I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 226: Departure and journey

  Dick's words made Barlow and Pomit on one side feel embarrassed and sad.

  "...You are usually known for being smart in the regiment, but I didn't think that one day you would be so smart, and you would be so smart to run into the protection of the enemy. It's really amazing."

   Mi opened her mouth, but she couldn't speak.

   "Mila, we've been together for ten years, and I won't do anything to you. You go, from now on, the ink film group will no longer welcome you." Dick finally decided to get rid of Mira. Although his face was full of resentment and sadness, it was quickly covered up firmly.

  "...Goodbye, captain." Mira bowed to Dick with a bleak look, bypassed the battle zone between Maxim and the giant lava bear, and left from the passage.

   Dick looked at Mira’s distant back, and then at the complicated expressions of Drem, Olli and Weir, unconsciously bit his lip, his body trembled slightly, and he didn't even know that his lips were bleeding.

   In his heart, he has been quietly loving this smart little woman!


Leo watched the fierce battle in the distance, until Mira left, he sighed faintly, and whispered to himself: "It's time to go." As he said, he left most of the food and water bags in the endless treasure box. Instructed Xingmei to save some food, and then activated the bracelet, and the figure disappeared in this lava world.

   Maxim, who was in the battle, gave a "Huh", turned his head to look at Leo's position, showing a strange expression. At this time, Leo had already appeared on the ground.

   "Travis's teacher should be here soon!" A thought flashed in Leo's mind. Instead of flying to the sky, he chose a place with tall trees and rushed around the place.

   He chose the route that Jerry took them to Tallinn. As for the battle between Mustak and the giant lava bear, there is no eye to watch.


  On the main road in Monash Province, Leo sat in a carriage, paid a sum of money, and followed a caravan to Tallinn. The advantage of following in the caravan is that you don't need to drive the carriage yourself, tie the rope to the back of the carriage in front, and you can follow along.

   Inside the carriage, Leo held the essence of the flame in his hand and looked carefully.

"This thing can actually be worth three months of penance for an ordinary knight. Although for ordinary adventurers and hunters, 30,000 gold coins are exchanged for three months, it is not worth it at all, but if you change to Serena That kind of woman... I'm afraid the more the better, right?"

  Leo gave a wry smile. His Stone Armored Rhinoceros belongs to the Earth-based knight's method, and the essence of flame is useless to him. Besides, he didn't care too much about the one hundred hobgoblin essences that the Grand Duke promised.

   Rio turned over Mira's wealth again. There are almost 25,000 gold coins in total. She is a bit richer than Leo estimated.

   At this moment, a childish voice rang outside the carriage: "Uncle Leo, Uncle Leo, I brought you the cloud rice cakes made by my mother!"

   Leo was taken aback, showing a smile, put the things away, opened the car door, and a little blond girl with crochet braids got in with an osteoma.

   "Uncle Leo, here is the cloud rice cake my mother made. It is sweet." The little girl jumped into the carriage and immediately took out a plate like a treasure with several pieces of white soft cake on it.

   "Haha, Winnie is so good, uncle will try it." Leo smiled and stroked the girl's head, then picked up a piece of cloud rice cake and took a bite.

   Little Winnie looked up at Leo expectantly.

   "Well, it's very delicious, soft and fragrant. Winnie, your mother is so capable." Leo smiled and praised the little guy.

   "Hey." Winnie's smiling eyes closed. After she waited for Leo to finish eating a piece, she asked embarrassingly: "Uncle Leo...you, your spellbook."

Riojaha laughed, scratched her nose, took out the earthen spell book he had bought, and handed it to the little girl, while smiling: "Be careful not to get too tired, or your mother should have heartache again. ."

   Winnie cheered, and all of a sudden she was lying on the spell book, and she looked at it with a little knowledge. Leo shook his head and smiled, took out the spell book given by Teacher Nicholas, and read it slowly.

   This Winnie's father is the leader of the caravan's guard, a second-level knight, and the family has a very good knighthood. But the problem is that Winnie has not inherited her father's talent.

   Don't think the little girl is only ten years old, but she has been running around with her parents all the year round, she has seen too many fights, and she has a heart yearning for strength. After learning that Leo was a warlock, she took her mother's delicacies to read in Leo's carriage.

  Leo's journey is lonely. Seeing this hardworking girl pleasing to the eye, he helped her with candy and read books.


   On the other side of the caravan, Winnie's mother looked at her husband with some concern and said, "You mean, in the thieves group in the mud swamp, there is a powerful guy?"

"Yes, Argus and the others said last time, that guy should be a third-level knight, and he is proficient in assassination ~www.readwn.com~ as an outsider, and commanded a band of thieves. This time, if you meet His words, I am afraid it will be a little troublesome." Winnie's father is a man in his fifties, and her face is serious at the moment.

   "Are they...will they kill?" Winnie's mother became even more worried when she heard the strong knight.

"I don’t know. According to the usual practice, we should not kill caravans, but only charge tolls. But if we are a escort, even if we don’t kill us, we have to fight, otherwise the reputation will be bad, how can we receive the **** Business?" Winnie's father gritted his teeth and kept holding the hilt of the sword as he spoke.

   "Steve, don't... It's a big deal for us to be hunters or adventurers as we did in the past. It's better than this knowingly mortal battle." Winnie's mother shook her head repeatedly, unwilling to accept this situation.

"Alyssa is just a third-level knight, not a champion knight, and cannot make us give up everything we worked hard. Last time, Argus and the others gathered a dozen knights, plus a group of official knights, to force him and The band of thieves gave way. Besides, if we look back and become hunters or adventurers as we did when we were young, we won't be able to take care of Winnie." Steve shook the weapon hard, and a sharp light appeared in his eyes.

   Winnie’s mother, Alisha, struggled in her eyes. After hesitating for a while, she laughed and said firmly: "Then, Steve, let us fight together again."

"Alyssa, it doesn't need to be this way, things are not as serious as you think. My wife, you should take care of Winnie. Leave these things to me to deal with." A gentle expression appeared in Steve's eyes, lightly. Gently press his wife's shoulders.


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