The biggest advantage of choosing to cooperate with Zuan is that the seed of alchemy technology has been placed on the land of Birgivot.

All kinds of advantages and disadvantages, needless to say.

As the female emperor said, the decision made by the emperor naturally does not need to be explained too much to a "merchant" and the like.

Even if he is the head of the family in Myrdarda, a business magnate who controls the lifeblood of Picheng.

Just when Jagu looked embarrassed and disheartened.

A voice suddenly came from the palace.

"This Jagu. Mr. Myrdarda. "

"Maybe Bill Gewort has a new business to talk to you about."

Hearing the sound, Jia Gu suddenly raised his head, and his eyes also changed drastically.

I saw that from the outside of the palace, a man with pale hair was slowly approaching.

Seeing this person, everyone had different expressions.

Jagu and Renata, who were outsiders, naturally did not understand the identity of this person who suddenly arrived.

However, with the level of "observing words and colors" that had already reached the realm, Jia Gu already had a certain guess in his heart.

Where is this?

This is the royal palace of Birgiwater!

On such occasions, how can anyone come casually?

Listening to the man's tone, he would often represent "Birjiwater", which is nothing.

The key is the expression of the female emperor.

After hearing the words of the person who came, he was not half annoyed.

She only showed a hint of surprise on her face, but there was a bit of joy in her eyes.

As a female emperor, she should not have revealed the thoughts in her heart from her expression so easily.

But the more so, the more it shows a problem - that is, the female emperor has no intention of hiding it at all.

This man's relationship with the female emperor is probably much closer than expected.

The words in the man's mouth undoubtedly made the already defeated Hex Technology have a hint of a turnaround.

Faced with Foyego's sudden arrival, Pete and Foxy looked at each other.

Then stand respectfully on both sides without further ado.

Just look at the nose and mouth, and stand in place.

This relationship with the female emperor is an "open secret" throughout Birgewater.

For the identity of this person, although the female emperor has never been disclosed, everyone has already "guessed".

Birgiwater is a kingdom blessed by God.

And as we all know, the female emperor is a "person of the gods".

So what is the identity of this person, it is also a wise man.........

Jagu looked at the man in front of him.

The man wears a black costume similar to the female emperor's style.

It looks like a couple outfit with a similar style.

Looking at this gorgeous dress, Jia Gu's heart flashed a little pensive, he seemed to have seen this dress somewhere, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

The relationship between this man and the female emperor no longer needs to be said.

As far as Jagu knew, the female emperor did not have a biological brother.

Then there is only one possibility for the rest of nature.

What kind of relationship can a man and a woman have when they are so intimate?

At the same time, a little curiosity arose in his heart, what kind of man could maintain such a close relationship with the female emperor of Birgivot?

Legendary Master of Ionia's Magic? Or the ancient aristocracy of Noxus with a long heritage? Or the noble lord of Demacia with real power?

Jagu secretly guessed Foyego's identity in his heart, but he remained silent on the surface.

It's just that I'm afraid that no matter how he guesses, it may be difficult to get closer to Foyego's identity above the gods in the first place.

After all, the so-called gods are too far away from the mortal world.

"Dear sir, lucky meeting.~."

Jagu hurriedly saluted Foyego.

"Hello, Mr. Jagu."

Foyego's eyes had a bit of interest in it, and then he responded to Jagu.

"Why did you suddenly come?"

Sarah walked slowly to Foyego's side and took Foyego's arm very naturally.

"Nothing, I just wanted to come and see."

Foyego shook his head lightly and said with a smile.

Looking at Foyego's expression, Sarah also showed a smile.

The two ignored the others present, depending on their eyes, only each other at the moment.

This scene, falling into the eyes of Renata and Jagu, shocked the two even more.

Rarely, even the pair of old wrongdoers with hostile positions also glanced at each other.

What is the origin of this man?

"Foxy, just execute everything that Fang has just finalized."

"The next specific matters are handled by you and Pete."

"I only have one request."

"Within three, I must see a fleet that has been redressed!"

The female emperor turned to Pete and Foxy and ordered, and the two looked at each other and nodded solemnly.

Seeing this, Renata also knew that the matter had been settled.

In this competition, she has already won.

The next step is to connect with Foxy and Pitt to consolidate the fruits of his victory.

But it seems that this ending is not what Renata expected.

Sending the people of Picheng out of the business gave her the opportunity to monopolize Birgiwater.

But for now, now that the matter of the battleship's reconfiguration has come to an end, Renata naturally has no position to continue to participate in the next negotiations between Jagu and Birjiwater.

In this regard, Renata knew that entanglement could only be counterproductive, so she saluted the female emperor and Foyego, and retreated with Pete and Jagu.

Finally, only Jagu, Foyego, and the female emperor were left in the palace.

"Please sit down, Mr. Jagu."

"I think we can talk slowly." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Foyego said with a smile, his tone still full of his usual gentleness.

Jagu nodded and sat down in the chair behind him again.

And Foyego was not polite and sat directly with Sarah on the pale throne.

Seeing this, a trace of essence flashed in Jia Gu's eyes.

"I don't know what else this gentleman wants to talk about?"

Jia Gu did not hesitate and asked directly.

Since the other party has repelled everyone, including Renata. Grasco, naturally, had something to talk to him about.

And this also shows that only he can do this, or say............. Only Hextech can do it!

Otherwise, there must still be the Alchemy Baron of that bottom city who remains here now.

Jia Gu also didn't want to continue to bend, it was better to open the skylight directly and say bright words.

At this moment, the two sides are discussing from a relatively fair standpoint.

"Then I'll get blunt."

"I appreciate Hex technology in Picheng."

"I think Billgwater can fully cooperate with Picheng on a deeper level."

"I believe that Mr. Jagu originally came with this purpose in mind."

Foyego said slowly, his expression was neither sad nor joyful, which made Jagu unable to see the slightest mood swing in his face.


"Please also make it clear..."

Jagu squinted his eyes while savoring the deep meaning of Foyego's words.

"For example, Bill Gewater can be on the development of Hex."

"Working with Piltover."

"Although we don't have a technical advantage, we can offer something else."

"For example... Fund. "

Foyego said with deep meaning, with the face that I am a "rich dog household".

Hearing this, Jia Gu showed a surprised look.

He worked tirelessly to come to Birgivot, and did not hesitate to wait for nearly a month, with such a great effort.

For what?

To put it bluntly, it's not about making money.

Now what did he hear? This big dog in front of you is willing to directly fund the research of Hex?

What does this amount to?

It's like trying to sell something to the person in front of you.

But who knows, you said for a long time, people are stunned and don't mean to buy it.

Instead, in the end, people tell you directly.

"Young man, I don't see that you are easy either, don't sell this thing for you, uncle gives you a bank card, there are a million in it, take it and spend it........"

Who is this feeling not confused?

Jia Gu was directly stunned in place, and he looked at Foyego in disbelief, his eyes full of surprise.

Did he hear you right? Or is the man teasing him?

Jia Gu subconsciously moved his eyes to the female emperor's body to see the female emperor's reaction.

But I saw that the female emperor looked indifferent, not only did she not have the slightest intention of opposing, but it seemed that everything should be like this.

"His words are what I mean."

"You can understand it that way."

It seems that the shock to Jia Gu was not enough, and the female emperor made up for Jia Gu again.

Now Jagu's whole person has been completely stupid.

"It's just that we have certain requirements for the direction of research."

"And for the results of the research, Birgewater has the right to apply it first."


Foyego smiled again, an expression almost identical to "Our Lady" in Jagu's eyes.

This almost "free" "extraterrestrial wealth (money Zhao)" made Jia Gu a little dumbfounded.


"Of course."

Jagulian promised to come down, this kind of good thing is tantamount to dropping pies in the sky, and he did not promise that this is not what a fool is.

With the temptation of financial support, Foyego's request is hardly worth mentioning.

"It's so good."

"So be it."

"We are willing to purchase ten Hextech power cores for the assembly of ten warships of the First Fleet."

"This is a sign of sincerity."

"This fleet will also become a testament to your cooperation."

Foyego said again, it is a little "fly head profit" given first.

"Of course."

Jia Guqiang endured the excitement in his heart and quickly agreed.

You know, this business that seems to be just a "fly head small profit" is not small at all!

The power core of Hextech is expensive, and a warship using the core of Hextech is eight times more expensive than a warship using an alchemy power furnace!

These ten Hex technology-powered warships are equivalent to eighty alchemy technology-powered warships!

You know, all the warships in the entire Birgivor add up to about three hundred.

This is also the number after Sarah expanded her army after unifying the kingdom.

In other words, the seemingly huge order of Renata is only worth three or four times more than Jagu's "insignificant" ten warships.

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