"Just grab it."

"I don't want to do it today."

Foyego raised his head and looked at Gavin IV on the opposite side, his eyes were ancient, and his tone seemed to be stating a fact.

His attitude also made Gavin IV laugh angrily.

Generally speaking, unless there is a world of difference in the ranks.

Otherwise, it may be possible for a strong person of the same rank to want to kill the other party, but it will definitely be more difficult to capture the other party alive.

The white-haired man in front of him, coming up and letting him tie his hands, is naturally impossible for Jiawen IV.

Not to mention, Jiawen IV had just obtained a powerful legendary power, and there was a faint fluke in his heart.

What if you win?

Everyone is a legend, and I am not without a chance.

Gavin IV clenched his sword and whispered angrily.

"Less nonsense!"

"Let's do it!"

Then, the pale power on the long sword in the hands of Gavin IV suddenly skyrocketed.

It is clear that he is determined to meet the real "four, three, three" chapter under Foyego.

To this, Foyego just shook his head slightly.

Silly child, still too naïve.

It is impossible for Jiawen IV to rack his brains to imagine that the enemy in front of him is Lord Sheng, who is still "helping".

When he first arrived in the legendary realm, Jiawen IV naturally did not have a thorough understanding of the power of the realm.

Even about the field, he is a little difficult to open.

Therefore, at this moment, the most powerful offensive means of Jiawen IV still comes from the extension of energy.

As the pale power above the long sword in his hand spread to a limit, Jiawen IV no longer hesitated, and pale light and shadow appeared around him.

Then Gavin IV was like a pale shooting star, and in an instant he killed Foyego's side.

Fang Cai, it was such a sword that directly beheaded Haas.

And now, this sword of Gavin IV is comparable to Fang Cai.

And Foyego did not dodge, as if he was frightened and stupid, and actually stood motionless in place.

Even the water-like indifference on his face never changed in the slightest.

The blade with terrifying power was about to slash at Foyego's throat, and if this sword cut solidly, then the white-haired man in front of him would definitely think back to Fang Cai's Haas.

A big head rose into the sky.

And this arrogant and indifferent posture will always be frozen in this moment!

Thinking of this, there was a faint hint of excitement in Jiawen IV's eyes.

He did not expect that this lingering nightmare would be broken by him so easily.

This terrifying man turned out to be better than Haas!

A hint of happiness flashed in Gavin IV's eyes.

But suddenly, this smile was frozen on the face of Gavin IV.

Jiawen IV's expression became extremely stiff, he never expected that such a result would occur.

The long sword with pale power was held in the hand by this man in one hand, which was enough to corrode the Haas blood-colored giant axe into a broken force, but it was difficult to hurt any of this man's sweaty hairs.

So much so that even the indifference in this man's eyes did not change in the slightest.

"Boy, there are too few kryptonite."

Foyego suddenly spoke, and said something that made Gavin IV a little unclear.

The next moment, Foyego raised his other hand and struck Gavin IV's neck with lightning speed.


A dull crash sounded, and then Gavin IV's burly body fell to the ground with a bang.

It's just that until the last moment, Gavin IV's hands still held the pure white crystal tightly.

Seeing this, Foyego sighed lightly, and then shook his head slightly.

The young man is still too young.

It is certainly impossible to attack him with the power he has given.

This "peerless murderer" in the eyes of the imperial people, almost escaped the imperial prince twice and three times.

In this way, it was captured again dramatically.

And this scene, in the eyes of the onlookers who were already the magicians of the imperial cabinet, was indeed extremely shocking.

If they didn't know that it was impossible, they all had some doubts that Gavin IV was invited by Foyego.

There was no gorgeous and unbridled sword qi, and no earth-shattering battles.

The duel between the two legendary powerhouses ended with an unpretentious hand knife.

The soldiers looked at the headless corpses on the ground, dressed in black general's uniforms.

Then he looked at a white-haired young man in a black general's uniform not far away.

There was a ridiculous feeling in my heart.

Why is the same general, the previous gap is so large?

I am afraid that this incident will become a question in the future lives of these soldiers.

After doing all this, Foyego had no intention of stopping.

He's had enough of playing, and he's bored in caring about the aftermath. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Then he turned around and left without looking back.

Only the eyeballs that were left were shocked.

And he just left?

Everyone looked at Foyego's back in disbelief.

After that, the group was still busy investigating the situation of Gavin IV, and then took it away with magical items.

Looking at Foyego's departing back, all the soldiers were shocked.

Unmatched strength, peerless arrogance, and wanton impudence.

Such a man is full of desirable charm.

Leon. Once again, the daimyo of Gures resounded throughout the empire...........

It didn't take long for the gossip inside the entire Immortal Fortress to begin to fly all over the sky.

Although judging from the results, with Foyego's shot, it was still good in the end.

But from the perspective of the whole process, it is simply ugly.

Darkwell sat on a pitch-black throne, his eyes full of anger.

But after hearing that Gavin IV had been successfully captured, the anger in his eyes dissipated somewhat.

In any case, as long as he can achieve his purpose.

As for how humiliating this process is, now Darkwell no longer cares.

And that so-called Leon . Gures, if he is not willing to use him, then after he reaches eternal life, there will be time to pinch him.

Darkwell had already made up his mind.

As for Haas's death, Darkwell didn't even have the slightest idea of paying attention.

A waste, die and die.

The wheels of imperial war had begun to move, and with a little minutiae, Darkwell no longer cared.

"Come, pass on my orders."

"Order General Li Ang. Gures, immediately return to the eastern front to guard. "

"Without my order, you are not allowed to return to the royal capital!"

Darkwell's gloomy voice resounded between the thrones.

"Yes, General!"

Soon, two soldiers dressed in black armor went down to carry out Darkwell's orders.

Then, Darkwell was immersed in a beautiful dream about eternal life and fantasized about it.

In the space of the dissatisfied magic mirror, Loveland listened to the report of his members.

The look in 3.7 was full of surprise.

The Imperial Cabinet Magician Corps, not so much Imperial, is more appropriate to say that of Black Rose.

Almost all of the members are members of Black Rose.

About this great battle, twelve cabinet magicians witnessed it all from beginning to end.

Naturally, they were also fortunate enough to see the Dark Monarch coming.

After they recounted to Loveland from beginning to end.

Loveland's face was already full of solemnity.

"Li Ang. Gures ........"

"Who the hell are you?"

Lovellard muttered to herself that for the first time in thousands of years, she couldn't see the depths of a man.

But at the moment, the same as Darkwell.

Loveland, too, has long been on the string, and she can't care about that much.

"From now on, keep an all-out eye on Li Ang. Gures! "

"I want to get his every move!"

Loveland said darkly, her fair cheeks full of gloomy expression.

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