I Freakin Reincarnated With A System


Some months have passed after the Kyuubi's attack and Itachi and I are now 6 years old. Remember the girl whom Itachi saved during the attack yes Izumi Uchiha. She has started to follow Itachi everyday and always tries to strike a conversation with my brother.

Though when she asked him to let her carry sasuke he bluntly and mercilessly rejected her. She says "Ohh come on he won't cry if I were to hold him." she takes sasuke from him and tries to calm him but he starts crying leaving her utterly speechless.

Itachi takes sasuke back from her and walks past her ,ignoring her expression as he calms sasuke. She stomps her leg and follows after them. I was laughing my a_s_s out at this scene as sasuke would only allow Itachi and me to carry or play with him if someone else tries to do so from our generation he would start crying.

Itachi and me ,we finally finished our training with father and graduated. We had to relocate to the edges of the village after the incident because of Danzo and others as they suspected us for the attack so they relocated us here so spying on us would become easier.

Today, our clan elder after returning from the Naka shrine were in bad mood and slowly slowly the whole clan was getting affected by this.

One more year passed as we were divided into teams I requested Old Gramps to put me on Itachi's team( 4 members instead of 3) after pondering over my request for sometime he agreed to it.

Itachi Uchiha, Izumi Uchiha, Tenma Izumo and me ,we were on the same team. (Team-2) We spend most of our time completing low-ranked mission as our team became famous and acquired the no.1 Genin team title .

Finally after months of doing low-leveled missions we were assigned a mission of protecting the FIRE-DAIMYO will we escort him to the destination stated in the mission-scroll . I marked my teammates with the *Flying raijin seal* just to be on the safer side after all we were going to fight Obito.

We started escorting the fire-daimyo I was able to successfully place a *Space-time sealing seal* on daimyo so that when obito will kill him the seal will implant itself on the attacker though the seal would only be active for 2 days it would still seal his Eyes ability.

After 2 Km I said " I think I saw someone over that tree you guys continue I will go and check it out."

They noded and Itachi said "Be careful Nii-san" I smiled at him as I left while thinking "Sorry brother but this is for your own good."

After 5 min Obito attacked the group as I concealed myself behind a tree and watched him as he killed the Daimyo ,I smiled as I thought "Now I have to wait and strike when he is about to kill Izumo so that brother can awaken his sharingan sorry Tenma but I promise to treat you with your favorite food after we return."

{Itachi's viewpoint}

Izumi was knocked unconscious by the Masked man.

I thought " He is too strong for us we have to escape ,if brother was here then we could have escaped through his *Flying raijin technique* what should we do now???."

Tenma looks towards Itachi and Izumi as his eyes were filled with determination he takes out a kunai and runs towards Obito as he shouted "Guys run I will hold him here Go now!!!!!!."

Itachi shouted "Tenma....!!!!!"

he pounced on Obito with his kunai ,but obito easily dodges and kicks him in the stomach , Tenma falls on the ground as he spoke with Great difficulty "Ru...n gu...ys Go...n....ow."(Run guys go now).

Obito clunches his neck with his hand as he lifts him up and says "This is what happens when you are weak. So weak that you can't even protect your comrades remember this pain and live with it as you try to become stronger." he takes out a kunai ready to kill Tenma.

Itachi looks at Izumi who was lying on the ground unconscious then looks at Tenma who was struggling for air and was about to be killed . I thought "Why???..... why did it have to happen????... ,why am I so weak that I can't even protect my friends why????....".

I suddenly felt something changing in my eyes ,suddenly I could see Tenma, Izumi and the masked man's chakra network and everything was looking more clear. I touched the skin beneath my eyes with my fingers and muttered in daze "Sharingan...!!".

Before the Masked man could kill Tenma , Tenma was replaced with another figure , suddenly the scene before my eyes changed what followed was a loud sound.


A big fire cloud could be seen a great distance away I looked around and saw Izumi & Tenma both lying on the ground , another figure was standing their seeing him I said while still processing what happened "


He smiles and says " Sorry brother I was caught in a trap and it took me some time to free myself.....Please forgive me..."

I said " It's ok Nii-san.."

{Let's go back in time when Obito was about to kill Tenma}

{Mc viewpoint}

I thought as I saw Tenma hanging in the air "It's time..."

I made a *Fire-style:-Blazing clone*(Rank-S) ,placed a *Flying raijin seal* on it and used <modified> *Reciprocal Round-Robin Flying Raijin Jutsu*(Rank-A) to change Tenma's place with the clone.

{In original technique}

(Both persons will mark each other with their respective seals, this grants them the ability to switch their positions at any point in time during a battle. In one instance of use, Minato and Tobirama used this technique to take Obito Uchiha by surprise on the battlefield where Minato — who was originally struck by an attack — switched places with Tobirama to cause the attack to land on their intended target.)

{Modified version}

( Only need one person of the two to know how to you *Flying-raijin jutsu* ,both targets must have the seal on them so that they can change their places with each other in this case Tenma already had a seal on him |Stated above|.)

Then I teleported away with everyone to the guard post so that we can report what happened. I know that even though Obito wouldn't be able to use his Space-time jutsu to avoid the blast(Blazing clone:-Explodes reducing everything around to nothing) he would still be okay with his wood-release.


The masked-man with his left arm reduced to ashes and his body covered with burns thinks "He placed a *Time-space sealing seal* on the Fire-daimyo so that when I would strike him ,I would be affected by the seal and wouldn't be able to use my ability ,then he change places with the boy ,I was about to kill with a *Blazing clone* and explodes it while teleporting him away ,he placed a time-space seal as a trap that means he would have known that I would try to kill daimyo and that I know how to use a time-space technique to attack or move , Its no fluke..... he must know about my abilities ,but how???... I am sure other than the 4th hokage ,who is dead there is no one in the village who knows about me ,so how would he know and even so much that he could make a custom trap only for me..... I should be careful the plan has just entered Phase-1, I should be more careful...."

He walks towards the forest and disappears...

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