I, Doomsday Superman, join the chat group

Chapter 42 Chat Group Information

This series of beeps...

The other group members in their respective worlds naturally all received it.

The information revealed: Four new people joined the chat group at once?

This is indeed surprising.

But the most important message reminder is actually the one at the back.

What are the requirements for promotion to administrator?

The first group member to accumulate one million points can become an administrator?

This is a big deal!

Although everyone still doesn’t know what permissions the administrator will have in the group.

But anyone who is not a fool can understand the importance of this identity.

It's just that because the conditions are too "harsh", not many members dare to have this extravagant hope.

However, one of them had exactly the opposite idea.

In this regard, she is very confident.

And this lady with a completely different attitude, her specific identity is naturally the witch who worked hard in the group.

As a "rich woman", Siya is also very keenly aware of the key factors.

The reminder message in the chat group also clearly stated...

The condition for being promoted to an administrator is to accumulate one million points, not to accumulate one million points.

Although there is only a few words difference between the two.

But the actual meaning is very different.

The former means that it doesn’t matter whether your points have been spent or not, as long as you have earned a total of one million points.

Regarding this request, Siya is naturally extremely confident!

Just because without counting the commissions deducted and without adding the points earned by signing in...

She now has a total of 530,000 points, which is more than half of the required points.

Next, you only need to trade with the four newcomers who have just joined the group.

After all these "debts" are paid off...

You can become an administrator comfortably by yourself!

When she thought of this, Siya couldn't help but get excited.

At this time, she even felt the urge to burst into tears.

That is to say...

As the first one to join the group, how could I not be the "protagonist"?

Day after day, the big bosses in the group are shouting...

Although it's worthy, it really doesn't fit my "protagonist" status!

The announcement of the conditions for promotion to administrator this time comes at a wonderful time!

After sitting in the administrator's seat, everyone must call me "Boss".


As for whether he will fail?

Siya didn't think much about this issue, after all...

Who has more points than me?

Who has more points than me?


At this moment, she even wanted to shout directly:

"Who else?!"

【Ding! It is detected that the group member The Strongest Awakener has met the corresponding requirements and will be automatically promoted to administrator! 】

[Tip: The first group member who accumulates 10 million points can be promoted to the second group administrator. 】

? ? ?

Did the boss get one million points?

And the conditions for the second administrator...

Want 10 million?

In an instant, the sullen smile on Siya's face froze.

"Aba Aba?"

【Ding! You have become an administrator. 】

[You have obtained the corresponding permissions: ban, initiate voting to kick people, edit group announcements, modify various basic function settings, hold activities for all group members...]

[And as the first member promoted to administrator, you can ask five questions related to the chat group. 】

Li Ye, who had just recovered ten Awakening Stones, was looking at these prompts thoughtfully.

Can you ask first?


"Does the first member who joins the group also have this right?"

He suddenly thought of this question and asked it.

[The first group member has the authority to ask three questions. 】

So that’s really the case!

No wonder the witch seemed to know the chat group very well before.

No matter how many times I've read works like chat groups, I still can't be so sure.

And if three questions had been asked before, it would be much more reasonable.

Thinking of this, Li Ye glanced at the five inquiry permissions...

It's a bit strange that he didn't get deducted once.

But I didn't bother to know what question the witch asked, whether she was asking how to change her nickname...

He went directly to the topic: "What is the origin of this dimensional chat group?"

[This group is a "miracle" derived from many dimensions between birth and death, and can also be understood as a "magic weapon". 】


It's quite honest.

But is it a lie? Is there a mastermind behind it?

Li Ye didn't want to continue to study this in detail.

After all, if you don’t believe what others say, you can’t possibly come up with the reason…

So to study this in detail is not just making trouble!

Let's just assume this is the truth.

He chose to believe it, and then continued to ask: "Then what is the meaning of the existence of this group?"

"Why do chat groups have to invite members from different worlds to join?"

[Insufficient authority. This problem involves the core of this group and only the group owner can know about it. 】

Insufficient permissions?

Li Ye's eyes flashed: "Then how to become the group leader?"

[When a third administrator appears in the group, the chat group will announce the corresponding promotion conditions, and the position of group leader will be taken by the final "winner". 】


It seems that there is still time to compete? !

With Li Ye's temperament, he didn't even bother to ask what the competition was so he could prepare in advance.

Just want to win...

The final winner will definitely be me...

Is not it? !


Even if you ask, you probably won't be able to find out.

As for the three administrators...

At this time, he was also the first person who had just been promoted.

So this is still early!

Moreover, the requirement to be promoted to the second administrator already requires a total of 10 million points.

Although for Li Ye himself, these points are just a matter of a hundred awakening stones...

Simple things.

But for other people in the group, it's quite different.

At least among all the current members of the group, no one can achieve this condition in a short time.

There is also no word on the promotion conditions for the third administrator!

However, combined with the previous two conditions...

This third administrator should be the first group member to accumulate 100 million points, right?

After thinking that it might be this, Li Ye didn't want to waste his authority to ask.

Instead, he asked a question that he was more interested in: "What authority does the group leader have?"

[The group owner is the owner of the dimensional chat group and has all authority related to the chat group. 】

The owner of the chat group?

All permissions?

This is quite different from the chat group works that Li Ye watched.

Some of the group leaders in those kinds of novels seem to have to vote to even kick people.

He just lives like an administrator.

But does the “all permissions” here include points?

He asked about this: "The group leader can use points unlimitedly to strengthen himself?"

[The group owner can use all the functions of the chat group at will, but the power of this group is not unlimited, so the strengthening effect of group points also has an upper limit. 】

[Tip: The power of the dimensional chat group is constantly improving, and we look forward to growing together with the group owner in the future. 】

Are your abilities still improving?

At this time, Li Ye was looking at the first half of the sentence thoughtfully.

Thinking about the question I just didn’t get an answer to due to lack of authority...

He seemed to understand something.

The second half of the prompt seems to be hinting at something.

This is probably a typical "magic weapon" mentality.

I hope I can find a great master and take me flying!

This is just like when playing games, hoping to find a wild king...

As for why you don't want to become stronger yourself, why do you have to find a master?

Maybe they all want to win by lying down, right? !

Of course.

The premise is that these words in the chat group are not false.

Li Ye didn't think about this either.

After asking these five questions, he checked the relevant permissions of the administrator.

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