked like the leader, said in shock: "No, I seem to remember that luminous pythons are lone creatures, but if they are pregnant, they are male and female acting together. ."

   The five faces changed drastically, and they seemed to look in another direction intuitively.

   Another luminous python swam to the crowd silently, only a hundred meters away.

   "Trouble!" The five people looked at each other, their faces showing decisiveness.

   "Mist technique!" Mira first issued a spell, shrouding this area in the mist.

   The five people cooperated very well. When the fog rose, they had changed positions long ago, just to avoid the lightning-like slaughter of two luminous pythons.

   The mist spread quickly, covering a radius of several hundred meters, completely obscuring the field of vision. But the next second, a scream rang out: "Damn, they can see me!"

   Mila quickly dispelled the mist technique, and when she fixed her eyes, one of her companions had disappeared, and the abdomen of a luminous python was slightly raised.

"It's Pirin! Damn, he is a shooter, his melee ability is very weak, and these two luminous pythons are very intelligent." The leading red-backed man screamed in grief and shouted: "Retreat to the ironwood forest over there, they are very If it is difficult to interrupt Tiemu all at once, we have room to deal with!"

   The four ran away quickly.

   But the other luminous python with an empty stomach wouldn't give up easily, chasing after him, opened his mouth and swallowed the last big shield man.

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