I! Draco

Chapter 022

The sea breeze blows, and there is a faint fishy smell in the air.

The two fleets escorting Ledio Saint have sailed out of the Gate of Justice and officially entered the New World.

Although the time has passed by a day.

But for the naval soldiers escorted by the entourage, everything that happened yesterday is still like a dream!

This is a fact that is simply difficult to accept!

Fortunately, Ledeo did not choose the double general team in the end.

Instead, he chose a candidate for a general named Peach Rabbit to sit on the left and right sides with the green pheasant!

This can be regarded as the last bit of comfort to the Marshal of the Warring States.

It takes about three days to get to the Golden City, which is already a short voyage for naval soldiers who fight outside all year round.

But compared to Lédeo, it seems too boring.

“Huh, where’s Peach Rabbit? How is it gone again! ”

In the luxurious room of the ship, Ledeo’s voice suddenly sounded.

“Well, it seems, went to discuss the voyage with the pheasant.”

Kalifa pushed her glasses, and her tone seemed less sharp.

“Do you need to discuss the voyage?” Even if you need to, you don’t need to discuss it several times a day! Ledeo pouted, with a look of dissatisfaction in his words.

After hearing this, Kalifa felt helpless in her heart.

Obviously, Peach Rabbit walked away just to avoid him!

Don’t look at what requirements this person made to Peach Rabbit, either to give him a towel when taking a bath, or a little sore back, let Peach Rabbit pinch him….

In short, all kinds of strange requirements can be put forward, and changes are used to take advantage of the peach rabbit.

If he wasn’t a Draco, I’m afraid he would have been beaten into a pig’s head long ago!

“Forget it, I still wanted to let her fight the landlord with us, but I didn’t expect to slip away so quickly!” Ledeo smirked.


Kalifa replied in a low voice.

At this time, there was a big wave outside the new world!

Two fleets of the Navy headquarters appeared in the New World.

Whatever the purpose is, it is enough to cause a huge shock!

After all, above these two fleets, there are still generals! Such a strength equipment, even if you look at the entire new world, you can’t find a few!

Of course, first of all, the Four Emperors must be excluded!

At this moment, on a desert island in front of the two fleets.

Here is a pirate group having a party, and their captain is sitting on the highest stone, his big hand raising his wine glass.

“Little ones, after coming to the new world, it is a stage for us to show our strength! It doesn’t matter what Seven Wuhai he is, or the Four Emperors, Lao Tzu will knock them down! There is only one future One Piece, and that is…”


Just as the captain was saying something, a pirate ran over in horror.

“What for?”

The captain’s face showed a hint of impatience.

“Captain, a large number of navies appeared ahead, according to small estimates, at least more than twenty warships! From their banners, it seems that there are still Draco! The little minions said in horror.

When the captain heard this, he instantly rolled off the stone.

“What, Draco?”

“Aren’t all the generals there?”

“What Draco needs such a large lineup to escort? Could it be that the five old stars have come to the new world? ”

“It can’t be!”

The pirates said one after another, and everyone’s eyes showed panic.

“What else do you want?”

The captain suddenly slapped his partner beside him and said loudly: “How can we deal with such a lineup now?” Lao Tzu hasn’t defeated the Four Emperors yet, but he can’t leave his life here, the little ones hurry up! ”



Scenes like this are constantly playing out in front of the fleet.

Draco flag!


Twenty warships.

Each of these words is almost a big existence for the pirates!

The strength of this lineup is no less than that of a Four Emperors Regiment!

Such a high-profile appearance in the new world.

Everyone wants to know who is escorting here!

The news of the appearance of the fleet swept towards the entire new world at a terrifying speed.

Whether it is the country located in the New World, the pirate group on the desert island, or even the four emperors of King’s Landing, they all received the news at almost the same time.

In these few days, these two fleets are the protagonists of the new world!

The limelight is unmatched by no one!

Figures large and small all set their sights on this side, and when they learned the purpose of the two fleets, the faces of almost all the powerhouses of the New World became meaningful!

Everyone is well aware!

Golden City, there will be storms!

Inside the fleet ….

What a big shot!


Collectible!!!! Ask for flowers!!! Asking for tickets!!!!

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