I! Draco

Chapter 021

With the words of the Marshal of the Warring States, the audience fell silent again.

One by one, the navy looked at him strangely.

Under this rain of shells, the marshal actually gave in ….

No way, the sofa is such a big shell.

Who isn’t afraid?

From the standpoint of the Marshal of the Warring States, there is simply no way to hide!

After all, behind him, but the whole Marin Fandor.

Ledeo was not in a hurry, and immediately dropped the sofa, and the whole person lay down, and the fruits in his hand were thrown into his mouth one by one.

The navy was in a cold sweat!

The ability of this Dragon Man is really invincible!

The fruits around you can be eaten and fried, who can withstand this?

In the strange gaze of everyone, a telephone worm suddenly appeared in the hand of the golden giant Buddha, and in front of so many people, he directly dialed the call of the five old stars.


The phone bug was quickly connected.

A deep voice came from inside the phone worm.

After hearing this voice, all the navies looked stunned.

This is the pinnacle of the world’s power!

Who doesn’t have the slightest reverence in the heart of those who hold power?

Sengoku glanced at Ledeo, and soon reported the matter of Marin Fandor, and also focused on Ledeo’s bombing of Marin Fandor.

“Is that all?”

To everyone’s surprise, the five old stars didn’t mean to blame in the slightest.

Instead, it was asked, is that all?

Is that all?

Not only the Warring States, but even the entire navy, at this time, there are a string of question marks in the head!

Isn’t that enough?

All the marshals have been bullied to this extent, and the five old stars who are also Draco should not come out to take care of it?

The Warring States still thought that the five old stars did not understand his words, so he said again at the moment: “The main thing is that he asked the two generals to escort, which is extremely unfavorable for Marin Fando!” If a strong enemy attacks, it may even threaten Mary Joa! ”

“Got it.”

The flat voice of the five old stars continued to come out from inside the phone worm.

Let Sengoku still think that he heard wrong!

What’s going on?

The five old stars actually didn’t express a little?

Don’t they realize the seriousness of this matter?

Thinking of this, Warring States’ face instantly became pitch black, and he immediately gritted his teeth and said, “What is known?” It’s all come to this, can’t you all express something? Does he have to bomb all the Marin Fando? ”

The words of the Warring States spread throughout the bay, causing all navies to hear them in shock.

These are the five old stars!

How can the marshal talk to them like that.

However, something even more shocking happened….

With the angry roar of the Warring States, the phone worm suddenly changed to the appearance of another five old stars, and the voice was several times louder than the Warring States: “Explode and blow up, why are you so verbose!” Wouldn’t it be enough to just agree to his request? Do you have to get us in trouble?! ”

“Let’s drive!”

Saying that, the phone worm has been hung up by the five old stars!

As these words came out, the entire navy was instantly stunned, and all of them became stunned!

Especially the Warring States themselves, looking at the phone worm in their hands, they were directly stunned!

Who am I?

Where am I? What am I doing?

Tick, tick.

Time passed little by little, and there was a dead silence that lasted for a whole minute in the bay of Marin Fandor!

Five old stars….

Actually left alone?

What’s going on with this Ledeo?

However, what no one knows is that at this time Mary Joa’s power is at the pinnacle.

The five old men are constantly losing their temper!

“What is going on in this Warring States, does the old man have to say it so clearly?”

“Do you really think we don’t want to care?”

“I can’t care about this Ledio!”

“After all, it was Lord Im’s order!”

“Hey… Now I just hope he doesn’t make more and more trouble, the old man’s head is starting to hurt! ”

“Forget it, let the Warring States hurt!”

“Makes sense.”


The picture cuts back to Marin Fandor.

Inside and outside the bay, there is still silence.

Under everyone’s gaze, the Marshal of the Warring States silently withdrew the phone worm in his hand and put it close to his body, his careful appearance was like treating the whole family treasure.

“Finished calling, right? I can’t blow it up yet, I’m in a hurry! ”

At this moment, the whole audience sounded Ledeo’s delicate voice, so that after the whole navy listened, they suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

This man is invincible.

The five old stars couldn’t control him.

What should I do after this?

With Ledeo’s questioning, the entire navy set their sights on the Marshal of the Warring States.

Even his old partner, Karp, looked at him with an evil smile.

As the best friend, Karp naturally can’t wait to see the Warring States eat up every day!

Facing everyone’s gaze, Sengoku silently raised his eyes….

“Ah, isn’t this His Highness Ledio? You’re finally here! The armies of the two generals are ready for you, you can set sail immediately, do you need a meal before leaving? ”

Full Navy: “…”

Lord Marshal of theirs!

I actually degenerated to the point of acting!


Collectible!!!! Ask for flowers!!! Asking for tickets!!!!

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