S City Headquarters Building.

In a spacious, bright and grand hall.

At this time, a routine press conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was being held.

I saw that the dozens of chairs below were all packed.

Everyone held a microphone or video camera in their hands.

As the "Secretary", Bai Qianning was acting as the spokesperson above.

She stood demurely behind the podium.

After he stretched out his hand to signal.

Below, a reporter stood up and asked: "Ms. Bai, do you know about the protest march that happened in D City earlier..."


"So, what does City S think of this?"

"City S has no opinion. We very much support the people's demand for higher treatment, but this requires City D to make relevant decisions on its own."

"S City never interferes in the internal affairs of other city-states."

"Next person."

"[Sister Zhi], who became popular all over the Internet because of her previous parade interview, claimed that she had submitted an immigration request to City S. What is City S's response to this?"

"Will there be any preferential treatment?"

After the reporter asked, he added an extra sentence.

"[Sister Ruling] is a nickname circulated on the Internet, that is, Miss Kelly, the main organizer of the previous protest march in D City..."

"I wonder if Ms. Bai understands?"

"I know." Bai Qianning responded calmly.

"We have indeed received the immigration application from this President...Ms. Kelly, and colleagues from the Immigration Department are currently reviewing the relevant information."

"If she can meet the immigration requirements of S City, then S City will naturally welcome a beautiful lady to join."

"But we will not give special treatment in this regard."

"Because it's unfair to other people..."

Bai Qianning's cold voice spread out as the microphone amplified the sound.

And just as she was about to say "next"...

At this time.

I saw a slender figure walking quickly towards the podium.

Bai Qianning, who had been looking at the reporters below, was also keenly aware that someone was approaching.

He even directly sensed the specific identity of the visitor.

It was her female assistant, Liu Beibei.

"Is there something urgent?"

While these words flashed through my mind.

Bai Qianning maintained a calm expression on her face, and her right hand had silently closed the microphone in front of her.

After a short break.

After the afterimage of a hand flashed in front of him, a piece of paper appeared on the podium.

There is also a paragraph written on the note:

[No matter who finds the stone, I can fulfill one of his requests. 】


The next second when Bai Qianning was confused, Beibei's whisper came to her ears.

"Sister Bai, this is an order from the city lord, asking you to publish this reward."

"Related pictures of the stone are ready."

Bai Qianning looked at the font on the note and thought to herself: "These are indeed...the boss's words, but is this stone?"

And she didn't think much about it.

All you need to do is complete the tasks assigned by your boss.

So Bai Qianning nodded slightly, indicating that she knew.

When assistant Beibei walked down.

She looked at the reporters calmly and said, "Everyone, I'm very sorry, but this routine press conference has to be temporarily terminated."


Well, that's not the case.

If it were any other place, reporters would definitely ask questions at this time.

But this is S City...

Therefore, everyone behaved very competently.

Bai Qianning, who was above, continued to say calmly: "The reason for the termination is that we just received a very bad message."

As soon as he finished speaking, the reporters who learned the reason became riotous.

Isn’t it bad after all? !

There are not many things that can make this "godly attendant" on the stage feel very bad.

Everything will be a big deal!

So, where did the large-scale conflict break out?

Or should we simply use nuclear weapons?

Because the haze of war in Blue Star has just passed three years, it is no wonder that they would directly think of this.

But there must be no more wars!

At least there shouldn’t be any in my hometown…

Soon, the reporters' worries turned into speechlessness.

Just because I heard Bai Qianning's cold voice: "This is very bad news, it is that our Lord, the city lord, accidentally lost a stone recently..."

Accidentally lost a stone?

a rock!

The reporters looked stunned.

However, the sinister woman above didn't care about this and continued: "Everyone, please take a look."

She turned around and gestured to the big screen behind her.

It shows a picture of a gemstone similar to a crystal mineral, with several clearly defined water chestnuts.

The overall color is like obsidian, dark and bright.

On the picture, it is clearly stated that it cannot be destroyed.

"This is the specific information about that stone." Bai Qianning introduced.

"Our city lord loves this stone very much, so we want to mobilize people from all walks of life to help find it..."


The reporters below showed little interest in this.

Maybe it was because he had just been teased, so there were only a few sporadic camera sounds.

And, asking someone to help find a rock?

What a joke!

We are official reporters from various city-states, how could we report on such a trivial matter!

What about the city lord?

Do you think the city lord can do whatever he wants?

Do you think you are God?


By the way, who is the city lord of S city?

The reporters who had just been stunned by the anger also reacted at this time and were busy taking pictures of the "stone" on the screen.

While the "clicking" sound continued, Bai Qianning directly added a bucket of oil to this "fire".

She said the very generous condition: "Our beloved City Lord said that whoever can bring back this stone, City S can meet the other party's reasonable request."


The reporters were in an uproar.

At the same time, the "click" sound of pressing the shutter became more frequent.

This group of reporters also lost their original professionalism and rushed to ask questions like entertainment paparazzi:

"Ms. Bai, is this a condition promised by [God] personally?"

"Is there a specific scope for this reasonable request?"

"Ms. Bai..."

"Excuse me……"

"This is of course an order from the Lord of the City."

"No one dares to impersonate the name of our city lord, right?"

In the chaos, Bai Qianning's two words accompanied by strange power directly drowned out all the sounds.

And, it was accurately delivered to the ears of everyone present.

After hearing this affirmative answer, the reporters were even more excited and wanted to step forward to ask.

However, they were all directly intercepted by the staff.

Bai Qianning also left here quickly.

But that's enough.

Soon, this crazy news was delivered to every corner in an instant.

Enjoying the same treatment, there is also a specific picture of the stone.

All of a sudden…

On the blue star, there is an undercurrent.

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