I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 327: Spiritual altar

   Gloria also became anxious, frowning and said: "Then let's set off quickly, try our best to catch up with them before they fail, and get the Star Key from them. Otherwise, we will be here in vain this time."

   Carlo nodded, rushed to Gorglia again, and stepped on it.


   "Finally here!" Leo jumped up the cliff and let out a long sigh in his heart.

   After flying over ten stone platforms separated by kilometers, Leo landed on a cliff, which was exactly one kilometer away from the last stone platform. It seems that the owner here thinks that the test of kilometers is enough.

   There is a huge platform on the cliff. Leo stood on the cliff and took out a spear, tied one end of the rope and threw it to Layla, a kilometer away, and then looked at it for a while.

   A straight passage stretches forward from the top, as if it stretches into the sky. On both sides of the passage, there are strange and weird race corpses with different shapes, many of which are human races. These people have exaggerated expressions, some are ecstatic, some are angry, some are crazy, and some are full of fear.

   It didn't take long to see Layla following the rope to the cliff.

   "Finally here, the spiritual altar! As long as we pass the test of the spiritual altar, we can enter the real time lost dream!" Laila's face flushed with excitement first, and then quickly became serious.

   One more level? Leo froze for a moment, and said suspiciously: "Aren't you just eavesdropping on what the Scarlet Feathers said? Why do you seem to be familiar with this place!"

"I heard an elder say..." Layla explained vaguely, then the topic changed, and said: "On our way past, there will be a test of the spiritual altar. Attack, fear, and loss, if we can pass through. , We are at the door of the Time Lost Dreamland. At that time, even though there is only the key to the stars, I can open the door of the Time Lost Dreamland and let us two in. If we can't get through... the spiritual altar will cut our spiritual space. It is shattered, then absorbed, and becomes a sacrifice."

   The result of the spiritual space being absorbed? Probably become a vegetable. Leo muttered in his heart, and asked very cautiously: "What level is the test of this spiritual altar? It won't be a level four test, right?"

"That won't be. When my elder came, it was still deep in the wilderness. If there has been no change over the years, our strength is equivalent to the strength of a third-level extreme spirit beast. Be careful, the most important level. The spiritual test of the altar is very comprehensive, and it will constantly look for the weakness of the heart to attack, so only those who are really strong can survive." Layla explained, showing a look of horror.

   "... At the end of the passage, what else is there besides the timed dream?" Leo's curiosity suddenly rose to the extreme.

"I don't know." After Layla replied, watching Leo looked suspicious, and said angrily: "I really don't know. Although the elder had entered the time-lost dream and benefited from it, the whole process was completely confused and unable to Discover the truth. Afterwards, she was forced to flee, and she had no chance to explore again. However, after she went back, she read many ancient books and guessed that the time lost dream must be related to one of the gods who disappeared after the Eternal Age."

  Leo's heart jumped. How come the gods again? He was startled when he heard this, and quickly asked, "Which one?"

Layla lowered her voice and said, "My elder flipped through various legends and guessed that if it was not the **** of time, it would be the **** of dreams. However, according to those legends, the former is the supreme main god, and it is unlikely that such a thing will be left. In all likelihood, it is related to the **** of dreams."

   Regardless of his time or dream, as long as it has nothing to do with Vanessa, Leo breathed a sigh of relief and began to think about how to survive the spiritual altar test.

   At this time, Layla, who was on the side, began to take out a set of weird armor shining with golden light, and put it on. After wearing them, she took out five more quirky accessories and prepared them one by one. Then she always asked Leo: "I'm done, how are you preparing?"

  Leo remembered the situation when the woman threw him the Stormrage Horn in a calm manner. He was puzzled. He looked at her and asked, "Aren't these few things of yours all third-level extraordinary weapons?"

Layla froze for a moment, snorted and said, "Is it weird? Arms itself is a part of strength, and it is a very important part. Isn't it normal for me to build a set of extraordinary weapons? That is to say, those of you from the marginal duchy will meet Make a fuss. In our empire, once you reach the third level, when everyone is not sure whether you can break through the fourth level, it is common sense for knights to collect extraordinary weapons and combat skills, and warlocks to collect extraordinary artifacts and spells. Even if there is no way. People with empty pockets should at least build a perfect brace."

   These extravagant scum! There was a sour taste in Leo's heart. The great empire of the Inner Territory has a vast territory and a long history. No matter inherited or created extraordinary combat skills, spells, or extraordinary weapons and art tools that can be refined by chance~www.readwn.com~ accumulated over tens of thousands of years. Down, the number far exceeds that of the Blood Moon Principality, which has just been established a century ago.

   Actually speaking, the Duke of the Blood Moon was originally a great nobleman with a background in the inner region. For some reason, he abandoned everything and ran to the edge to establish the Principality of the Blood Moon. This shows how wealthy some countries in the inner region are.

"By the way, I will lend you this. These items on my body are all items that resist spiritual erosion, and this item overlaps with an item on my body." Layla hesitated, took off a brooch on her body, and handed it to Rio.

   "Extraordinary jewelry to resist mental attacks?" Leo blinked his eyes and asked.

"...It's not a comprehensive defense, but a mental shock. I'm sorry Leo, I only prepared my own, only this one. If we split, I am afraid that neither of them will pass." Layla said apologetically .

   Leo groaned for a moment, and was about to speak, suddenly his face changed drastically, and he looked back in the direction he was coming from.

   "Layla, there is a large group of vitality to the rear four kilometers, the leader is two fourth-level!"

Leila suddenly turned pale, and shouted: "It must be a fellow of the Scarlet Feather and the Geocentric Elk Race! Let's rush, it will take a while to open the time-lost dream. We must pass the spiritual altar as soon as possible!" While throwing the brooch to Leo, he slammed the ground with all his strength, and the arrow rushed forward. The golden armor exuded a misty golden light and enveloped her.

  Leo took the brooch and sighed secretly, feeling that she had been fooled by this woman. He arrived here unprepared. Behind was a strong alien, and in front was a strange spiritual altar. It felt like he had become a sacrifice on the altar.


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