I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 184: Battle of souls

"The spiritual space is completely eroded by the earth element energy. In this case, if you completely occupy this body, you must clean it up first. It's really troublesome!" The woman's phantom whispered, although it used some kind of ancient, even ancient, Heng ancient Leo’s unknown language, but because she is in Leo’s spiritual space, the two sides are like consciousness docking. Her thoughts about Leo can be understood directly, and her face can't help but change drastically.

   Could it be that the sequelae caused by the magic potion can help oneself escape a catastrophe?

   "Innocent!" The woman seemed to feel Leo's thoughts, whispered indifferently, and reached out to grasp the golden bird's talent illusion.

   The silver vision seems to have become her body.

   "My children, I have returned, and now I need to borrow a little bit of your strength."

   The woman murmured, suddenly the golden predicting bird vision

   strangely turned into a burst of energy, first it flew into the woman's hand obediently, and then, without knowing what was going on, gathered into a golden peculiar symbol, flew out of the woman's hand, and instantly swept across Leo's spiritual space.

   The ochre magic energy integrated with the spiritual space was driven out by a strange and mysterious power, and turned into pure earth magic energy and merged into the magic energy flow in Leo's body.

   "Damn, is this a god? It's so strong!" Leo's eyes were about to fall out. What did the mysterious little tree take years and months to do, she actually did it all at once? Although Leo's illusion power was borrowed, Leo couldn't be happy at all at the moment. The stronger her ability means that when she erases her consciousness, Leo will have less chance to resist.

   The two were connected in consciousness, Leo knew exactly what she was going to do next.

"Hehe, I can finally return from the endless darkness. Sagmoras, although you have laid down the power of the law to forbid the reproduction of my children and tried to prevent me from returning again, destiny has finally brought variables!" While talking, her beautiful eyes looked at Leo.

"I'm the variable? Damn, I knew that this prejudging bird's talent was so involved, the ghost would choose it!" Leo smiled bitterly, and then watched the woman's huge phantom begin to melt, turning into a stream of silver water. , Eroded into his spiritual space. At this moment, Leo faintly felt his consciousness began to blur.

   Is this coming to an end? Leo yelled unwillingly, and in desperation, he activated all his talents with all his strength. Facing this mysterious and supreme existence, facing the almost incomprehensible erasure of consciousness, and the killing of souls, Leo felt the powerlessness of the knight for the first time.

   However, it seems that facing a true god, even if it is only a one-billionth projection, with a warlock, the ending may not be any better, right?

   Just when Leo was desperate, suddenly a touch of green fell from his eyes, and his vague consciousness began to become clear again. At the same time, a whisper of surprise reverberated throughout the spiritual space.

   "The eternal tree? How is it possible! No, impossible, the eternal tree is level ten, and this energy fluctuation is only level one. What is this weird thing?"

   What Vanessa said is the mysterious little tree. At the last moment of Leo's life and death, he reluctantly activated all the talents, but the other nine. . . No, it should be said that the other eight, the origin of the pre-judgment bird's talent has been completely looted by Vanessa, turned into her resources, and disappeared in Leo's spiritual space. The other eight talents can't do anything about this. Only the mysterious little tree, with leaves falling all over, is constantly purifying and driving away a stream of silver water in the spiritual space.

   "Eternal Force? No, I won't fail here, never! Hurry up, unknown creatures, stop right away. I ask you to stop right away in the name of Vanessa, the lord **** of fate."

   Vanessa's voice echoed violently in the mental space. But even at such a critical moment, her voice was still ethereal and tranquil, full of mystery.

   Rio chose not to say a word.

"Fanwu, I can promise that it will not completely erase your consciousness, and after my complete return, as a reward, I will give you a god. Stop Mortal, your struggle will only cause some trouble to me, It can't stop all of this."

   Rio chose not to make a sound again, but secretly put away the other eight talents, and tried his best to maintain the talent of the mysterious little tree.

   "You, I will regret it!" Vanessa finally understood Leo's determination, and stopped talking after a whisper. As time passed, the mysterious little tree slowly gained the upper hand in the struggle between silver water and green leaves for spiritual space.

  Because it has thousands of leaves accumulated over the past few days, and Vanessa's consciousness, relying only on the power of the silver robbing to predict the fate of the bird's illusion, seems too small. Although her level seems to be much higher than that of the mysterious little tree, a stream of water can almost offset the purification of hundreds of leaves, but she does not have enough water to squander.

When the silver water flow was halfway left, she finally spoke again: "Mortal, your leaf can resist my supreme power of destiny~www.readwn.com~Every piece should be a treasure. It's a waste of it. Let's make it. Trade, right? I can admit this failure and actively dissipate this projection to help you save precious leaves. But you must agree to help me collect the destiny bird... Well, that is, the pre-judgment bird essence you said, reach a certain level After the number, the summoning ritual will start to summon me back from the abyss of the gods, how about?"

   Leo looked at the leaves of the mysterious little tree, and answered without hesitation: "Of course, there is no problem with this."

   He will never let Vanessa, who knows all his secrets, return. However, it doesn't matter if you agree, anyway, he didn't say the time, Leo can wait 10,000 years later, the day when she is tired of life, and then summon her.

   Vanessa was silent for a while, and immediately discovered the loophole, and said, "So, how about one hundred years at the longest?"

   "Impossible!" Leo rebuffed. One million years can be considered, if he was still alive at that time.

   But if she refuses so bluntly, without giving a reason, Vanessa will obviously be angry, maybe there will be some unpredictable means. Leo quickly added: "Do you know that our race is just a small race? Even if we search all the pre-determined avian crystals on the ground of our race, we will collect dozens of them at most in a hundred years, and it is impossible to summon you in sufficient numbers. One. Hundred years? Where did you let me find so many crystals to summon you?"

Vanessa was silent for a moment. At this time, she had more than half of the silver currents that had been offset by the leaves. She could only sigh and said, "Then, it's just a thousand years. Within a thousand years, help me collect at least one thousand premonitions. Convict the bird's crystal marrow and hold a ceremony."

  Leo was silent, silent, silent again.


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