I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 315: Blood of the Demigod

   It only lasted for a few seconds, and Leo's soil magic power that reached the first-class extreme quickly lost his level, and his level continued to drop.

   "What a perverted replacement hall!" Leo was shocked, and in despair, he activated the remaining talents in turn.

   Two-headed Thunder Snake, Bronze Armored Rhinoceros, Wind Bird, Confused Clan, Rage Raccoon, Learned Clan, Void Shadow Snake, none of them responded. Then, he activated the ninth talent of Mental Space, the Deflection Beetle.

   At this moment, Leo felt the sucking of the scarlet thread stop for a while, and stood still there.

"Deflection Beetle? Insect God Amber? Evil Zerg?" An aura flashed across, and Leo suddenly moved in his heart and put away all the other talents, including the Transfiguration Ape talent that was integrated into the body and was not part of the ten spiritual space talents. Restored to the original state, and then carefully activated the talent of the alien blood worm.

   At this time, he maintained the two talents of bloodworm and deflection beetle. In this way, removing the interference of other talents, it should appear much purer.

   Sure enough, this time, the **** threads of the entire replacement hall suddenly stopped. Then the abnormality occurred, and the entire hall vibrated again and again, and the **** threads on Leo's body all receded.

   Then, the retreated **** silk thread crazily inserted into the heads of all other people, including Omar.

   "Ah!? How could it be, no, I won't die, I am the last hope of the Thunderfish clan!" Omar screamed with incredible horror in her voice. However, Scarlet Silk Thread simply ignored his roar and struggle, and ignored the brilliance of the insect **** Amber, sucking energy frantically, and quickly drew everyone into powder.

   Yes, it's powder, not human. This kind of scarlet thread doesn't know what the **** it is, and eats everything. Not only the flesh and bones, but even the weapons, armors, and personal belongings they carry have all been sucked up and turned into a pile of powder.

   "My army!" Leo screamed, watching the more than two hundred bloodworm soldiers turn to ashes, including the bloodworms in it. This was the result of his more than two hundred days of sleep, and this time it was all gone.

   However, the change in the hall seems to have just begun.

   absorbed enough energy, the whole hall began to vibrate violently, and then thousands of wormhole centers were closed, and a strange statue rose on the smooth ground.

   "Statue?" Leo felt cold. After contacting Vanessa, the goddess of fate, he was terrified of such things, and stepped back involuntarily and posted it on the wall. If the hall were not closed, he would definitely turn around and run.

   The whole body of the statue is carved with a blood-red strange jade, with a human head and a worm body, and the worm body is rather strange. The arms are like the arms of a praying mantis, but the feet are like spiders with eight legs. The back is very close to the beetle, and between the chest and abdomen, it resembles a caterpillar.

   "By the way, this statue is very similar to the bug in the piece of amber in Omar's hand. It doesn't look like it!" Leo had a flash of inspiration, recalling the insect **** Amber he had just seen, and he understood a little bit.

   This guy is actually the so-called insect god!

   After the statue was fully raised, countless blood-red threads were suddenly shot out, which immediately entangled Leo and drew it in front of him.

   "It's over, it's really dead this time. It turned out that it didn't eat me, but it was left to eat for the last!" Leo trembled in his heart and felt the shadow of death.

   Then, a **** light shrouded, and Leo's consciousness suddenly entered a strange space.

   There, it is a little bug, trying to survive. One day, a shattered crystal fell in front of it, and curiously it swallowed this crystal. From then on, it possessed wisdom and supernatural power and became him. In the process of rapid promotion, he combined the advantages of various insects, and gradually reached the demigod level, calling himself insect god.

After    is the development of race. The terrifying insects overwhelmed the sky, relentlessly invaded and slaughtered, defeated many opponents of the same level, swallowed everything and reproduced, and more and more. However, this was only his instinct to create insects. As an insect god, he had a foreboding that this behavior was inappropriate, quietly built this ruin, and left many resurrection methods.

   Then, an incomprehensible powerful being shot. All the worms he created died, he felt bad, backed up his memory in the statue, and finally left a picture in the statue.

   A finger with infinite majesty points to the center of his main eyebrow.

  Leo slowly regained consciousness, recalling the last meaningful picture, recalling the incredible resurrection methods arranged by the insect god, and suddenly let out a long sigh.

   He probably knew the last finger, completely eradicating the existence of the insect god, making all the resurrection methods he prepared useless. It's just how to do it, let alone Leo, even the bug **** back then, can't understand it.

   Insect God, but after the age of the gods, luck was extremely good to be promoted to a demigod.

   "This incident is over? This worm **** sucked so many people to show me a memory?" Leo calmed down completely before he understood what had happened. It's really funny, such a big scene, it just mistook him for the offspring and showed him a memory.

   "No, he still left something." Leo suddenly discovered something from his memory and looked at the statue~www.readwn.com~Sure enough, a drop of red blood floated from the center of the statue's brow.

   "The blood of the demigod!" Leo looked at the drop of blood with a complex expression and murmured.

   Insect God is a stingy guy. Even if he feels something wrong, he is still unwilling to cut a billionth of a crystal and leave it behind. Instead, he chooses to leave a drop of blood. Well, it seems to be a more precious source of blood, but after all, it is a renewable resource, so it is still stingy. As for the use of this thing for Leo, it is estimated that the insect **** is not clear.

   The blood floated in the air for a while, and suddenly entered Leo's body in a flash. A scorching heat rose rapidly, Leo groaned and passed out.

   "I hope it will be a good thing this time." Before passing out, Leo had only this idea.


   I don't know how long it took, Leo woke up, got up softly, and found that the mysterious statue had disappeared.

   But the replacement hall still exists, and the door has been opened.

   Rio recalled the conditions under which the ruins were born, and couldn't help but change his face. All that Omar said was false. The Insect God Relic is not opened once in a hundred years, but can be opened with the Insect God Amber. But the fateful thing is that if the insect **** Amber disappears, the entire remains will be closed in one day.

   A living person stays in the ruins, and the fate can be imagined.

   "Damn it!" Leo cursed, ignoring anything else, and activated the fastest wind and shadow air splitting technique, using shadow jumps from time to time to cross a distance of 20 meters in the middle, flying straight toward the exit at a hurricane speed.

   An hour later, Leo turned over from the pool and let out a long sigh of relief. Fortunately, he rushed out before the ruins were closed.


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