At this moment, Sarah stared at Foyego's cheek tightly, as if she wanted to see something from his cheek.

But no matter how warm her eyes were, the calm on Foyego's face did not change in the slightest.

But with Foyego's city, Sarah was doomed to fail.

Although Foyego seemed very calm on the surface, the inner emotion was only known to him.

He sighed secretly in his heart.

Finally, this moment has come.

Based on all the clues he had revealed before, plus Sarah's own intelligence, he had now guessed everything.

Between the two, there is only a thin window paper that has not been broken.

He took advantage of Sarah and cheated on her.

Foyego didn't know if Sarah still liked him or accept who he was.

Fortunately, although the process was tortuous, it finally achieved the desired goal.

Whether Sarah can forgive him or not is no longer up to him.

Now, it's time for Sarah to make a choice.

Foyego had previously made a promise to Sarah, saying that as long as Birgiwater was united, he would fulfill whatever Sarah wished.

This is actually giving Sarah the right to choose.

Strong melons are not sweet, not to mention feelings.

Now, it's time to reveal the answer.

"Name your wishes, Sarah."

"I'll cash it out anyway."

Foyego looked directly into Sarah's glazed eyes without the slightest evasion in his eyes.

Sarah had been looking at Foyego's eyes like 500 and kept looking at him.

Ten thousand emotions suddenly flashed in the eyes of the two, and in an instant, it seemed that countless emotions were communicating in it.

Sarah did not speak, but slowly moved her steps towards Foyego.

The pace is not fast, but it is full of determination.

Gradually, Sarah actually came to Foyego, and the distance between her and Foyego at this moment was even less than a centimeter.

Foyego could even feel Sarah spit on his cheek and breathe.

Finally, Sarah couldn't hold back any longer, and a line of clear tears flowed from the corners of her eyes.

At this moment, where else is the queen of the sea, the female emperor of doom.

Some are just a helpless and flustered girl.

Sarah didn't want to be patient any longer, and she didn't want to wait any longer.

She has long promised that as long as the revenge is completed, she will live for Li Ang for the rest of her life.

And now, she already knew.

Foyego - it's Leon!

Even if he lied to her and used her?

Everything about her has long been this man's, and now Sarah has only one thought in her mind - she can't lose him again, never!!

Sarah threw herself straight into Foyego's arms, her white jade-like arms tightly held Foyego's body in her arms, and a pretty face was completely buried in Foyego's chest.

"I don't care who you are, (ciba) Leon, Foyego."

"I only have one wish."

"From now on, you are not allowed to leave me again!!"

Between Foyego's chest, there was Sarah's slightly nasal voice, and there was a bit of girlish willfulness in her tone.

A hint of warmth flashed in Foyego's eyes, and he also stretched out his hand and slowly hugged Sarah's delicate body.

"Silly girl."

"From now on, you belong to me alone."

As this gentle voice reached Sarah's ears, Sarah hugged Foyego and cried.

He, really came back.

In this way, on this occasion that attracted much attention, the female emperor and the god hugged together.

Although the current change surprised the Birdgivots, it did not affect their heartfelt happiness.

At this moment, they wished that the new female emperor could further develop a relationship with the gods, so that they could not be more protected by the gods?

Rulers who had a close relationship with the gods were obviously more able to be embraced by the people.


At the port, all the onlookers in Birgivor erupted into tsunami-like cheers.

People cheered, laughed, and offered praises and blessings to the gods and emperors.

After the coronation ceremony, the female emperor convened a kingdom council.

The original Hack Manor, now renovated and rebuilt, has become the new royal palace of Bilgewater. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Inside the palace are representatives of the Birgewater forces.

After all, the kingdom has just been established, and there are many things that need to be determined.

The first is the future system of political participation, which is the foundation of a nation.

Sarah sat on the throne, and beside her, there was another figure.

Everyone was silent about the identity of this person, so they were silent.

I am afraid that there is only one who can sit on the throne with the female emperor.

Sarah was still dressed in a dark and gorgeous queen dress, overlooking the people below.

"After the establishment of the kingdom, I intend to adopt the cabinet system."

"The Cabinet oversees all government affairs and is composed of six ministers who are directly accountable to me."

"And in the army, the most commander-in-chief is directly assumed by myself."

"What are your opinions?"

Sarah's tone was filled with unquestionable majesty.

When everyone below heard this, they knelt down on one knee and echoed, indicating that there was no opinion.

"In terms of the cabinet, I intend to appoint Pete as Chancellor of the Exchequer, Lex (Old Raven) as Secretary of State, and Pike as Secretary of State for Ports..."

Sarah read out several names one after another, all of which were heroes who had made great achievements in the bloody battle in the port.

At the same time, he is also the representative of the various forces of Birjiwater, and Sarah's appointment and arrangement are also reasonable.

Among them, only Pike, who can be regarded as following Sarah's "one man and a chicken dog ascends to heaven".

"In terms of the army, the original Birgivought Combined Fleet was renamed the Birgivor Navy."

"I myself serve as the supreme commander of the navy, and the deputy commander-in-chief is composed of.........."

"Silver Foxi Foxi!"

When Sarah read out the appointment, everyone was a little surprised.

Everyone turned their eyes to the corner, where there was a middle-aged man who looked a little haggard.

This person is none other than the "Silver Fox", Foxy.

And this "silver fox" is the pirate captain who advised Planck in the port war.

If Planck had heeded Foxi's advice that day, he might not have lost so badly.

It turned out that on that day, Foxy had already anticipated that the situation was not right, and summoned his henchmen and some pirates who did not want to participate in the war in advance.

When Sarah led the fleet to kill later, Foxy knew that the tide was gone.

So he fled with these pirates.

The demise of pirates is the trend of the times.

For this point, Foxy naturally also knew that it was undoubtedly a fool's dream to recast the glory of the pirates based on him alone.

So Foxy did not do two endlessly, and chose to "abandon the dark and turn to the light".

Although Foxy himself was a pirate, he rarely had a bad record of murder and crossing, and Sarah did not pursue the silver fox's guilt.

Anti greatly appreciates Foxy's talent, and has the intention to reuse Foxy.

At the same time, it also expresses Sarah's attitude towards the past without blame.

You know, pirates have been entrenched in Birgiwater for many years, and have quite complex interests within the city-state.

Even many of those here have colluded with pirates in one way or another.

With Sarah's hatred of pirates, they were naturally afraid that the female emperor would settle the score.

And seeing that the real pirate of the silver fox can still be reused, these people naturally settled down.

Two hours later, everything about the Kingdom of Bilgewater was created, and the subsequent things needed to be worked out slowly and little by little.

As everyone left, there were only two people left in this huge palace.

Sarah can finally lie unscrupulously in Foyego's arms and feel the breath from her lover.


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