I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 314: Real purpose

   "Hey, old man, what do you want to do? How do you tie up your master, aren't you afraid to go out and destroy your Rayfish tribe?" The mercenary leader who quarreled with Oma shouted loudly.

"Extermination? Hahaha, bullshit. Did you know that over the past hundred years, due to the long wars launched by your humans, the small races of our tribe who sheltered the crocodile clan have already reached the brink of extermination. There used to be 7,000 There are more than tens of thousands of people, and now there are only less than 500,000 people left. I have calculated that as long as the war lasts for another ten years, the population of our Leiyu people will fall to tens of thousands. It’s the same as many races of your human beings."

   Omar laughed wildly, and answered clearly in human language.

"Why don't you have insufficient fertility? Look at the Huang Crocodile tribe, ten eggs per child, adulthood in ten years. Don't miss a large territory, but the population has not decreased too much. In the end, it's all you are not. Compete!" The mercenary leader knew that he would not be able to escape this time, and tried his best to provoke Omar.

Omar did not seem to be angry, but thoughtfully said: "Population? You are right. The fertility of our Leiyu people is indeed a big problem, but it is not the most deadly problem. The wildness is vast, and we can do it. Escape from this area, and you will always find a way to survive. However, our Leiyu clan is at the lowest point in history, and there is no fourth-level strong in the clan. Such strength, ran into the wild, is the rations of those alien beasts, which simply cannot exist. how long."

   "Why, you have done all this, tricked, can you really trick you into a level four?" The mercenary leader heard the meaning of his words, a little bit unbelieving mockery.

"Hahaha, if it's just you, of course it won't work. But with him, it's different. Forgot to tell you that this hall has a name, it's called the Replacement Hall, which is a relic left by a race of at least level seven or eight. My ancestor did have a level six, and he was promoted here. But I forgot to tell you, he reached level six from an ordinary thunderfish clan in one step!"

   "Impossible!" There was an unbelievable cry almost simultaneously in the hall. What's interesting is that it includes the crocodile king. It seems that he understands the human language at all, and he deliberately didn't reveal it before.

   "What's impossible? Do you know what conditions are needed?" Omar yelled, and at the same time raised the piece of golden amber that she had been holding in her hand.

   There was silence in the hall, and his eyes focused on the golden amber.

"This is the insect **** amber, even in the ancient times when the evil insect tribe was torturing it, it was also the treasure of the evil insect tribe, the symbol of status, and the best sacrifice to worship the insect god. And to use the replacement hall, it needs to consume an insect **** amber. I have been searching for seventy-five years and finally let me find an insect **** amber. Do you think this is a high price?" Omahaha laughed wildly, holding Amber proudly.

   "It's impossible to reach level six in one step, otherwise how could this evil zerg become extinct?" The mercenary leader still didn't believe it.

"Oh, you are right. Insect God Amber is only a condition for opening and controlling the replacement hall. The real let my ancestor ascend to the sky is to chase and kill a sixth-level monster of him. The replacement hall, of course, requires life of the same level as a sacrifice. Only by replacing the product can I promote another life. Otherwise, I will try my best to attract the crocodile king to do? Hahaha!” When Omar said this, he finally made all the plans clear.

   "Oma, **** thing, it turns out that you are plotting against me from beginning to end!" The Crocodile King screamed in harsh human language.

"Yes! Without a fourth-level sacrifice, even more third-level sacrifices would never make me reach fourth-level. Alas, in fact, I don't want to learn from ancestors and seduce fifth-level and sixth-level beasts, but the ancestors met The strange beast that arrived is truly unique, its combat power is amazing, but it moves slowly, really..." Oma shook his head and didn't say any more, but everyone in the hall knew what he meant.

   The combat power is amazing, but the movement is slow? Leo's expression became a little weird. The weird monster in the Lake of Dreams seems to be like this! Of course, you have to start it first, but also keep your distance, not within the range of its tentacles.

"But, you said that you can't improve after this kind of replacement. You let me go, I swear to help you bring a fifth-level, no, sixth-level strange animal over!" In despair, the crocodile king struggled to propose .

"King of Crocodile, stop being funny, do you think I will be so stupid? Haha, I don't want to talk to you who are so stupid besides strength, let me start this great replacement right away. Wait for my promotion to the fourth After leveling up, I will quietly leave this area with some members of the tribe and escape to the wild to find a place where the Thunderfish tribe can live! May God bless the Thunderfish tribe!"

  Oma prayed, then kicked the prince off the seat. Then he walked over to pick up the immovable crocodile king, walked to the edge of the place where the prince was sitting before, and placed the crocodile king on the huge stone seat.

"This is the place of the source, it provides me with the source of promotion, and you are the main dish. The others are just side dishes that provide energy for the replacement ceremony~www.readwn.com~hahahaha." The multi-year plan is about to be completed, Austria Ma laughed wildly at the crocodile king's proud haha, then walked around the hall to the opposite side. He fiddled there for a while, and an identical seat appeared.

   "Let's get started!" Omar sat up excitedly, and put the golden amber in his hand into a groove in the seat.

   Things have reached this point, Leo gritted his teeth, wishing to hear the words of the Thunderfish tribe, asking Omar how to deal with their fellow tribe. Fortunately, someone had the same idea as him, and a guy from the Thunderfish clan shouted: "Prophet Omar, why don't you let us go? We are your clan. You won't sacrifice us too? "

Omar paused for a moment, and a vicious color flashed in his eyes. After thinking for a while, he said, "I don't want an accident. For the sake of the race, your sacrifice is necessary. Don't worry, I will treat your family well. They Priority will be given to following me to leave this area to find a new place for my clan to live."

   After finishing these words, he didn't give these kinsmen a chance to ask questions, and immediately activated the agency.

   Countless blood-red silk threads rose from the ground again, entwining everyone in the hall, including the Thunderfish tribe. At this moment of desperation, Leo tried to launch a shadow jump, without a doubt.

   "Did it die like this?" Leo whispered unwillingly in his heart, and activated the talent of the mysterious little tree. The mysterious little tree who has rescued him many times, I hope this time there will be a miracle.

   The silk thread is still there, Leo felt the blood-colored thread start to **** his power, forced to mobilize the long-abandoned earth magic power to the surface, and was sucked frantically by the blood-colored thread.


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