I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 185: Shane's explanation

   "Talk to you!" Vanessa had only ten streams left, and finally asked some urgently.

  Leo was silent again. Then, Vanessa understood, she sighed faintly and said: "You have won, Mortal. In order to clean up the mana in your spiritual space, I have consumed too much power of destiny and have missed this opportunity. "

   At this point, there are only a few streams of water left in the Vanessa projection. But she still calmly said: "But for all things, you must remember that although God will fall, he will always return. When I return, I will come to you, and I hope you will not regret it!"

   Regret at that time, better than regretting now! Leo said in his heart, and finally heaved a long sigh of relief as the leaves were about to purify the last stream of water.

"I really want to look at the blue sky and white clouds, all living beings, the fragrance of flowers and birds, and the magnificent thread of fate! It is a pity that I have to return to the cold and dark endless darkness!" At the last moment, the last silver stream Turned into a beautiful phantom of Vanessa, she frowned slightly, let out a long sigh, and was completely surrounded and purified by leaves.

   When all the dust settled, Leo's consciousness stopped in the spiritual space, feeling surging in his heart, standing still in place, unable to speak for a long time.

   This time, it was too dangerous. At the same time, Leo had some one-sided understanding of God, and he also felt a kind of inexplicable fear. . . Yearn for! Forever, even if she falls, as long as there is still her power left in the world, she can still find a chance to resurrect. This is the horror of the gods.

   "I hope that in the rest of my life, I will have better luck and stop meeting this woman again." Leo prayed silently in his heart. In this battle alone, the large number of leaves he accumulated became sparsely scattered again, at most only a thousand pieces, and the loss was extremely heavy.

   "That's right, the woman said just now... The Eternal Tree?" Leo suddenly remembered Vanessa's whisper, and touched his chin in thought. But Vanessa finally rejected her guess, and Leo understood that the mysterious little tree was not the tenth-level eternal tree second only to the World Tree in myths and legends. Moreover, Vanessa's existence seems to be unrecognizable, showing the mystery of its origin.

   By the way, it seems to have emerged from an egg. A tree born from an egg? This is really weird.

   Leo thought hard for a while, and finally touched his headache and gave up guessing. Anyway, as long as he knows that the mysterious little tree is very extraordinary, that's enough.

   The dust settled, Leo opened his eyes and saw Shane with a panic face.

   "Shane, what's the matter? You brought me here on purpose? Why did that woman let you go?" Leo still had a doubt in his heart that needed to be answered.

"Sir, she controlled my consciousness and asked me to speak to you. However, this control consciousness seemed to consume a lot of her, so she forced me to sit here after sending it once, and then cut me off. The connection between his consciousness and body. My lord, are you okay?"

   After all, the opponent is a god, and Shane is very unoptimistic. But now it seems that his mysterious master actually defeated a **** in the battle of souls?

   "Then, answer me Shane, why doesn't she choose your body?" This is Leo's biggest doubt.

Shane replied with a wry smile: "She seems to be very picky about the body, not to mention my old body that is about to run out of life, even if some young bodies in the city of Asai, she seems to be dissatisfied. From me, she knows about the adults. The magical talent immediately selected your body."

   So that's it. The biggest doubt in Leo's heart was resolved, and he couldn't help but shook his head and laughed. Vanessa was too picky, and as a result, the chance of her resurrection that she finally waited for was wasted. Since the ancient times and the disappearance of the gods, the elapsed time has been counted in millions of years. An opportunity that she had waited for millions of years was wasted by her because of being picky. Just think about it, even Leo, an enemy, feels sorry for her.

   But, I guess she didn’t think she would fail at the beginning, did she?

At this time Shane said again: "My lord, I encountered a third-level monster and used a lot of regeneration abilities. These are all lies she made up to trick you. In fact, although I hold an extraordinary weapon, I don’t have you as an adult. It’s violent power, combat power and vision bonus, and without the blessing of multiple talents, it is impossible to leapfrog the challenge."

  Leo was originally a little confused on the way here, and it was strange that Shane was able to defeat the third-level alien beast, which was a bit unbelievable. Now I know it's just a lie.

At this time, Shane said with a strange expression: "My lord, the advice of the **** of the swamp is indeed right. The reason why I attracted the woman is because I frequently use the power of prejudging the birds, and I have accumulated a lot of destiny in my body. Afterwards, I seemed to be under a kind of secret guidance and found a weird dilapidated building with a stone statue of her in it."

"At the moment I saw the stone statue~www.readwn.com~ I don’t know what happened. I just felt a lot of vitality passing away, and then the stone statue lit up, and the woman appeared in my body and easily grasped the adult’s gift. My strength has controlled my consciousness and body... My lord, although I have not yet reached the end of my life, this time, I am afraid that the loss is also great, and it is not far from that step."

   Leo listened to Shane's account, and there was another chill in his heart. If it hadn't been for the reminder of the swamp god, he would definitely use the prejudging bird talent unscrupulously, then it is very likely that Vanessa awakened directly in his body, and the consequences would be hard to say.

   "Now that the matter is over and the hidden danger is eliminated, Shane, you are ready to leave with me. By the way, how many crystals have you collected during this time?"

Shane said calmly: "My lord, I don't know. Sometimes I can't find the second-level monsters, and can only slaughter the first-level monsters that he encounters. Sometimes luck meets a group of second-level monsters, and Can't beat it. So in a few months, I can't tell how many alien beasts have been killed."

   "Oh? Looks like your harvest is pretty good." Leo felt a heart move, and immediately let Shane lead the way and go straight to the place where he collected the crystal marrow.

   Shane hid all the crystals he collected in the original site of the tribe, a very hidden hole**. Leo followed him for several days without encountering danger, and finally saw two piles of crystalline marrow.

   "First-level and second-level?" Leo asked with a smile, while looking at Crystal Marrow. However, with this look, his face completely changed.

   Because that feeling of hunger and thirst reappeared in his heart, just like when there was still room for talent.



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