Demacia is a powerful kingdom where law reigns supreme, with a long reputation for its battle achievements.

They have admired justice, glory and responsibility since ancient times, and are almost fanatical in their traditions and heritage.

However, despite these noble principles, over the past few hundred years, the self-absorbed Demacia has become increasingly isolated and synonymous with isolationism.

Unlike Noxus, Demacia's system resembled medieval Europe.

The nobles not only had a high position in the kingdom and controlled the right to participate in politics, economy and trade, but also had their own fiefs.

That is to say, the nobles of Demacia also shouldered the responsibilities of lords.

Theoretically, the royal family, and the places that really belong to the royal family, are only these places around the Xiongdu of Demacia.

Except for the capital of Xiongdu, all places were under the radiation of the royal power and brought under the jurisdiction.

Demacia, Shudu.

The entire palace hall with a clean white tone fell into a fierce quarrel at the moment.

Overall, it is not so much a "quarrel" as a bunch of nobles of all kinds denouncing a man.

And everyone here today is talking about only one theme.

That is - what a gesture to use to welcome back the prince who was captured by the enemy country.

For months, Demacia has been immersed in the previous fiasco.

The casualties of the soldiers are not much, the main problem is.

The death of Generalissimo Tiana, and the capture of his son Gavin IV by 29.

The two key figures of the kingdom had accidents one after another, which severely damaged the morale of the Demacia Kingdom from the inside out.

From that day on, Galen asked King Gavin III to regain his dignity on the battlefield and go to rescue Gavin IV countless times.

But these requests sank like a sea of stones, and no news was heard.

Galen dreamed of midnight countless times, and could not forget that day, Tiana's resolute back when parting.

He didn't know that it was impractical to attack at this time.

As long as there was the devil-like black legion and the god-like white-haired man, he couldn't tear the local front.

Kill the Immortal Fortress to save Gavin IV.

Galen's request would not be granted, and even he knew it.

But if Galen wasn't allowed to do anything, he always felt that it was a betrayal of Tiana and Gavin IV.

Sometimes this is the case, and the living need courage more than the dead.

Later, a decree ordered Galen to return to the capital immediately.

This paper order is tantamount to a direct declaration that the royal family no longer intends to continue to send troops on the Eastern Front.

Or rather, the kingdom has acquiesced to this result.

The importance of Gavin IV as the sole crown prince is undoubted, and Demacia must be rescued from the empire even if it pays a great price.

And let Galen return to Xiongdu, and the strategy of not sending troops.

It undoubtedly shows that the Kingdom intends to adopt a "diplomatic strategy".

And the so-called "diplomatic strategy" is undoubtedly to cede land and pay reparations, in exchange for the unharmed release of Gavin IV.

Despite all his unwillingness, Galen was helpless.

In the end, as he is now, Galen still stood on the main hall of this Xiongdu royal palace.

And now, the dead are dead after all.

And the living Galen must bear everything that should be borne by it.

For example - verbal criticism from within the kingdom.

"A single battle consumes half of the kingdom's standing military strength."

"Lost the territory of the Nockmerch Mountains."

"A marshal died, a prince was captured."

"Even the Fearless Pioneer is more than half broken."

"This battle, it's a good fight!"

An aristocrat with a mustache mocked mercilessly, and his eyes were full of contempt.

"I don't know who was in the first place, trying to get out of the crowd."

"You have to declare war on Noxus."

"It's good now, come here a few times."

"Don't talk about Prince Jiawen, everyone is going to the Immortal Fortress to be a guest. "

Another pot-bellied nobleman also echoed in a yin and yang strange manner.

These extremely mocking words reached Galen's ears, but Galen could only clench his hand into a fist, knock out his teeth and swallow it into his stomach.

Let the nobles in the field taunt.

The wall fell and everyone pushed it.

The fiasco on the battlefield and the sudden death of Tiana plunged the Mienwei family into absolute adversity.

Even now, there are several important members of the Mian Wei family who are responsible for guarding all parts of the kingdom, but they are still a little out of reach.

Young Galen, after all, did not have enough prestige to overwhelm these discordant voices within the kingdom.

In the past, the royal family could not have allowed such discordant voices to exist.

Only now, the situation of the royal family is also not optimistic.

Galen looked towards the throne, where the old king, Gavin III, sat alone on the throne.

The "Inner Governor" who used to never leave the king's side, the Ionian man who was always very silent, is now not at the side of Gavin III.

Galen naturally knew that the governor of Debang was still seriously injured at the moment.

The loss of the war was obviously not without an impact on the reputation of the royal family.

The discontent of the people and nobles needs a way to vent.

The royal family naturally cannot allow these firepower to concentrate on themselves, and at this time, someone needs to come forward and "attract firepower".

And this person can only be - Galen.


On the throne, Gavin III suddenly shouted.

The voice that was not angry and self-threatening directly overwhelmed the aristocracy who was full of discussion.

Even if the situation is not optimistic, it is not urgent.

At least the old king, Gavin III, still has enough prestige in the kingdom.

As long as he remained in power for one day, Demacia's political situation remained stable.

Venting is venting, Gavin III naturally will not tolerate these nobles getting more and more angry.

"I called you here today, not for you to say this here!"

The majestic voice of Gavin III echoed in the pure white throne hall. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Gavin III scanned among his courtiers, and no one dared to face the old king's majestic eyes.

It's like a lion king patrolling his territory.

"Tell me who to send."

Jiawen III slowly spoke again, and the power in his eyes did not subside by half.

Hearing this, the courtiers looked at each other, you look at me and I look at you, but no one is willing to take this errand out loudly.

Rumor has it that Gavin Sansi seems to have reached some kind of agreement with Darkwell, the great general of Noxus.

At some cost, in exchange for the return of the prince Gavin IV.

At this moment, Jiawen III summoned everyone to discuss who to send to welcome back the prince Jiawen IV.

And no doubt everyone knows that this is definitely a chore.

Not to mention the embarrassment of the Noxus people, if something happens again and again, won't it be directly pushed to the cusp.

At this juncture, who dares to take this pot?

And this trip represents not only individuals, but also the entire kingdom of Demacia.

The status of the person who goes must not be too low.

So everyone's eyes were focused on a few big nobles.

The great nobles, on the other hand, glared back mercilessly.

All the courtiers hesitated, and the palace fell silent for a while.

At this moment, a person suddenly walked out of the queue slowly, and his body was covered in devastated armor, which seemed incompatible with the neat and magnificent palace hall.

This person is none other than Galen. Crown Guard.

It was also at this moment that he was in the center of the storm and was criticized as a "punching bag".

"Your Majesty, let me go."

Galen's burly body was half-kneeling on the ground, slowly lowering his head, allowing his face to be hidden in the shadows.


"No way!"

"Anyone can go, but he can't!"


Galen's behavior was immediately like pouring a basin of cold water into a hot oil.

The nobles were all excited, as if Galen in front of them was some heinous sinner.

In this regard, Galen's face hidden in the shadows, did not move.

How can a defeated general still be able to perform such a great task?

How can a group of ministers believe in a defeated person?

Under the anger of the crowd, Galen was like a flat boat in the sea.


"Silence !!" 763

Suddenly, an angry rebuke came from the throne, and Gavin III smashed a fist on the throne, making a violent sound.

He stood up abruptly, his strong body looking down from a high place, with a shocking anger and majesty in his eyes.

Gavin III was furious.

This made the group of ministers below quickly quiet down.

A trace of surprise and fear flashed in everyone's eyes, because Gavin III had not been so angry for a long time.

At this moment, everyone suddenly remembered.

It turned out that the person who was captured was not only the prince of the kingdom, but also the only heir of Jiawen III.

This made Gavin III how not to feel anxious and angry.

It's just that because he is a king, he has long hidden the joy and anger of ordinary people.

But this does not mean that Gavin III has no feeling in his heart.

Now between this throne, Gavin III finally vented the anger in his heart.

The old king's angry eyes swept over the eyes of every minister and nobleman, and everyone who looked at it couldn't help but flinch a little.

Everyone understood the meaning in the old king's eyes, and they no longer spoke.

Everything is silent, so why should some things be said?

"Kid, get up."

"Go and pick up your friends, your lord, and what you've lost."

"I believe in you."

Gavin III slowly came to Galen's side, put a hand on Galen's shoulder, and softened his tone a little.

His hand did not exert the slightest force, but it made Galen's burly body tremble.

Hearing this, Galen slowly lifted his face from the shadows.

I saw that this iron-beaten man's face had already burst into tears.


Galen choked and replied heavily.

Responding to Galen was a smile of trust from Gavin III.

At this moment, two men, one old and one young, both saw that the pressure on each other's shoulders was like Mount Tai.

Through the majestic face of Gavin III and the aura of supremacy.

At the moment, Galen saw.

Just a tired old man worried because his son is in danger.

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