Even in Jia Gu's previous estimates, he only predicted that the number of Hextech cores that Birjiwater could purchase should be about thirty at most.

The current result has completely exceeded Jagu's expectations.

Even said that the good was a little beyond his expectations.

Subsequently, Foyego outlined his intentions for the results of Hex's research and the amount of investment he expected to make.

After hearing the figure of the investment amount, Jagu's breathing was a little short.

One can imagine how huge the number of funds will be.

Jia Gu tilted his head, and the smile on his face had a bit of flattery.

At this moment, Jia Gu has already fallen under the money offensive of the dog household.

In the end, everything was finalized, and Jagu had a warm smile on his face.

"Good cooperation, Mr. Jagu."

Foyego said with a smile, and the expression on his face did not change in the slightest.

"Happy cooperation....... Mr. "

Jagu should talk to Foyego, but after thinking about it, he suddenly realized that he didn't seem to know the name of this mysterious man.

But none of this matters, what matters is the achievement of this cooperation.

After a while, Jagu slowly left the palace with a smile on his face.

Foyego looked at Jagu's departing back with a hint of depth in his eyes.

Originally, he didn't plan to make a move against the Science and Technology Twin Cities, but he didn't expect this wave of Jia Gu to send it to the door by himself.

If he does not take advantage of such a good opportunity, then he will not be Foyego.

This time, even if he laid out Piltover first.

After all, that place was already going to be visited.

"Honey, are you really so optimistic about this Hex?"

Sarah said suddenly, looking at Foyego with a hint of inquiry in her eyes.

After all, at the moment, Birgewater does not actually have as much demand for the so-called Hex technology as imagined.

"Sarah, the potential of HexTech 120 is far greater than you think."

"Maybe in the future, it will do something you don't expect."

Foyego said softly, a hint of depth flashing in his eyes.

A magnificent blueprint suddenly slowly unfolded in his heart.

As he became more active behind the scenes, the entire Rune Land was now full of pieces he had planted.

Now Foyego's vision is not simply limited to one city and one place.


"We don't know anything about Piltover things, I'm afraid ...."

Sarah was a little speechless, although she was full of absolute confidence in Foyego.

But about the cooperation with Picheng, she still couldn't help but want to say something.

"It's okay, Sarah."

"I understand what you mean."

"I have already made up my mind, you don't have to worry."

Foyego said in a gentle voice, and he stroked Sarah's cheek twice, signaling that she didn't have to worry.

Sarah's concern is nothing more than the lack of binding force after reaching a cooperation.

Piltover was a bit of a whip for Bill Givott.

Who knows if after taking the money, Jagu will do what Foyego asked.

If Jia Gu plays the means of yang and yin at that time, won't there be no way to check and balance it.


Seeing Foyego say this, Sarah's heart flashed with a trace of peace.

She didn't think much about it and just buried her head in Foyego's arms.

Now she just needs to trust this man completely.

Because this man will never let her down.

Over the months, Birgewater has changed dramatically.

But no matter how the kingdom changes, some things cannot be eradicated.

Where there is light, there is darkness, and where there is justice, there is evil.

This is the law of development of all things in the world, and no one can avoid it.

For example, the casinos in Birgewater and some places where dirt and dirt are hidden still exist in some dark corners.

A frustrated man ran out of a dark alley in embarrassment.


The man's eyes were full of fear, and he lowered his head and cursed twice, as if he wanted to express the uneasiness and fear in his heart.

"There he is! Don't let him run! "

"Grab him, I have to take his intestines out!"


A noisy voice suddenly came from the alley, and the man's expression became more and more frightened after hearing the sound.

He could only continue to run forward without stopping, trying to escape the pursuit behind him.

Finally, the chaotic footsteps behind him got closer and closer, which made the man's heart seem to jump to his own throat.

Seeing that he was about to be caught up, the man could only rush to the hospital and search for a place to hide.

Suddenly, a filthy and filthy drain in front of him attracted the man's attention.

Without saying a word, the man jumped directly and jumped into the filthy drainage.

The man shrank in the canal in fear, quietly waiting for the judgment of fate.

After a while, his pursuers stepped over his head, and the noise and cursing faded away.

He finally escaped.


The man crawled out of the smelly drain, vomited twice, and then collapsed weakly on the ground.

Since the accession of the female emperor to the throne, Birgewater has been completely reborn.

The people have gradually lived a stable life, and the introduction of the law has made the scene of the once madmen disappear.

The pirate forces and the dock gang have also completely disappeared, and now all that remains are some small gangsters who can't make a climate.

Most casinos and other evil places are also closed, stopped.

But there is inevitably some residue of filth.

Most people are not living the foul-smelling life of the past, and have a serious way to make a living.

But it is inevitable that there are still some people who can't change the dog to eat shi.

For example, the current man is obviously another gambler who has lost all his money in the casino. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The foul-smelling man slowly got up from the ground after resting for a while.

Right now, he's completely cornered.

The laws of the female emperor would protect the commoners, but they would not include scum like him.

If he can't get the money to exchange for gambling debts, sooner or later he will be hacked to death on the street. (cjbi)

In a trance, the man remembered an ancient rumor circulating in Bigang, this rumor was called "two coats".


Tam was in the dark alley, constantly trying to vomit.

His funny face was full of disgust, and at the same time he stuck out his tongue, constantly trying to clean his long tongue.

It was as if he had just eaten something extremely unpalatable.


Tam spat two more mouthfuls of saliva before barely recovering.

If it weren't for the gambler's body, the extreme greedy breath.

Whatever Tam says, he won't swallow it.

Because it's really........ It stinks!

Remembering that stench, a hint of gloom flashed on Tam's big green face.

Without much thought, Tam who was "full of food" planned to go back to his hometown to take a "nap".

But suddenly, Tam seemed to sense something and stopped abruptly.

The big green face suddenly changed into a flattering expression.

"Oh, what wind is blowing you."

Tam turned his head and smiled at the figure that suddenly appeared here.

For this figure, Tam is naturally familiar with it.

Confirmed eyes, is a person who can't be provoked.

"Isn't this coming to meet old friends."

"Looks like you've been doing well lately."

"Look at it, I eat a lot fatter."

Foyego said in a slightly mocking tone, with a bit of ridicule in his eyes.

"Where, where."

"Aren't you laughing."

Tam quickly laughed, and the big green fat face became more and more funny.

At the moment, Foyego, he can't afford to offend in the slightest.

The last one who offended this existence is still squatting in prison under the sea.

In addition, now that he is a "tenant" on people's territory, he still needs to keep a low profile.

After all, this "master" is much more generous than Naga Kapolos.

Foyego's words are ridiculous, but they are indeed not wrong.

Tam's life is indeed much better now than before.

In what is now Birjivoort, there are no restrictions on any of Tam's actions.

A gambler full of greedy stench, he wants to eat a few and eat a few.

Even thanks to the legend of "two coats" in Birgivot.

Tam can even earn some meager powers of faith in Bilgewater.

If this had been placed in the original, Tam would have dared not think of it.

Now that this master is looking for the door, Tam is naturally very flattering, and does not dare to offend the slightest.

"Old friend, I've been thinking about you lately."

"I want to come and see you, now that I see that you are doing well, then I am relieved."

Foyego's eyes flashed with a hint of depth, and there seemed to be some inexplicable meaning in his tone.

On the contrary, it made Tam who heard this feel a little uncomfortable.

Tam's head began to spin rapidly, constantly tasting the deep meaning of Foyego's words.

He always felt that Foyego would not easily find him if he was fine.

If it weren't for Foyego's lack of intention, Tam would probably have slipped away by now.

Thinking about it, Tam couldn't figure it out, so he asked cautiously.

"That........ Buddha........ King of Ruins. "

"This........ Something might as well be explicit? "

Tam asked cautiously and tentatively.


"Old friend, since you said so."

"Then there really is something that needs your help."

Foyego suddenly laughed, then patted Tam's shoulder and said in an affectionate tone.

Hearing this, Tam's face froze.

It turned out to be waiting for him here.

"If there's something, then just say it."

Tam gave a far-fetched smile.

He kind of understood what Fang Foyego's words meant.

This is a hint at him.

Boy, life is good, people have gained weight, it's time to "pay rent".

"It's not a big deal."

A smile flashed in Foyego's eyes.

"Jagu. Myrdarda, find this man. "

"I want you.......... Do it this way. "

Foyego whispered to Tam, and Tam's heart gradually fell into his stomach.

This is really not difficult for him.

As long as it wasn't to go to some demigod hard steel, Tam felt that this was completely acceptable.

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