Tonight is a night of celebration for Birgiwater.

On the port, people who used to hate each other are now holding hands and drinking wine.

Some of these people are sea beast hunters, some are smugglers, some are craftsmen and members of dock gangs.

These people come from different industries and have different identities.

But in any case, from now on they will only have one identity, that is, the Birgivots.

In Birgewater, the best way to overcome fear and sorrow is to drink all night.

Between laughter and tears, perhaps the best way to remember the dead.

After tonight's revelry, with the rising sun tomorrow, Birgewater will also have a new future.

Hack Manor.

In the tallest building in Birgiwater, Sarah sat at a table, staring blankly at the laughing crowd below.

Suddenly, Sarah was a little confused.

Everything in the past seems to be as unreal as a dream.

Fantasizing about all these fantastical experiences, Sarah froze for a while.

What is the future for Bill Gewater?

Sarah didn't know.

Where should she go from here?

Sarah didn't know either.

Now, all Sarah's original ideals have been realized.

She avenged her mother, removed the cancer of piracy for Birgiwater, and eliminated years of grudges for the Birgivots, bringing unity and harmony.


What about the man?

In a trance, Sarah seemed to see Leon again.

Gradually, the image of the man named Li Ang gradually overlapped with the gods she believed in.

Dark Lord, Leon.

Will they really be alone?

If they really are the same person, what does it mean?

Or to say....... He, why lie to her?

Sarah's heart was confused.

Just then, a night breeze blew.

A familiar voice came from behind Sarah.

"My Archbishop, what makes you alone here to remember."

The deep voice woke Sarah from her sluggishness, and she turned sharply to look at the man behind her.

This time, Sarah wasn't as respectful as she used to be.

Instead, he carefully looked at this god with supreme power.

A black dress, a pale crown, and striking white hair.

This is the Dark Lord, the god who saved Birgiwater several times.

Perhaps it was curiosity and doubt in the heart, and the ghost made the god worse, Sarah and Foyego looked at each other.

Such an act, if placed on other gods, is sufficient to be defined as blasphemy.

But in the face of Sarah's somewhat rude behavior, Foyego did not say a word.

Looking into Foyego's eyes, Sarah understood a lot of things at once.

If you say, a person's voice, appearance, body shape and temperament will change.

Then the only thing that will not change is the look in his eyes.


So much like that!

The dark monarch in front of him had exactly the same look as Li Ang.

Sarah clearly remembers that whenever Leon looks at her, there is always a trace of warmth under her eyes.

And now in Foyego's eyes, Sarah saw exactly the same warmth.

At this moment, Sarah's original guess had reached an almost certain level.

Maybe Leon is the Dark Monarch.

The questioning words had reached Sarah's throat, and even her amber eyes brought a hint of excitement.

Almost immediately, Sarah was about to ask the question in her heart directly.

But in the end, Sarah still contained the thoughts in her heart.

Because she... There is no evidence.

To question a demigod with great divine power in this way is undoubtedly an extremely disrespectful act.

At this moment, Sarah is no longer the naïve girl she was back then, she has grown into a qualified leader.

"Sarah, have you ever thought about the way forward for Bill Gewater."

At this time, Foyego suddenly spoke, and his question made Sarah a little silent.

Of course she had thought about it, but when she thought about it, she was at a loss.

"Mortals offer faith, and gods shelter mortals."

"It's a fair deal."

"But whatever."

"In the end, the path of mortals can only be walked by mortals themselves."

"You understand, Sarah."

Hearing Foyego's words, Sarah's confused heart gradually calmed down.

"Be crowned king, Sarah."

"Lead Birgiwater to a greater future."

"After all, you, but the one I chose in the first place."

As Foyego's voice fell, Sarah's delicate body trembled, and she felt her throat choke a little.

At this moment, Sarah finally determined everything!

She quickly turned her eyes to search for Foyego's voice, but this figure had already turned into a dark shadow and disappeared. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Don't go !!"

"Come back !!"

Sarah suddenly came to the window, pushed it open and shouted out the window.

But in the end, it was all in vain.

He's gone.......

Just as at the beginning, he suddenly left her side.

"Crown, Sarah."

"Remember what I promised you."

"I said that after you help me take Bilgewater, I will grant you a wish."

"Everything will be revealed on that day."

Foyego's voice reached Sarah's ears with a gust of wind.

Hearing this, Sarah couldn't help but clench her fists.

Yes, everything will be revealed on that day.

A month later.

Today is an extraordinary day.

Because from this day forward, Birgewater will have his king!!

What was once a dirty and cluttered city will become a new and vibrant kingdom.

Today is the day of the coronation of the Emperor Bilgewater!

For this female emperor, and the gods behind the female emperor, all the Birgivots were convinced.

They believed that with the leadership of the Emperor and the protection of the Dark Lord, Birgiwater would prosper.

On the streets of Birjiwater, countless people gathered together, looking forward to the arrival of the female emperor.

Finally, a luxurious carriage came from the city of Birgiwater and headed for the port.

As a port state, Birgewater also believes in sea power.

So the goddess Sarah will also be crowned today in the newly built port of Birgivot.

The carriage slowly headed towards the port, causing cheers from all the people of Birjiwater along the way.

Finally, the carriage arrived at the place of the coronation ceremony.

At the port, a huge statue of pure black towers over the port.

The statue's posture is very powerful, and he holds the long sword horizontally in his hand.

It was on that day that Foyego slashed back the tsunami with a sword.

This statue was made by the Birjiwater people working overtime in a month.

The purpose is to give gifts to the female emperor and the dark lord on this day.

Old Raven, Pike, Pete, and representatives of the original powers of Beechon are waiting here, and after the coronation is completed, they will offer their loyalty as soon as possible.

Both to the female emperor and to the dark monarch.

It is said that today's coronation ceremony will be completed by the Dark Lord himself.

A dressed female emperor appeared before the eyes of the people of Birgivot.

I saw that she was dressed in pitch black, wearing a gorgeous black long sword around her waist, and a long black skirt behind her, held in her hands by four or five priests of the Dawn Order.

Sarah's beautiful face has a hint of nobility unique to the superior, and her enchanting figure exudes amazing charm.

As Sarah slowly moved forward, she walked towards the underside of the Dark Monarch statue.

After arriving at the designated position, respectfully kneel down to the statue of the Dark Lord, and pray softly.

As Sarah chanted the prayer, a dark shadow appeared out of thin air and converged into a figure in midair.

Dark Monarch - Foyego!

All the Birgewater fell to their knees and offered their most devout faith to Foyego. (Good Will)

Then, I saw Foyego fall and come to Sarah's side.

"Sarah. Fu Qiong. "

"Abigail. Daughter of Fuqiong. "

"Archbishop of the Order of Dawn."

"Now I reward you with glory and power."

"From now on, you will be the first king of the Kingdom of Birgivot!"

"It's also the Land of Runes, the Doom Female Emperor of One!"

Foyego said word by word, under the action of divine power, every word he said clearly reached everyone's ears.

Then, in Foyego's hand, a pitch-black crown condensed in his hand, the style was very similar to the pale crown on his head.

At first glance, it looks like a couple's getaway.

As Foyego puts the crown on top of Sarah's head.

Sarah. Fu Qiong.

She has officially become the doom emperor of Bilgewater!

Then Foyego's symbolic casual hand-dropping of some "blessings" finally came to the most important link.

"My God."

"You promised me that I could sow the gospel of darkness."

"You promised to grant me a wish."

"Now, I want to fulfill that wish."

Sarah stared at Foyego tightly, her eyes full of inexplicable meaning.

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