I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 503: Mira's request

"No, the abyssal torrent!" At the critical moment, Mira yelled, and a waterfall-like torrent formed out of thin air, hitting the luminous python, stopping it for a few seconds.

   The shield knight took the opportunity to escape the crisis and rushed into a five-meter-diameter giant forest with the other three.

   Two luminous pythons swam over quickly, staring at the four people with cold eyes, one of them still slightly bulging.

   "Pirin!!!" The four were shocked and angry, but they dared not rush out.

   The two giant snakes walked provocatively for a few laps, and slowly pushed towards the forest.

   The final battle of life and death is about to begin. All four of them feel heavy and feel hopeless.

   "Mila, wait as soon as there is a chance, we will protect you from escape." The redback man said in a deep voice while guarding.

   "...No, I won't leave my teammates to escape alone." Mira hesitated, gritted her teeth and answered.

   "Look!" At this moment, the dagger knight who had been walking pointed to the sky and exclaimed.

   In the night, a figure flew silently from a distance, at an amazing speed.

"It's a foreign race... No, it seems to be the Scarlet Queen Shivana. I have seen her from a distance!" The Redback leader thought that tonight would be too bad, but at this moment it doesn't matter if it is too far away. Yang Tian shouted: "Sir Shivana, help!"

   The figure in the sky paused, as if discerning where the sound came from. Because the distance was too far, the man with the red back couldn't confirm whether Shivana heard his cry for help, and he was fully on guard for the luminous python.

   But the next moment, a figure has appeared next to the redback man, glanced at them, frowned and said, "Are you adventurers?"

   The man with the red back was taken aback and couldn't believe it. Because when he yelled, the figure was at least a few kilometers away from him. It was because of his special eyesight that he could vaguely see that there seemed to be wings behind the figure, blindly guessing that it was Shivana, and it was obvious that he was caught.

   But the problem is that for a distance of a few kilometers, Shivana arrived in front of her in about a second, and it didn't seem to cause a sonic boom at all.

   Even the leaves did not float.

The man with the red back was shocked, but the Great Shield Knight on one side took a few shots of his mind. He didn't realize this for a while and quickly replied: "My lord, although we are adventurers, we are offering a reward for clearing the alien beast because of the official Blood Moon. Only then entered the undeveloped territory and contributed to the future of the kingdom."

Shivana's face was flat?   gently flicked out two copper coins?  The copper coins flew out, and the two luminous pythons that had escaped quietly for several hundred meters suddenly seemed to be lit, and within a second they were burned to ashes by their heads?  Body But it is still intact.

"I have been out of the kingdom for some time?   And I am not in the army now?   I returned to the master's command, but the current situation is not very clear. Tell me?   Why didn't the kingdom's army clear up these level 4 or higher monsters?" Shivana touched the little chicken on her shoulder?   asked slowly.

  The man with the red back looked at Shivana and cried out fluke in his heart?  Hurry up to explain the current embarrassment of the blood moon kingdom army.

"Oh?   So that's the case. That's not a problem, as time passes, it will eventually become the land of the kingdom. Okay, you guys be careful?   I have to go, the master is still waiting for my return." Shiva Na shook her wings and showed her intentions.

"Wait?   Master?   Please help Pirin. I know that Lord Leo has the ability to resurrect?   Anyone who died within an hour can be resurrected. I am not a nobleman, nor a soldier, but just an ordinary person. Blood moon adventurer. But the comrades who share life and death are dead, I have to implore you, if you want, can you bring Pirin’s body?  Go to see Lord Leo. If Lord Leo is in a good mood today, save it. Save Pirin. If he is in a bad mood today, it doesn't matter, it's Pirin's destiny." The Great Shield Knight suddenly knelt on the ground, lowered his head to Shivana, and sincerely pleaded.

  Leo, in order to avoid trouble, declared that the resurrection time was within one hour, so that most people couldn't make it at all, so they would naturally give up.

Shivana stopped her figure, licked her lips lightly, frowned and said, "I am just a slave girl of the master. It is the master's decision that I can't save people. I can't add trouble to the master. So this I can't help with this."

   The Great Shield Knight lowered his head in pain, and watched Shivana about to leave, but could only sigh weakly.

At this moment, Mira, who had been standing on the side without saying a word, sighed, raised her head and said to Shivana with a complex expression: "Shivana...sir, can you contact Leo...sir, tell me. He, Pilin is Edwin’s student."

   Everyone else looked at Mira in surprise, not knowing what she was talking about. Edwin has been dead for many years, and he was only a third-level knight before his death. He was just an insignificant little figure. What's the use of his face?

   What's more, the opponent is still a demigod powerhouse with a reputation that shocks the world and is as high as the sun-Grexi Leo!

"Edwin? Haven't heard of it." Shivana gave Mira a puzzled look. After thinking about it, she took out the mirror and said while activating: "The master seems to have gone to the endless void~www.readwn.com ~ I will try, if the master does not respond within ten seconds, then I will immediately... Okay, there is a response."

   In the mirror, Leo's face appeared.

   "Shivana, what's the matter? Did your investigation have a result?" Leo's voice came out.

   "Master, there is a result, I am on my way back. However, I rescued a few adventurers in the newly developed territory of the kingdom, and they begged me to save their dead companions." Shivana reported quickly.

"Dead adventurer? That is his destiny. If all the adventurers in the kingdom have to save me when they die, I don't have to do anything else at all. Okay, come back immediately. I want to know the result of the investigation." Calmly and ruthlessly refused.

   "Yes!" Sivana obviously didn't intend to say any more, she was about to close the mirror, and Mira on one side shouted anxiously: "Leo, the deceased is Edwin's student!"

   At this time, the shadow mirror was closed. Shivana shrugged to Mira, preparing to put away the shadow mirror and leave. Suddenly, the shadow mirror shook again.

   Shivana opened the mirror in doubt, Leo asked solemnly in the mirror: "Edwin? Which Edwin? Who are you?"

   "Dustwallow Marsh, the Edwin who dealt with the blood demon together." Mila's face was reddened, but Shivana had turned the mirror over, she had no time to avoid it, so she could only answer.

   For many years, although she knows that Leo is getting more and more dazzling, she never mentions knowing Leo in front of her teammates, because she doesn't want to let Leo know about her current embarrassment.

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