I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 326: Carlos and Goglia

   "Too strong!" Leila caught this scene in her eyes and jumped in ecstasy. Everything is okay now, only one kilometer long rope is missing. But this is not difficult for Leo and Leila, two people with space equipment. They pieced together, tearing the links with clothes, and quickly got them together.

   "Thanks to you this time, let's get started!" Layla's eyes glowed with excitement, and she was extremely excited. However, she was also very interesting. She didn't ask about Leo's shadow jumping talent from beginning to end, as if she didn't care.

   "Let's start then!" Leo cast his gaze forward.


   Outside the ruins, the leader of the Elk tribe suddenly changed his expression and looked up in one direction.

   A group of Crimson Feathers with hundreds of people appeared from the sky and flew close.

"Carlos Yanxin, you are finally here! But, half an hour later than the agreed time, have you forgotten it? Still don't have the money to buy an hourglass?" Full of irony.

"Greglia, I was a little bit delayed, and I was late. Open the ruins now, I want to see if the human race who stole our keys has escaped in!" He was talking about a crimson who was covered in flames and had an unusually tall stature. The foreign race doesn't care about the ridicule of the leader of the elk tribe.

   "...What? Your keys have been stolen! Are you kidding me? Who else can steal from you?" Geglia's goatee was raised in surprise.

"... Well, like you, my key belongs to the family and has been kept in the family treasury. Can you think that someone will sneak into your family treasury? All right, Goglia, hurry up, In case they got there early..." Carlos looked a little depressed and didn't want to talk about this issue any more.

"...Okay." Geglia paused, knowing in his heart that the Scarlet Feather Clan was so sure that he could not pass the stone platforms, and then generously said about the lost key, and could only helplessly take out a key. , Open the keyholes in Shilin one by one in order. Soon a light gate opened in the center of the stone forest, and the Elk tribe entered the light gate first, and then the Crimson Feather tribe followed into the light gate.

   As soon as he entered the ruins, someone from the Crimson Feather tribe checked the ground. No one has appeared for many years, and there is a thin layer of gray on the ground, and the footprints of Leo and Leila are clearly visible.

   "Someone really came in first? Carlos, you wouldn't tell him about the secret realm, would you?" Geglia asked with an ugly face.

"Of course not, and they can't do it with their strength. On the contrary, I am afraid that they are not strong enough. After walking for a while, they reached the limit and gave up. You know that once the key holder does not move forward for an hour, it will be judged as a failure, Xingchen The keys will disappear. In this way, it’s useless to kill them, our

  The plan was completely ruined. It is almost impossible to gather three keys. "

   Gloria asked with an ugly face: "Then, what are their strengths."

"There are two, a third-level knight, and a third-level warlock. Oh, you people in the inner world don't know what knights and warlocks are. Then I will put it another way, one is a third-level melee melee, and the other is a third-level ranged spell. Do you understand now?" Carlos explained helplessly.

   "Two and three levels, I understand. I have to say, Carlos, you really worry me that you can't even handle two and three levels."

   "You are nonsense, how could Level 3 be my opponent? It's just that I was on the front line when I received the news. It was too late to get back, and there was no chance to retrieve the keys." Carlos' eyes showed anger.

   "Okay, let's not talk about this, we hurried to catch up, lest the two guys run away." Gaglia didn't want to really offend Carlos, seeing that he was angry, he immediately changed the subject.

   Carlos stared at Gorglia for a while, waved his hand, and led his subordinates forward. Everyone from the Elk tribe looked at each other and followed behind.

   The front of the stone platform is one meter apart, and ordinary people can walk easily, let alone these at least three-level aliens. Then two meters, four meters, eight meters, and sixteen meters could not beat them, but in front of sixty-four meters, the elk stopped almost at the same time.

   "Carlos, from here on, we need your help." When Goglia Hoof stepped on this stone platform, he immediately said to Carlos in front of him.

"This is a promise that I have said a long time ago, and I will naturally abide by it." Carlos skillfully took out a very long rope, threw it to Gloria, pinched the other in his hand, and jumped over 64 meters. Then he pulled the rope and watched everyone from the Elk tribe come with the help of the rope, his eyes flashed, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

   Next is a hundred meters. The third-level Crimson Feathers can't jump with the wings, but it is still not difficult for the fourth-level Carlos, and they jumped with the help of the gliding of the wings. Soon a group of people arrived at the stone platform two hundred meters apart.

"Greglia~www.readwn.com~ Things are a bit wrong! Those two guys are only Level 3, how could they have not seen them yet?" Before jumping up, Carlos suddenly felt wrong and stopped to look. Geglia said.

   "This is what you caused..." Gloria's face became very solemn, and he looked down at the ground and said: "At least for now, you can still see the footprints, which should be considered good news."

   "... I'll take a look, you can help me." Carlos became anxious in his heart, and at the same time he was very curious. He volleyed up to Gloria and stepped on Gloria. There was a dazzling light on Geglia’s fist, and he punched Carlos’s paws and collided with the red light on Carlos’s paws. With a loud noise, Carlos’s figure suddenly rose to the sky. It took hundreds of meters to run out of lift.

   "Let me see!" Carlos shouted, spread his wings and glide toward the stone platform two hundred meters away. Strangely speaking, when Leo glides with the roaring wings, he can only glide one meter at one meter height. However, Carlos was completely different. At a height of one hundred meters, he only dropped sixty to seventy meters before reaching the top of the opposite stone platform, retracted his wings and landed on the stone platform.

   Soon Geglia and others followed the rope and saw Carlos looking at the ground with a weird face.

   "What's the matter?" Gloria asked after getting on the stone platform.

"Very lucky, those two guys didn't know what method they used, and they got here. In this case, we have to speed up, and don't let them really pass the last kilometer abyss to reach the spiritual altar. If they can't bear the spirit The test of the altar, if the will is completely shattered, the star key will disappear, and I don’t know where it will be again when it reappears."


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