I! Draco

Chapter 044

No wonder Peach Rabbit was so surprised.

A few days ago, the two were still looking like water and fire, and Ledeo also specially detained Charulia in the cabin.

Unexpectedly, these two got together so quickly.

And listening to Charulia’s voice, it seemed to be very pleasant, it was exactly the same as when they were in Golden City, Carifa’s voice.

Peach Rabbit’s face flushed as she heard this.

Although she is not young, she has always been alone.

Of course, I am more shy about this kind of thing.

But after all, after the baptism of that night in Golden City, although he was shy in his heart, Peach Rabbit still stood outside the room waiting for them….

After all, these are extraordinary times.

Isn’t it?

In the luxurious room, Charulia’s exhausted voice was heard again.

Peach Rabbit: “…”

This seems to be a little inconsistent with her usual image.

Can this kind of thing really change a person?

Peach Rabbit covered his forehead, looking helpless.

“My mother, are you a dog?”

When Charulia was emotional, she bit Ledeo’s shoulder sharply, making him gasp suddenly!

Kalifa and Bakara watched this scene, and both of them hid their smiles.

There was a mist in his eyes.

After watching the play for so long, if you don’t have the slightest idea in your heart, it must be fake.

Listening to his words, Charulia took a slight breath, and said in a soft tone: “Ledio, I like this kind of thing very much, will you be like this with me every day in the future?” Do whatever you want to do to me…”

Oh, my God!

Is this serious?

Ledio looked at her suspiciously, and when he saw her sticking to himself with an obsessive look, his heart suddenly felt strange.

Does this woman still have this hidden attribute?


I really didn’t see it before.

Seeing her pleading look, Ledio suddenly smiled badly: “This thing, it’s not impossible!” Anyway, I’m capable! But if you want me to satisfy you every day, then call the master to listen? ”

“Lord, master…”

Charulia seemed a little unaccustomed, but still whispered.

Then, a flush of red instantly surged on her face.

After seeing it, Ledio immediately smiled secretly in his heart, it seems that the guess is correct.

This woman really has trembling* properties!

This is if tuned. If you teach it well, it is completely super!

Ledio smiled, and just as he was about to speak again, two roars suddenly sounded outside the cabin!



With the appearance of the roar, the entire ship was also shaken!

Feeling this scene, Ledio suddenly frowned.

“What’s going on?”

Ledeo asked towards the two of them.

“I don’t know, it seems to be the sound of shells, is it someone attacking?”

Bakara said with a hint of doubt in his voice.

Logically, this is impossible, after all, there are generals who guard this fleet.

“I’ll go out and take a look.”

Kalifa said, then turned and walked outside.

As soon as she walked out the door, Kalifa saw a blush. The colored peach rabbit, immediately Kalifa asked strangely: “Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit, what happened outside?” ”

“Well, there are pirates coming to attack, and according to the detectives, it seems to be from the Hundred Beast Pirates!”

Peach Rabbit looked at her and said with a pretense of composure.

The voice coming from inside was like a demon hand that was constantly tickling her heart.

“Hundred Beast Pirates? Kaido, one of the Four Emperors?? ”

Kalifa was obviously taken aback, as an intelligence officer of CP9, she naturally knew what kind of power and power the emperors on the sea possessed!

“It’s still not sure if Kaido will come in person, but we still can’t let our guard down, you go in and talk to Ledio Saint, let him be careful himself.” Peach Rabbit said.


Carifa immediately turned back into the room and told Ledio what had happened outside.

After hearing this, Ledeo’s heart suddenly became excited.

“Peach Rabbit listening outside? Isn’t this taking advantage of me? No, you have to let her in and let her call me a round, otherwise I won’t lose a lot!” Ledeo said with a wicked smile.

“It’s not…”

Kalifa said with a hint of helplessness in her expression: “Your Highness, what we are talking about now is not Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit, but the attack of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group.” ”

“Come on.”

Lediou smiled lightly and continued: “Those sitting here, one is a general, and the other is a candidate for a general!” As long as it is not for the two Four Emperors Regiment, we don’t need to worry! ”

That being said, Ledio was secretly wary in his heart, the Hundred Beasts Regiment is not playing with the country of peace, what are they doing running?

Logically impossible!

Could it be….

Thinking of this, Ledio suddenly moved in his heart. 、

If it was really the reckless man who came, then today would be fun!

“Let’s go, let’s go out and see!”


Collectible!!!! Ask for flowers!!! Asking for tickets!!!!

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