I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 225: Dark night thunder

   Leo watched this scene without turning his head, but fell into a deep silence.

   At this moment, a strong roar came from the mouth of the gourd.

  Leo's heart shook, and he stared at him immediately, and found that the huge channel stone that had been bombarded by Xingmei's blasting agent was trembling. Occasionally, there were blue electric lights flying over the stone.

   "Such a powerful thunder combat ability... Could it be that the Dark Night Thunderbolt Master Maxim has arrived?" Not only did Mira's face not look happy, but it became extremely ugly. Leo thought about it for a moment, and immediately understood the reason.

   Although Dick and the rest of the ink film group did not show it, Mira's move to hide in Leo's side naturally couldn't escape their eyes. And Maxim is Dick's teacher. His appearance may be able to save others, but for the betrayal Mira, it may not be good news.

"After Maxim hits the tunnel, I can unlock your seal and let you go. You know my situation. He will certainly not be polite to me, but what you say... I don't think it will be too big. Trouble." Leo said calmly while looking at Mira who was pale.

   "Then, how are you going to leave? Just hide under the shelter of the glorious bee colony?" Mira obviously knew that squatting like this was not the answer, and defaulted to Leo's arrangement.

   "What I do, you don't have to worry about it." Leo smiled. Of course he couldn't tell this woman about the existence of the bracelet.

   "... Okay." Mira didn't get an answer, knowing that Leo didn't want to say it, nodded and looked nervously towards the passage.


   "Travis, my teacher is here, please hold on!" Dick glanced at the passage with some surprise, and shouted to Travis.

   "I think too..." Travis smiled miserably, and then saw the giant lava bear looking at the passage with fear, and suddenly raised Travis in his hand and put it in his mouth.

   Ice and fire collided, blood splashing. At the last moment, Travis swelled his entire body from the cold battle energy and collided with the lava force of the lava bear. Unfortunately, there is no power to change the ending.

  Sanny on the side looked at Travis only half of his body, and was stunned. However, under the threat of Maxim, the lava bear no longer had the mentality to play. After eating Travis in a few bites, Sonny leaned in his mouth.

   "Tla, I'm here. Waiting for me, we will meet again in the abyss of death!" Sonny's face was shining with a gentle color, her eyes were hollow, as if at this moment, she saw Travis's soul. He is beckoning to her.

   In the next instant, a fishy stench came along with the burning pain, and Sunny completely lost her consciousness.

   "Travis!!!" Dick looked at this scene sadly and angry, but helpless. After the giant lava bear finished eating the two in his hands, he no longer chased Drem, but looked solemnly at the passage.

A few minutes later, after a thunderous roar, the rock burst and a passage appeared. A middle-aged man with blue lock armor and blue hair, with a smile in his eyes, holding a handful of similar shapes. The weapon of the long knife in Dick's hand slowly walked in.


   "I'll take out the sealing needle for you, you leave immediately, don't have any other thoughts." Leo said solemnly, before she could respond, immediately took out the sealing needle from her, and stared at her.

   Leo didn't dare to be careless to a warlock of the same level.

   Mila glanced at Leo with a complicated expression, and left the gap exposed by Xingmei. I don't know what method she used to pass the lava river again.

As soon as she left, Leo said to Xingmei: "The consequences of the bracelet are unpredictable. You first hide in the lava river. If the champion knight still wants to deal with you, you will flee to the bee hive. He is a champion knight, and he cannot face the siege of hundreds of thousands of shining bees whose attack power is at the limit of level three!"

   Xingmei agreed. Leo nodded and was ready, but didn't rush to leave for the time being, and continued to watch the development.


   "Teacher! You are here at last, I thought it would be five or six hours." Dick looked at the middle-aged man excitedly, and let out a long sigh of relief.

Maxim laughed and said to Dick: "What's the matter with my little Dick, you are already dozens of years old, and you have been the leader of the group for many years, how come you still don’t grow up. I saw you use precious things. The soul oriented the orb, I didn’t know what happened, so I borrowed the official Blood Moon teleportation array and passed it from the Emerald City to the Thousand Beast City, and then rushed over. If I run by myself, it will really take five hours. ."

  Speaking of this, he turned his head and glanced at the crowd. He even stared at Leo for a moment, and then smiled: "It seems that I am not too late, am I?"

   "..." Dick was silent for a moment, and said with a sorrowful smile: "Teacher, my friend Travis, and his lover, were eaten by this giant lava bear."

   "Travis? Mustak's student?" Maxim was taken aback for a moment, and after thinking about it, he suddenly took out a mirror and fiddled with it.

  Dick probably knows what Maxim is doing~www.readwn.com~ shook his head and said, "Teacher, Travis left the soul candle. Master Mustak should have learned the news of his student's death."

   Maxim glanced at Dick and continued fiddling. After a while, he suddenly raised the mirror and said to it, "Mustak, your student died in the hands of a giant lava bear. Do you need me to help you entangle it to prevent it from running away?"

   "...Thank you." There was a cold voice in the mirror.

Maxim didn’t care, he said about the location of the entrance with a smile, then put away the mirror, and then said to Dick: “Since you’re safe, I’m going to go shopping with a Tier 4 monster, and it’s still one. Lava creatures are a bit redundant. But if Mustak can accept my favor, it's worth playing."

After speaking, he looked at the giant lava bear who had been watching him on guard, with a cold light in his eyes, and said with a smile: "Big bear, come, let's play. Don't really work hard, spend a while with your desperate people." arrive!"

   The giant lava bear roared and responded to his provocation. In the next instant, a lightning flashed quickly around the body of the giant lava bear.


   After the crisis was resolved, Dick gritted his teeth and walked to Mira who had returned to the lava river, staring at her silently.

   "Captain, I'm sorry..." Mila lowered her head, like a little girl who made mistakes, her face full of panic.

Dick was silent for a long time, and seemed to have finally made up his mind. He gritted his teeth and said: "I don't ask you to be so strong and brave as Gal and Sunny of the Ice Crushing Group, but you... even Barlow and Bomi of the Ice Crushing Group. Not as good as..."


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