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Chapter 18 The arrogance in my heart

In comics…

The chapter of the final battle ends with the return of the protagonist and the disappearance of the "god".

Such a very hasty ending has become a sore point in many people's minds.

Most comic fans think this is a "plot kill".

But at this time.

Li Ye, who has also read the entire work...

This person as a person involved has a completely different view.

For this result, he took it as a matter of course.

Of course, this does not mean that you are not confident in yourself.

In fact, quite the opposite.

At the beginning of this battle, Li Ye did not think that the protagonist had a chance to win.

Although he had not seen the plot that would appear later and did not understand his own strength in the plot.

But Li Ye knew:

With the actual combat power shown by the protagonist in the previous plot, he is unable to break through the defense even facing himself now.

So let alone the plot time in the work, it is still a few years later.

You must know the character template of his awakening, but he is a superman who can become stronger just by basking in the sun.

Every day that passes, it will become stronger.

And if it takes a few years, how strong will Li Ye become?

Or should I say, how strong will he be when he appears in the plot?

No one knows this question.

After all, there are only two punches thrown lightly in the plot, which can be seen as a ghost.

Even Li Ye himself couldn't accurately judge the specific strength.

There is no way, "release into the sea" is too serious.

And it's not serious at all.

The destructive power it produces is extremely huge and astonishing.

But it's just a "small scene".

Even if it were Li Ye now, he could easily do it.

Also, when facing this rubber man who is almost full of physical resistance.

The fact that he didn't fire a heat ray directly in front of him was enough to show that Li Ye actually didn't have much murderous intention.

As for the plot of the kryptonite sword piercing the chest...

If it were in reality, Li Ye would definitely not be surprised by this.

Because the so-called super power of super vision is just the ability of the eyes themselves.

Therefore, unless he deliberately "closes his eyes", almost nothing can be hidden from him in person.

Kryptonite is no exception.

Of course.

In reality, even if Li Ye saw kryptonite, he would choose to take a hit like this.

After all, Doomsday's evolutionary ability has not been used for a long time.

From this "final battle", although he could not judge his true strength in a few years.

But from other places, Li Ye could still see some clues.

That is, earlier...

The protagonist in the plot has the "final battle" between the two in the uninhabited mountain range after the riot in S City.

The time in between was about three hours.

From this, it can be seen that Li Ye obviously did not stay in S city at that time.

But where exactly does it take so long?

This is quite telling.

It's also easy to guess.

After all, based on Li Ye's current flying speed, it would not take ten minutes to circle the Blue Star.

Therefore, it was definitely not somewhere on Blue Star at that time.

As for not being at Blue Star…

So, where will it be?

Because he thought he would not be bored and go to the moon or other planets to enjoy the scenery of alien planets.

There is only one place outside the atmosphere that can attract Li Ye.

So the answer is obvious.

It is the young star that is far away, emitting light and heat all the time.

The distance between Blue Star and the sun is about 150 million kilometers.

Even flying at the speed of light takes about 8 minutes and 20 seconds.

Looking at it this way, three hours is not a long time.

After all, even if you rush back to Blue Star in the first place, you will still be flying at nearly one-twentieth the speed of light.

In addition, the heart was later penetrated by kryptonite, which triggered the evolutionary ability of Doomsday...

As for how quickly it will be enhanced after evolution?

In fact, it is easy to judge that Li Ye at this time probably has the ability to fly at the speed of light.

And according to his own original thoughts...

The prerequisite for exploring space is either to find a "fellow traveler" or to fly at the speed of light!

pick one of two.

And here, it is obvious that a condition has been reached.

Therefore, the final "disappearance" should be that Li Ye himself used the protagonist's props to directly go deeper into space.

But why not just take that "divine stone" away?

Li Ye didn't think much about this either.

It is probably because he transformed into the Doomsday form at that time, and his sanity and IQ were greatly suppressed.

Maybe someone just forgot...

It may also be because he wants to allow the protagonist to become stronger through this, so that when he returns to Blue Star later, he will have an opponent who can threaten him.

Both of the above are possible.

It's just that the probability of the latter is relatively low.

After all, just think about how useful a divine stone that can manifest fantasy props is.

But, it's not impossible.

Just like Li Ye now, the reason why he didn't personally take the divine stone:

In addition to disdain to take action against a student who has not awakened his ability, he just hopes that such an "accident" will happen.

If only Ye Nantian could burst into the protagonist's halo, and by defeating his "little brothers", he could grow up step by step to face his own existence...

That would be great!

But unfortunately, this is most likely destined to be a whimsical idea.

As for this "protagonist", is he a potential enemy?

To be honest, Li Ye didn't care about this even more.

He has many "potential enemies".

I won't give people "preferential treatment" just because of my status as the "protagonist".

In that case, wouldn't it be unfair to other people?

Isn't it? !

Perhaps, this is also because of the arrogance in my heart.

After awakening his ability, his hands were covered with blood.

But in fact, there were only two actual killings.

But they are all in large quantities.

The first group of people were also the ones who deserved to die.

The kind that wants to pull it out of hell and kill it a few more times.

At least for Li Ye, it has always been like this.

The second time was against the "Anti-Superman Alliance".

That's war!

In a one-on-one war, do we still expect the former to hold back?

Besides, you should probably be mentally prepared for this before coming.

As for the mysterious dialogue between the black shadows in the final scene of the work.

In Li Ye's opinion, these people are just stinky rats hiding in the sewers.

Normally, he didn't even bother to look.

But I didn't expect that after I left Blue Star.

These stinky rats seem to be starting to stir up trouble in the open? !

It seems…

"If you plan to travel far away in the future, it is necessary to clean it."

Such words flashed through Li Ye's mind.

And after this thought.

This is the end of many ideas that came from the plot of this comic book.

the remaining…

Let’s see if the divine stone’s follow-up can give him any surprises.

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