I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 252: Refining medicine

  Leo stopped his sword skills, thought deeply, and nodded silently.

   "By the way, Edwin, do you know where there is an auction in Tallinn? It's best to have a higher grade. I want to sell something that I don't need, and the value is around tens of thousands of gold coins."

  The essence of flame, he intends to exchange money, and he does not intend to sell it cheaply, so it is best to go to a high-level auction to sell it before meeting buyers who are willing to spend money.

"Oh, auction? I know of a high-level auction. It is said that it is the Warlock Hall in Tallinn. It is safer and the staff is richer, which meets your requirements. However, it seems to be held only once every six months. You have to wait. The mid-year auction will not start until June 6th. If you miss June 6th, you will have to wait for December 12th." Edwin quickly responded and provided a message.

   "Once half a year, June 6th? This auction sounds very high-end!" Leo was a little surprised. In Blood Moon City, the auction recommended by Jax was once a month, and the number of times was much more frequent.

"It's really amazing. It is said that ordinary items cost thousands or even tens of thousands of gold coins, and the price of each final item is around hundreds of thousands of gold coins, which is simply a sky-high price to me." Edwin said with a wry smile. With a cry, it means that he is very poor.

   "So expensive?" Leo pondered. The level of this auction is obviously much higher than the one introduced by Jax, suitable for the high price of the flame essence. However, you must also prepare yourself, if something is inevitable and you don't have enough money, it will be too miserable.

   In this way, money must be raised. Soon he thought of a way-refining medicine.

   After obtaining most of Galio's memory and experience, he is already a master alchemist below level 4, and he also has three unique prescriptions-boiling potion, death gaze potion, and wind energy recovery potion.

"Although this kind of death gaze medicine will die after taking it, as a trump card, special people may be interested. As for the blood boiling medicine, although it only has an effect on the Cavaliers, it is still acceptable and should be more popular. Refine more." Leo touched his chin, thinking secretly.

   Death gaze potion is the potion that Polk fights for his life at the last moment of his life. It can also have a great effect on the warlock. At the cost of his own death, it directly doubles or even doubles the combat power or magic power! It is a pity that the enemy he encountered was too strong.

   "June 6th?" Leo turned to look at Edwin.

   "Yes, there is still a lot of time." Edwin nodded and confirmed.

"I understand. If this is the case, I think I have time to refine a little potion and sell money to prepare funds." Leo thought for a while, put away the sword, said to Edwind, and hurriedly left the courtyard. .

   "He still refining medicine?" Edwin was a little bit unbelievable, looking at Leo's back, showing an expression of expectation. In less than an hour, Leo came back with a carriage and took out a large pile of medicine refining utensils, as well as many weird magic plants.

   "I won't come out these days. You let the maid keep the food hot, and I will come out to eat when I am hungry." Leo took the things to the room and said to the helping Edwin.

   "Okay, I see what potion you can refine!" Edwin smiled and helped Leo carry the things in, then closed the door and prepared to leave.

   "Edwin, you can't be disturbed while refining medicine, please help me watch it." Leo's eyes flashed and he begged Edwin.

   "No problem, anyway, I have been free recently, so I will help you watch it outside the door." Edwin knew the benefits of the medicine refining expertise, and wanted to see Leo's level, and he was full of interest and agreed.

   Waiting for Edwin to go out, Leo was silent for a moment, and took out the Blood Limon Crystal Marrow. With Edwin guarding him, and there was no big accident, he would definitely not break in casually to disturb the refining medicine of a third-level pharmacist, and he could finally swallow it with confidence.

   "This weird thing, I hope that after it is swallowed, it will not develop into a bad place." Thinking of the weirdness of the blood fiend, Leo felt very bottomless, which was the reason why he delayed it for a long time.

   "By the way, there is one last vacant seat!" Leo remembered the last vacant seat, took out the Mutated Wind Rushing Tiger Crystal Marrow, took it in front of him and looked at it, hesitated for a while and put it away again.

   This talent can replace the mud-stained cloak, which is very good, but it is only good, and it can't make him determined. And swallowing the weird blood fierce demon crystal marrow may occupy the last vacancy, and it is a bit unwilling. After thinking about it again and again, Leo decided to wait.

   "Maybe, at the auction on June 6th, there will be some unexpected gains?" A thought flashed in Leo's mind, and finally chose to put away the blood magic crystal marrow, and decided to practice the medicine first.

   This time, Leo is not only preparing to refine the second-level and third-level blood boiling potions and death gaze potions, but also the materials for the wind energy recovery potions. In the Mud Swamp before, the feeling of exhaustion of demons made him very uncomfortable~www.readwn.com~ The cost of the first-level boiling medicine is the lowest, but the difficulty is not low. It is just used to practice hands and inherit the memory and experience of alchemy. Combine with actual operation. "

With a thought, Leo took out a few glass bottles and a magic furnace, as well as refining tools, and then recalled the experience in his memory, compared with the several spell books left by Galio, and ignited the flame of the magic furnace. The process of refining medicine began.

   Five days later, Leo's door suddenly opened.

   "Huh, are you out?" Edwin looked up and down Leo curiously, then looked over him and looked inside the house.

   On the middle table, there are four rows of potions in sequence, all of which are packed in the most standard glass bottles.

"Pink is the first-level boiling potion, the light red is the second-level boiling potion, and the crimson is the third-level boiling potion. These three are temporarily stimulating potential, corresponding to different levels, and can improve some melee strength and combat. Energy intensity, lasts a quarter of an hour. Although the improvement in strength is not large, it can be completely recovered after a period of cultivation, which is very good. And the black one is the death gaze potion. After drinking, it will burn everything and force a huge increase in strength. , It works for the knight warlock. It's just that the medicine will die in the past." Leo briefly explained and hurried to the kitchen.

   "How come your potions are of this desperate type!" Edwin yelled to Leo's back. Seeing that he had no intention of answering, he could only shook his head, walked in and counted carefully.

   Fifty bottles of first-level blood boiling potions, 20 bottles of second-level blood boiling potions, ten bottles of third-level blood boiling potions, and ten bottles of death staring potions. In total, there are a total of ninety bottles of medicine. There is no doubt that Leo definitely still has surplus in his hands.


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