I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 253: Still not enough

Edwin touched his chin and looked at these medicines. After a while, he smiled bitterly and said, "These things will definitely be needed. In just five days, a bunch of magic plants have turned into valuable medicines, the alchemist Really make money!"

"It will take decades of hard training and unique formulas to make money. Those potions that everyone knows, although it can't be said that they are not profitable, but they can't make much." Leo held a glass of animal milk outside the door. , A large piece of shredded pork bread, walked in while gnawing.

   "How many bottles do you think these potions can sell?" Leo asked Edwin with a bit of uncertainty.

   "I don't want to talk about the death gaze potion. This kind of blood boiling potion depends on how much strength is improved, and whether the consequences are severe." Edwin replied very seriously.

"Probably increase the strength by 13 to 15%, and it takes ten days to recover afterwards. However, if you take some blood-tonifying medicinal materials, you can recover in a few days." Leo accurately stated the effect of the medicine. Polk told him.

"Thirteen to fifteen percent? That's not bad. I guess you can sell a bottle of ten gold coins for the first level, and you can sell dozens of gold coins for the second level, and maybe a bottle of more than 100 for the third level, right? I don't recommend that you sell the third-level ones. If it falls to your opponent, it will be troublesome." Edwin pondered for a while and gave a very vague answer.

"Is only one bottle of 100 gold coins for the third level?" Leo thought for a while. The first level boiling potion that Polk had refined at the beginning, but he wanted to sell 20 gold coins but was rejected by the shopkeeper flashed before his eyes, could not help secretly. nod.

   Edwin should be more accurate, but there is one thing he said is right, if it falls into the hands of the enemy, it will be troublesome. After careful calculation, it seems that refining one hundred bottles is only ten thousand gold coins, and the time and energy required are too great for him.

After thinking about it, Leo shook his head disappointedly, put all the blood-boiling potions in the cabinet, and smiled at Edwin: "You make a lot of sense. I won't sell this thing, just put it for my own use. I’ll take this death gaze potion and try it."

   "... How much strength can this mortal potion increase? You can't force it to cross the first level, right?"

Leo recalled the scene of Polk's desperate efforts, and replied in a deep voice: "I saw people use it with my own eyes. With the strength of a first-level intermediate fire warlock, after taking the medicine, he regretted the third-level wind-wing mantis. Although it still failed to let the wind. The Wing Mantis’s beast can produce fluctuations, but the number of scorching rockets fired at one time is dozens of times as many as before taking the medicine, and the power of each scorching rocket has also increased a lot." Leo seriously overcame the original wave after the medicine. The performance was recounted.

"If this is the case, the effect is similar to the top of secret techniques or secret medicines, but it cannot be leapfrogged, but the distance from leapfrogging is very small. This effect is very powerful, but unfortunately, the consequences are mortal and the most terrible. ."

Edwin regretted the evaluation, and then pondered for a moment, took three bottles and put them in Leo's hands, and said meaningfully: "This kind of thing, people who need it, one bottle is enough, and they are willing to change anything. People who don't need it, Don't give it to him either."

Leo looked at the three bottles of Death Gaze Potion in his hand, and then at the remaining seven bottles on the table, nodded thoughtfully, thought about it, and asked: "With a flame essence, you think these things are enough. Huh?"

   Edwin thought for a while, and said in deep thought, "It may be enough to change an ordinary item, but if there are a few fancy items, or a more expensive item, it is definitely not enough."

   Leo touched his chin, thinking about what else could he sell. After thinking about it for a while, his eyes lit up and he said to Edwin: "I know a very special thing, which is very valuable and not of much use to me, so it can be used to sell it for money. I originally wanted to live some life. Go get it, and fulfill a wish by the way. Now... I have to go and bring that thing back and finish that wish by the way. Edwin, Winnie will trouble you to take care of it the day I leave!"

   "Don't worry, this little girl is well-behaved, don't worry about it." Edwin glanced at Winnie, who was reading upstairs seriously, and smiled.

   "I will leave tomorrow, then please." Leo felt relieved and indicated the time to leave.

   "In this case, you prepare something and come back as soon as possible. Don't miss June 6." Edwin exhorted and walked out leisurely.

  Leo waited for him to leave, took out Nicholas' spellbook, turned to the pages of the Netherwind Bulwark, and began to figure it out.

   Over the past month, Leo has given priority to go to the slaughterhouse in Tallinn City to absorb blood, practice the Stone Armored Rhinoceros Knight Skill, and then practice the Wushuang Sword Skill. In the afternoon, when he was a little tired, he would take out the spell book and study the spiritual wind barrier, feeling that it had reached a critical moment. This defensive spell is the secret defensive spell of Nicholas's vein, and its defensive power is much stronger than ordinary wind shields~www.readwn.com~ Leo has been longing for it for a long time.

"Yeah... This spell is so powerful that it uses double the mana consumption to prop up three superimposed spiritual wind shields. This kind of strange secret method of three layers of shields relying on each other, relieving each other, and supplementing each other's mana. , Is the biggest secret of the Lingfeng barrier, and also the most difficult place."

  Leo tapped his fingers on the tabletop and frowned, unable to fully understand the mystery.

Just like how the Wings of Wind does not make a sound while increasing the speed, how does the Dark Blade of Wind Shadow be silent when it is excited, and how to arouse some invisible auras in the most difficult breath of wind, sweep After a few kilometers, the breath perception feedback is obtained. Every secret spell is full of mysteries. Don't even want to learn it if you don't understand it.

The difficulty of    Spirit Wind Bulwark lies in the strange connection between the three layers of Spirit Wind Shield. It is not uncommon for some wind system warlocks to study it if they just rely on the explosion to inspire the three-layer wind shield.

"The three-layer shield is like three pieces of clothing. It is easy to understand. But the problem is that when the first one encounters a super attack, it will not only transfer the attack power to the other two layers, which is equal to the three-layer shield. The shield spreads the attack and the defense increases sharply. And even if the first layer is broken, as long as it is not completely disintegrated, the other two layers will quickly make up for the damage of the first layer before the warlock reacts, and then supplement it from the warlock mana. Self. How does this kind of shield that does not require the control of a warlock like it has a sage?"

  Leo thought for a while, feeling confused, slapped his head with his hands in distress, upset.

   Just then, the door was pushed open again, and Winnie walked in with two cups in one hand and basic books in the other.


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