I! Draco

Chapter 043

Time passes little by little.

Just while Ledio was enjoying it….

At this time, a few miles away from the two fleets, there were more than ten pirate ships here.

“This is the fleet where Draco is? It’s really huge! With such strength, it is easy to destroy a country, right? ”

“It is said that they have made a large amount of money in Golden City, are we going to rob them?”

At this time, on the deck of the first pirate ship.

“Lord Jack, I’m afraid the ship where the Draco is located is not so easy to rob! Are we really going to do it? A pirate with a telescope said to a tall man behind him.

This man wears a ponytail and two twisted braids, his physique is very strong, he wears a metal jaw on his mouth, and two ivory-like decorations on his head and shoulders, looking extremely majestic!

Listening to the words of this pirate, the man who was called Jack immediately said angrily: “Of course rob!” The Draco has so much wealth, if he brings it back, Lord Kaido will be very happy! ”


The pirate with the telescope also wants to admonish.

However, Jack yelled, “Stupid! Rob and rob, who do you think Lao Tzu is? Do you need to be afraid of a Draco? Pass the order down, and immediately the whole ship will be dispatched! ”


The pirate with the telescope immediately responded.

With Jack’s words, more than a dozen pirate ships on the sea immediately dispersed, forming an encirclement and encircling towards the two fleets of the Navy!

The scene that appeared on the sea was immediately known to the navy.

At that moment, a naval soldier reported the matter: “Pray to Admiral Kuzan, more than ten pirate ships have appeared ahead, and from that flag, it seems to be a hundred beast pirate group!” ”

At this time, the pheasant is screaming the sun on the deck.

After hearing the report of his subordinates, he immediately took off his glasses and said at the same time: “Ah, there is an incredible character!” Let the whole army be on alert, let Peach Rabbit deal with nothing to do, I will continue to sleep for a while! ”

“General Kuzan!”

The navy soldier suddenly had a cold sweat on his face.

It’s all this level, can you still sleep?

The opponent may be the Four Emperors!!

No way.

This naval soldier can only report the matter to Peach Rabbit.

In his opinion, only Lord Peach Rabbit can be relied on at this time.

Peach Rabbit, who got the news, immediately took several lieutenants to the front deck, and within their line of sight, more than a dozen pirate ships were getting closer and closer to them.

“Surround the warship and protect His Highness Ledeo.”

After seeing this scene, Peach Rabbit suddenly said to a lieutenant general beside him.

The purpose of their trip is to protect, if they can’t even protect people, it will be a shame!

Hearing Peach Rabbit’s words, Lieutenant General Burning Mountain immediately relayed the order.

Seeing that the more than ten pirate ships were getting closer and closer.

The lieutenant general of the burning mountain immediately said to the soldiers below: “Prepare for shelling!!” ”

“Bang bang!”


The surrounding warships instantly heard a roar.

The sound of cannonballs cutting through the sky also clearly reached everyone’s ears.

“Our opponent may be the Four Emperors!!”

With the warship taking the lead in attacking, the opposing pirates were not to be outdone, and immediately began to return fire with shells.

You come and go on both sides.

Let the sea make a big wave.

Seeing that the battle began, Peach Rabbit immediately said to several vice admirals beside him: “Everyone go back and guard their positions, we must not let the pirate ship break through our defense line and protect His Royal Highness Ledeo.” ”

“Ah, understood.”

The fire mountain will hang a large flue.

The rest of the lieutenant generals also nodded, and then as soon as the footsteps of several people moved, the whole figure appeared in midair.

“Tread, tread.”

With a sonic boom that appeared in midair, the figures of several lieutenant generals instantly fell back to their original positions.

After seeing several people return to their original positions.

Peach Rabbit stood on the deck and stared for a while, and suddenly said to a major general next to him: “Here is left to you to be responsible, I don’t know how many strong people the other side has, don’t land and fight with them first!” ”

“Yes, Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit.”

The major general immediately gave her a military salute.

Peach Rabbit nodded, and as soon as her footsteps moved, her figure shot towards the ship where Ledio was.

The strength over there is empty, and it is still the most important person.

Naturally, someone has to carry out special protection.

Peach Rabbit came to the deck of the luxury ship, and Luki and Kaku immediately walked towards her: “What’s going on?” Are there pirates coming to attack? ”


Peach Rabbit nodded and asked casually, “What about His Highness Ledeo?” ”

“Still in the cabin.”

Lu Qi said with a flat expression, looking at the approaching pirate group in front of him, making his face show a look of eagerness.

“I’ll go find him, here you guys look good.”

Peach Rabbit said to them.

Then he walked towards the interior of the cabin.

Because it was a female dependent, men such as Luki and Kaku basically had no possibility of entering the cabin.

Just approached Ledeo’s door.

A strange sound came out through the room….

After hearing this, Peach Rabbit was immediately stunned.

This is Charulia?

What’s going on inside?

How did it get started so quickly?


Collectible!!!! Ask for flowers!!! Asking for tickets!!!!

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