Stark Industries Building.

At this time, Tony Stark was looking at the holographic projection of the "Iron Suit" in front of him.

In the video screen, a red exclamation point was flashing continuously.

"The calculation failed and there was an error in the data!" Jarvis said.

Although the voice of this artificial intelligence is set to have a magnetic voice.

But Tony doesn't think it sounds good now.

He said a little irritably: "Failed again..."

"Damn it! What part went wrong?"

As he said that, he saw Tony Stark quickly get a piece of paper and pen.

He frantically listed all kinds of data on the paper, trying to find what was wrong.

At this time, Jarvis's voice rang again.

"Sir, what kind of nanometal particles do you want to develop to form neural networks..."

"In the current understanding of the scientific community, this will not happen until at least the next century."

"Of course, this won't trouble you."

"But sir, you haven't had much rest for a week."

"Maybe I should go take a nap now and eat a few burgers when I wake up?"

"Next century?" Tony Stark shook his head at this.

"No, it's just a few years later!"

"And what I have to do now is to create this nano-suit a few years in advance..."

After finishing speaking, Tony continued to stare at the data in his hand.

But his current condition is not very good.

His face was full of tiredness, and his eyes were bloodshot...

Just as Jarvis said, Tony has been working here for a week straight.

We eat and drink together here, and when we feel sleepy, we sit on the sofa and squint for a while.

No one knew what he was worried about.

As for Potts?

Maybe it’s because I was annoyed by the previous “party”…

Although at that time, it was still arranged "as promised".

But in the next few days, Potts paid no attention to what Tony was doing.

Not even knowing about the party that night, the latter didn't go.

So now, only Tony Stark knows what he is anxious about.

"Maybe it's because I didn't have the ordeal of knocking out a steel suit in a cave, so I didn't get the "sublimation"."

"Maybe this time, I won't dare to fly to the wormhole with a nuclear bomb..."

"Maybe at the last moment, I couldn't muster the courage to snap my fingers."

"But I'm still Iron Man!"

"I will build the equipment for a few years in advance, and then continue to upgrade..."

"Finally, I will face you in my strongest position, Thanos!"

Encouraging himself in his heart, Tony Stark seemed to be completely exhausted all of a sudden.

He stared at the formulas on the paper and calculated in his head.

However, the vision in front of him became darker and darker.

Finally plunged into darkness...

By the time Tony Stark regained consciousness, it was already the afternoon of the next day

Moreover, he was already lying on the bed in the beach villa.

Maybe it was Potts' arrangement...

But at this time, he didn't care about it.

Because while in coma, Tony heard several notification sounds from the chat group...

Although he couldn't remember what the content was, he remembered that it was important.

I seem to have been thinking that I must go see it!

So the first time after waking up, Tony Stark looked at the chat history in the group.

To be precise, it is the group notification message when you are in a coma.

[Group message notification: It is detected that the group member Princess Desert Kingdom is in a life crisis, and the task section system is opened in advance! 】

[Group message notification: Group member Desert Kingdom Princess has entrusted the task "Defeat Crocodile". 】

[Group message notification: Group member The Strongest Awakener has accepted the commissioned task of "Defeating Crocodile". 】

[Group message notification: Group member The Strongest Awakener has completed the mission entrusted by the Princess of the Desert Kingdom. 】

Mission system?

There is actually this!

Seeing this, Tony Stark couldn't help but be slightly startled.

Originally, he thought that the chat group was just a platform for people from different worlds to communicate.

Unexpectedly, now, there is actually an additional function for people to issue commissions.

And not even a minute passed since the time for accepting the mission...

It was completed by the [Supreme Awakener] in the group.

Combined with the above, the witch's slightly flattering words.


Thinking of this, Tony suddenly found that there was a second solution to the things that made him irritated before.

That is to ask this [Supreme Awakener] for help!

Although it's unclear whether this Superman's strength refers to the comic version or the movie version.

But even the movie version of Superman is not afraid of Thanos at all.

Even with the speed and power shown in the movie, it can be completely destroyed.

Even Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet is the same!

Of course.

The premise is that Thanos needs to make a fist like in the work to use the power of the infinite stones.

In reality, it is indeed possible that this pre-action is not needed.

If you want to ensure nothing goes wrong, you can also choose to take the initiative.

Before Thanos gets the Infinity Stones, kill this so-called "destiny" in advance!

The more he thought about it, the more appropriate it seemed to Tony.

But the next problem is: How to invite this [Supreme Awakener] to take action?

In this regard, he naturally would not think that if we are in the same chat group: everyone will be harmonious, friendly, and help each other!

Even if workers under the group are asked to work overtime, they still have to be paid extra, right?

Not to mention asking for help!

As a "capitalist", Tony Stark can still understand this.

And in his opinion...

The temperament of this [Supreme Awakener] in the group should be on the cold side.

This can be seen from the few speeches he made in the group.

The princess of the desert kingdom in the group was able to invite him because she had given her a "favor".

What about yourself?

It was definitely not helpful, but it was a little offended.

But in order to deal with Thanos and Thanos...

Tony Stark decided to bite the bullet and try it in the group...

[Part-time playboy arms dealer: @Supreme Awakener, man, let me explain again, I didn’t mean to offend before. 】

[Part-time playboy arms dealer: I also want to ask, if I want to ask you to help me once, what will it cost? 】

【Ding! Someone @has you! 】

After hearing the prompt tone, Li Ye looked at the chat group...


For the "offense" of the previous one...

If it was three years ago, it might not be certain.

But now that he has become a Buddhist, he naturally doesn't take it to heart.

As for letting yourself help once, what price does it cost?

This is indeed a good question.

Li Ye couldn't help but think about this.

The price you need to pay is naturally points.

It’s been mentioned before…

The strengthening effect of 100,000 points is far less than if he basks in the sun for an hour!

In fact, it only takes about forty minutes.

Moreover, the efficiency of Li Ye's physical enhancement through sunbathing will continue to increase.

Even excluding this increase...

Now I can get nearly ten hours of sunshine in a day.

That is the level of enhancement of 1.5 million points.

And if he takes action once, he has to save ten days of basking in the sun...

That’s fifteen million points!

This isn't too much, right?

But Li Ye considered the sun pendant...

Once you get this, your speed of becoming stronger will definitely increase greatly.

So in order not to "change the order overnight", he immediately doubled it several times.


[The Awakened One: Do you want me to take action? Only 100 million points are enough! 】

[Playboy who works part-time as an arms dealer: ...Excuse me. 】

[Princess of the Desert Kingdom: One hundred million hundred devil fruits? 】

[Omniscient Witch of Destiny: Devil Fruit is only worth 100,000 points, so it’s a thousand! 】

[Princess of the Desert Kingdom: Wow, a thousand? You can't find so many in the whole world, right? 】

[The undefeated queen of the legal profession: It is indeed an astronomical number. 】

[The Omniscient Witch of Destiny: It’s really worth it, but...]

[Omniscient Witch of Destiny: @Part-time playboy arms dealer, Stark, are you in any trouble? 】

[Omniscient Witch of Destiny: But for the enemies you can encounter at this stage, you shouldn’t need to ask the boss for help! 】

[Playboy who works part-time as an arms dealer: I am preparing for future enemies. 】

[Omniscient Witch of Destiny: Thanos? This will be your enemy in a few years, and you may be able to defeat it yourself by then. 】

[Playboy who works part-time as an arms dealer: No, I can’t even manufacture the nano-suit in advance in a few years. This is very difficult...]

[Omniscient Witch of Destiny: Uh... did you forget the points in the chat group? 】

[Omniscient Witch of Destiny: Although you don’t have it now, you can sell arms and energy technology in the group! 】

[Omniscient Witch of Destiny: Maybe no one in the group needs it now, but someone will definitely want it in the future, and you can also look for resources that can be recycled by the chat group. 】

[Omniscient Witch of Destiny: In addition, I have changed the automatic repayment method of points to five-five...]

[Omniscient Witch of Destiny: This means that before the debt is paid off, half of the points will be left for you to use. @all members. 】

[The Awakened One:? 】

[Princess of Desert Kingdom:? 】

[Omniscient Witch of Destiny: Hehe, you two are not included. 】

Looking at the messages in the group...

Considering the sudden increase in emotional value of the divine stone, it is likely that it came from these people in the group.

Therefore, Li Ye doesn't mind mentioning Stark a few words.

Compared to the witches in the group, he is familiar with the plots of Marvel movies.

There is no way, I will remember it after just one glance.

And he also read Marvel Comics, the comic book version of Marvel.

So I know a lot about this Iron Man.

[Supreme Awakener: The recyclable resources in Stark’s world should be vibranium and infinite gems. 】

[Supreme Awakener: Also, if you want to become stronger, you can go to Kama Taj in the Himalayas and try to learn magic. 】

[Playboy who works part-time as an arms dealer: Vibranium and infinite gems? Thanks for the advice! But magic? Do I have this qualification? 】

Perhaps, because of the previous unsuccessful research on nano-suits.

In addition, magic and the scientific fields that make him proud...

The two are completely two systems.

So at this time, Tony rarely became confident.

To this, Li Ye had no intention of replying.

Just when he was about to ignore it, the notification tone of the chat group rang.

【Ding! The bunny girl with puberty syndrome joins the group chat. 】

【Ding! The cute teacher who drinks and smokes joins the group chat. 】

【Ding! Go wandering in a little breaking ball and join the group chat. 】

【Ding! The rebellious Wang Zhili joins the group chat. 】

【Ding! After detecting that the group has reached ten members, the promotion conditions for group administrators will be announced. 】

[Tip: The first group member to accumulate one million points can be promoted to administrator. 】

A series of beeps were naturally not enough to disturb Li Ye's thinking.

He instantly saw all the prompts and the nicknames of these newcomers.

First reaction:

The chat groups are all filled with crappy names!

However, this administrator…

"It seems to be of some use?" Li Ye's heart moved.

Thanks to [Hu Sigang] for the 500 points, and thanks to [The Child Slaughterer] for the 100 points.

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